Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)

TEE POBTSMOTJTE TIMES: SATURDAY, APEIL 14, 1894. COURT BUSINESS. Tlie April Term of Common Pleas Court in Session. Jurj Enipaunellttl nuil Docket Kcatl --Other In tbe various County The April term of common pleas court convened at 10 o'clock Noah J. Dever presiding.

After the empanneling of tbe grand jury the morning was taken up in calling the docket and assigning cases. There are over 300 cases OD tbe docket The courtconstablesfor the term are T. Beirely and Ed Andre, The grand jury was empanneled as follows all members reporting. W. 0.

Feurt, foreman; Peter Somers, George Blair, J. H. Massie, Amos Stewart, W. J- Thomas, Benj. Freeman, Benj.

B. Cranston, M. N. Stout, Valentine Schirman. Philip Carpenter Chas, PQger.

Edwards Benj. Joha- sonT and Chas. HilL The Portsmouth National liank through its attorneys Thompson and Newman filed suit this morning against Thomas B. Lawson. Portsmouth Young Ladies Seminary company and Robert Peebles executor of Rachel Hamilton, foreclosure of mortr gage on the seminary property on Second street.

Mr. Lawson purchased the property at Sheriff's sale giving his notes in part payment. The amount claimed by tbebaakis Two more tax suits were filed by W. C. Draper, They are against Henry Wishou ct.

for SBS.53, and S. Cai vert et for A number of other similar suits were Sled, bot will prob ablr be settled out of eonrt. The following entries were made: John T. Miller vs. Oco, RUlout, ment revived.

Collis P. Huntingloo vs. Scioto Val ley Railway company, et at, receivership- Continued oft' docket. County Treasurer vs. U'm.

U. EwinTM, tax suit. Dismissed by plaintiff. County Treasurer vs. Albert H.irdy et Sciuie.

County Treasurer vs Amos Jenkins and C. H. Mnsseller, same. County Treasurer vs. Elixabeth Campbell and II 11, Campbell, same.

County Treasurer vs. Margaret Fogarty. same. Uarnarin et al, VK. Joseph Robinson, receiver.

Dismissed by plain- tdH without prt-judice. Julius Job nicy vs. Francis Lombard, attachment, dismissed by pkiintifi without prejudice. M. .1.

Noel et al. vs. Norfolk and Western railway, injunction made perpetual. Geo W. Muiilt vs.

Aaron partition, sale confirmed. Peter Brushart, vs. U'm. Fitch et mechanics lean, settled. Frank JlcClintick vs.

Kobert McCiiti- tick et partition, continued oil docket. Archibald Harris vs. Andrew D. Allen et foreclosure, continued off docket. Lizzie Eramu us.

John Wilson, damages, dismissed at, plaintiJTs cost John Amlm vs Francis Daves, et settled. Ella Hopkins, vs. Thomas J. ISasham, money and damages, leave to file amended petition. W.

A. Blair and A. JlcColIocli, executors of John T. Wilson, vs. Crawford and Leonard, money, judgment by default.

Roy.il Savings and Loan association YS, John.G. Uerder, et al, foreciusure. settled. Eachel McEinney vs. William Mc- Kinaey, alimony, settled.

John Brown vs. in ton Price et al petition for partitiou: R. Reed, ap pointed guardian ad litem for infant defendant partition ordered. Plnlip Prick vs. Atnos Schmeisser et al foreclosure, settled.

Rosa llilffcr vs. Clement Kimley et foreclosure, judgment by default, sale ordered. Alcxandei' Gloekner vs. J. S.

Morgan et al, appeal, dismissed at defendant's cost. Richard Wilson vs. Robert Baker PK- etutor, moaey. Jui-y trial April Atnos Cole vs. P.

V. railroad. injunction. lEearing on application of pliiiutifE to dismiss. F.

Rulilman vs. S. B. injunction, Rearing on motion to dismiss. Depossitioas returned to Buffalo for proper L-CI tificution.

Jos. Steagall v. Cynthia S. ISrow n. administratrix, money.

Trial April Isasic Bberlv A Co vs. The LittK- Ken.iwha Lumber comDany. attach tuenl. Hearing on motion April 13th. Lemuel Salladay vs Kate Crawford ct al.

foreclosure. Leave to W. C. Draper to be made party rlefendant. Appearance entered.

Leave to answer. Answer and cross petition filed. Josiah S. Morgan vs. Alexander Woekoer, in error.

Motion to dismiss overruled Exception. C. P. Tracy Co. vs I.

E. Christian money. Passed for service. Conrah John i a foreclosure. Passed for sale.

C. SI. Chaffin et rs. S. B.

Masters ct money. Continued on applica tion of defendant to procure depositior of Edwin .1. Slaughter. llenry Peters Sous vs. Ueo.

Kel and Millie Bennett, relief. Passed for sale. Martha Fields vs Benjamin Lewis al, partition; passed for sale. Lewis Pfleg-er vs. Philip Metledvck.

appeal: leave to file answer: answe filed; leave to file reply: reply filed. Oeorgc M. Culbertson vs. Emma 3 Cuibertson. divorce; passed for service Sarah Burks et ai.

vs. Mary L. ritt et al. relief, llarry Miller ap pointed guardian of minor defendants leave answer, answer filed. Wesley Williams vs.

Jeffersoa 11 Williams et al, partition; leave to afi swerfor Williams forthtrith. Henry Meyers vs. Ella Meyers el al "mjnnction: leave to answer forthwith Kate G. Mcllvata, e.Tccutris. vs.

Geo W. Browi. foreclosure; tenv toU', C. Draper to become party defend ant: answer filed. Mutual Buiidinf and Co.

vs. Prank H. Radford; leave to U'. C. lra per to becorae pai-tj- defendaat: appear ancc ctlercd; ansiver aud cross netitio filed.

The grand jury finished its work aui reported at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning having been in session a day and a hall Forty-eight witnesses were- examined, covering ten cases, lonr of ignored and six true bills returned. Tbe jury also visited tbe jail and report that rules are being properly enforced there and are being kept aud cared for as well as circ*mstances will permit. The indictments, with tbe exception'of one not jet made public, are as follows; Edward McAllister and Andrew Cooper, burglary, stealing fruit, lard and jelly to the value of 55 from Joseph Ames' residence. Feb. 17, ISSN, Edward Sargent and Frank Courtney, burglary, stealing eighty pounds of coffee worth S20 from the Scioto Star Fire Brick works.

Jan. 27, 1S91. Edward Sargent and Frank Courtney, breaking into B. W. station jouse March 1S94, and stealing $100 worth of wearing apparel, the property of Mary Hawkins and Mack Eaklns.

Bert McCoy, alias WcCollister, break- ng into Louis Maynard's residence, March 8. 1S94, and stealing a suit of clothes valued at S30. William Sullivan, breaking into Helt Bros, grocery, March 20. and stealing two boxes of cigars valued at $1.50. pointment confirmed, bond filed, order of sale at private sale.

MUner, administratorVf Allison, final account filed, H. a Marshall appointed suatdian of person of Sola Fields. E. L. Dunway administrator of Jane A.

Dunway, first and final account filed. Henry Vincent administrator of Charles F. EusseL First and final account filed, Estateof Jacob Blank, application letters filed. of Looisa Albauch, account tiled. MOaTG.VOKS CASCEU-ED.

Hugh L. Reagan to Savings bank, John Held and wife to Second Scioto Building and Loan company, SOOO. Henry Traugot and. wife to Second Seioto Building and Loan association, S600. Charles Daehler and wife to Second Seioto Building and Loan association.

PERSONAL. Daisy! Daisy! Give him ymir answer, We're half ciaay Hearing Tbe prisoners indicted at the last ting of the grand jury were arraigned, and all entered plcasof not guilty. The entries in those cases, along with the other criminal eases are as follows: Frank Seymour, recognized from Mayor's court on the charges of cutting, with intent to kill, was discharged, no bill being found ajrainst him. Horace Rockwell, stoning a train, continued off docket. Ed, Davis, two charges of keeping a saloon open oa Sunday.

Nollied. James Lavin, same charge, continued off docket, Bise, religious meeting, recognized from Probate court Discharged, no bill, Walter Brown, Earnest McDanicl, Edsar Wilson, Thomas Brown, Theodore Browe, assault, recognised from Justice court. Discharged, no bilL Uenj. Adkius, assault with intent to kill, recognized from Justice court. Discharged, no bill, W.

Kelly, Charles Tertuset Pertusct. Itert Pertuset, Joseph P. Kelly, Benjamin Pertuset. assault and battery, recognized from justice ccuit, ischarged, no bill Joseph P. Keiley, assault with in- Uil).

recognized from justice's our disc barged, no bill. Sullivan, burglary, arraigned, not guilty. Trial set for April 33, Ed McAllister and Andrew Cooper, 'urglary, arraigned, plea -not guilty. Trlit! set for April Dert McCoy alias McCollister, bur- avr. arraigned, plea not guilty.

ial set for 24. Edward Sargent and Frank Courtney, two charges, burglary, arraigned, plea, not guilty. Trial set for April 4. .1 "Dawson assigned to defend Ezra H. Soel and wife to state neetieut, James Willis and wife to Porti- moulh German BuUdingano 1 Loan ssso- 3300.

Frank G. Taylor to Scioto Building and Loan association, S900. J. W. MeAuley to Jas, H.

McAuley. S1.500. Isaac Malone to Mary Jenkins, SiOO, II, C. Martin and wife to Home Mutual Bundle? and Loan company, $1,800. Frank L.

Marting aud wife to Second Seioto Building and Loan Company S1.3UO. Carl Lehman Co. to Watkins 594 Smiley A. Caldwell to Sophia Cald- Benjamin Armstrong and wife to Joseph Kelly, Sij. Benjamin Armstrong and wife to Harrison Wlute, 370 BaMrldge Nagle to Stewart, S700.

-MARRIAGE HC-KXSES. Herman 11. tubbc, Annie E. UinVlcy. C.

E. Carter and Laura Brooks Jeptha. Griffin and Jennie New berry. Thomas J. Strickland and Larkerie Leslie, Henry C.

llcnson and Alice B. Scth. John Barlow and Margaret Jihn 0. Turner and Lida V. CriUl Joseph Trimble Tracy.

Alnore Arnold. Frank Keller. Anna M. Guns. The eases assigned for trial arc as ollows Monday, April 10, Amos B.

Cole Shunnahau vt attachment Conrad Cerlatih vs. Josepb Gallicm, appeal Tuesday, April 17-- Wm. J. McDowell John ShnWet damages; Geo, U. Wikoffi vs.

Jerome Uleekman. apl: Sarah C. Jacobs vs. Ceo. W.

Stewart, ejectment; Richard Wilson vs. Uobcrt Baiter, executor, money the ast named case continuing over into iVednesday, Wednesday, April IS-- Lou Yinjrer vs. Thomas W. Cook, bastardy Chiis, Mirklethwa.it, vs-Fred Schmitt. appeal; Wednesday and Thursday Lewis eper vs Cfaaries Baldwin et monej- Bernard Augustin vs.

Alfred Tones, in replevin. Thursday and Friday, 19 and -20-Inane i). Ymgling et al. vs, James Jumgarner, possession cf real estate John vs. B.

F. Bowser, appeal Ayouug man from the country applied at the orobate judge's office Saturday morning for the document necessary to weld two hearts together and make two young people happy for life, lie had overlooked the fact that bis future wife is now but IT years of age and did not have the necessary parental written consent. He returned home alter the DEI'UTV AtJIlITOli. M. H.

Sbumway, of Harrison town- sliip, the new deputy auditor, was at the court house today. He his just moved into the city from Harrison ill-! and will reside in the Hiist End. ESTATE (Irceit township-- Louisa Stiller to Christopher Sirehle, three tracts, eres, Harrison Bcatty to I. T. Arthur.

acres. Nile township-- John Miller to Wm McGraw, acres. 340. Morgan to wnsh in-- Samuel M. Me- Chesney to W.

McClave. fi-3 acres, 3250. Brush Creek-- James T. Snook and wife to Harrison White, 15 aores. Edroond W.

Armstrong to Benjamin Armstrong-, SO S4 acres, Sl.OOO. U. Armstrong to Edraond ArroslronR. S4 acres. Ptrst ward-- Jimes Fulton and wife to C.

Evans, part ol lot 17,1, Hotel Portsmouth, Fourth ward-- Jamas Teeters et al. to Henry Teclers, part of lot 322. Barr addition, quit claim. Fifth ward, Albert Kehoc to Socrates Kugless, lob It, Kehoe addition, Si; quitclaim. Levi D.

York and wife to Socrates Rugless, lots MI and It, 85,000. ward-- S. S. Halderman. administrator of O.

Price, to Elifcabe.th Nickel, lot 85, Board of Trade addition, m-. Moses Brown to Wm. P. Ripley, part of lot TT, Morg-an addition, S300. John Callow.

al. to John Starke, part of lot -ISO, $1,700. John to Jacob Hobstetter, lot S. Gnmes Horr addition. $400.

Madison township-- John Calbronner to Pbitlip Pflsger, two tracts, ISO acres $1.200. Andrew J. Powell and wife to Bermelia Shoemaker, 35 acres Sixth Ward-- Chas. Ball and wife to city of Portsmouth, lots SO and SI Pursell addition, S5W. Rush Township-- John lioertich and wife to John A.

Bover, aero, SI. 201. Nile Township-- William W. Yocng and wife to James T. Pitts, 11.09 acres, H.

S. Giimei, of Portsmouth, shipped 55 cars Or 30.000 bushels of COru and 10,000 bushels of wheat frouo thatvidn- ity dtu-itui the mouth of Match, lie is not Father Grimes," that old man, butGtitnes, tho hustling bustier of corn and wheat, a son of the old man Gallipolis Journal. Stabler Bros, sell harness cheapest. The DAH.V TIJIBS. of I'ortsin'ouiU, published its Bi-si.

number last week. Such a deserves long life and prosperity. The TIMES hus foi ye.irs been one ol the most able ant! influential Democratic papers in Patriot. Just name ttie day for the marriage, We'll all chip ia for a carriage, And 'twill be our treat. If you'll put in a seat For those two little sirls in MueM'uck.

front Saturday's Unity. The many friends of Dr. S. S. Halderman will be pleased to learn that he is sufficiently recovered from his iate serious illntss, to attend to his office practice at his usual hours.

David B. Tburlow, formerly a conductor on the C. P. V. railroad, now occupying a similar position on the nrnia line of the O.

S. is at tbe Biggs House. Mr. Thurlow will be in the city a few days, calling on old friends. Raymond York leaves thU evening for Ilobokeo.

X. J-, to enter upon a course in mechanical engineering, pre parator.r to entering college in the fall Raymond has shown much ability in this direction, and we are quite sure be will be a very successful student. His father, Levi D. York, will accompany him East From llonday't Daily. J.

0. Jones, editor of the avert Watchman, spent Sunday ivith relatives in this city. A little girf of Mr. J. Rmehart, of East Fourth street is quite ill niil: tvphotd fever.

Kennedy Thompson went to Cine'm nati to-day where he will erve a juror for the U. S. court in session there: 3. Taylor, ol the Ijiurtbc company, has returned from a trip the northern part of the in ill' interest of the company. Miss Jean Baker, of Washington street, has returned home, after a dc lightful visit ol several neefei in th gay society town.

Washington 1 She was Uie guest, of her sister, Mr Ed liusther, Charles XoWe, wl.o will be remem bered an M. A. cadet in tiic yer spent Sunday his friends here, on bis way ivest from York, where he has been attending a medical college lie started ibis morning for the i i If-air- Ills home is Biitte Citv, Montana. impUroeuts, all kinds atStahler Bros. Alfred Birmingham of 1331 Chillicothe street, an employe of the Burgess Steel and Iron struck by afaHingpully biock yes'terday and received a sculp wound that laid the skull bare, also a blow in the face that knocked one tooth out.

Dr. Blankemeyer was called and sewVd up the wound. Any kind of harness at Stabler Bros. I simply to to my farmer friends that before buying farming implements of any kind, they should call on me. will convince them that am still ia the business, will them the finest line of implements ever shown iu Portsmouth, at prices Hut will satisfy them.

II GRIMES. aT-Sw 111 and 112 W. Front street. George Freshel, of ths 'Palace restaurant, is improving and beautifying- his place by painting and papering. Burpee's and Lamlreth's seeds only sold in bulk by Fisher Stretch's.

coin miss Spaed seeds with them is a the past. "Zcke" who was arrested Saturday on tbe charge of carrying con- ttsaled weapons, was bned and costs by Mayor Hall tUU Wacom-. The best and cheapest earth at II. GJIIWCS, a7-3w 111 and Front street. on The puUu; library is in need of quite a number ol back numbers of maga- aineii to till out icts, aod would be under many obligations for donations.

A very unique and handsome nickel- plated box for carrying postage stamps in the vest pocket "'ill ba milled free upon receipt of cents for postage. Stamps taken. Addres C. B. Kyan, A.

G. P. C. O. railway.

Cincinnati. Ohio The Crushart Lumber is still tliricing and doin? a bis business these days. Monday a complete house frame was shipped to Glade, Jackson county, and one also to George Knapp, at Powellsville. Burpee's and Landreth's melon seeds 1'ROBATB KEco*kD. Estate ot William M.

Watts, exceptions to account fllcd Grice. trustee, vs. Carson ct al, sale confirmed, deed ordered. Estata of James Wallace; inventory filed. Halderman, administrator, vs.

Lummis et aL: sale confirmed. Rhodes, guardian, vs. Rhodes, at Fisher Strcich's, opposite office. A fresh lot just received. post- T.c^-.

Tli.iti Cost. One best Connersville phaeloa, ST.V. worth S10U. One leather trimmed phaeton, worth One e-cprcss. S-T-T: tvorth SS'r.

One phaeton cart. S.J3: worth SOO Two farm wojons. See E. GATKS Co HO West Second sweet. Portsmouth.

O. S. V. freight receipts so far in April Ii3v been exceedingly good, and if keejxs up durinjt the month receipts will compare very favorably with those or the month last year. The confidence that people have in Ajer's Sarsapanlla as, a blood medicine is tbe legitimate and natural growth of many years.

It has been handed down irotn parent to child, and is the favorite family medicioe ia thousands of households. Mrs. Colonel of Columbus, is visiting her mother, II rs. 0. D.

Jones, of Washington street. Mrs. Ella llieily Wilson, of Columbus, is tins guest of her brother, Uiei ty, of Ecist Second street, Mrs IlaviU and Mrs. John ElderJun leave this ereninp- fur a visit i Rochester. M.

V. friends, via. X. W. Mrs.

Egglcson Gates and sou Chailie have i from a week's visitat the hcme of her sister, Mrs. J. Fulton, of Willard. Ky, Miss Edith Jones, of the East End, returned home the Jtirst of tlie week enjoying week's pleasant vacation with friends in Greennp.Ky. F.

Duehler. the well known Market street furniture dealer, accompanied by his daughter. Emma, will leave the latter part of this uioatli for two months' vis.it to Europe. They vrill go trom tliis city to Baltimore, and irorn there to Berlin, from which latter city they wilt to Jlr. Daehler'sold home and spaud ade- iigfctful tii-o months v.ith friends and relatives.

From H'ttfiifititau's It 3i Rjghtroier, oi Iroiuon yestwlay, A. T. Uolcomb and Floyd 7, Smith are in Cincinnati on business. Mrs Edwards left this morning for Fairburg, over the N. W.

L. Pakulit, a merchant of Otway, was in town on business yes turd ay Louis Yinirer, of Portsmouth is the guest of friends in this 1 Gazette. Mrs. Fred F. Wiehl, of is tlie giicstoi her sister, Mrs.

J. Strayer, oE Third street. Mrs, Ernest and son. Jacob, have returned'from a week's visit with relatives at Captain and Mrs. 0.

W. Schachleilcr, of Irnnton, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Clias. tJloekner and the litttc grandwn l-orn Sunday evertinrT' Rev. Tucker arrived home yes- tculav, after a two tveeits" busiccss, trip to Philadelphia.

He also spent a few day at Ins old home in Charleston, W. Va. from Tlotriitity'i Daily. Mrs. Adair, of -IS East Second street.

leave this evening via the vt W. for San Francisco. Mrs. Mary Ilayward, of IronLon. is spending a few weeks visiting her -Mrs, J.

Fiillerton. at Wheelcrshurff Miss McGhce, of West Sixth street, has been spending the pist two days in Cincinnati, accompanied by her sis ter. Orin U. Gould, of Wellston. Mr.

M. U'ilcox will leave this evening over A 0. for Dallas, Texas, where he has secured a position as en gioeer in a large furniture establish roent. Miss Minnie Gin way of linnncwell Furnace, who has been spending a few weeks with Mrs. W.

MeCurdy. vrheclersburjr, returned home today, Mrs. M. Aldrkh. of Netv York, who has been spending the winter in California, arrived at Whcelcrsburfr.

Wednesday, to spend a few days Miss Anna T. J. IJashan. of Sctotoviile 'has returned home alter a week's visit with Col. H.

C. Shnmp, at Ashland 7Irs, Khump returned with him and will visit at Sciotoviilc. Hon. Stanton. accompanied by his wife, left today for Hot springs, Va.

where he will remain for three weeks. Mr. Stanton has been iH health for -ome time past, arid went to Hot in hopes that the change would be beneficial to his healtli. Qis manv friends hops to see him return with his health fully restored. IT IS FUNNY That some people will continue to pay high prices for inferior clothing when they can get the best in every way for reasonable figures.

For instance: to We defy the world to show better for the money. Elegant in every particular. The BOQS Cac Wear AH wooismts that are made rom jg 0 strongly and fit perfectly for Um IU All these goods come in the best fabrics and in all the latest weaves and shades. Nothing old or mouldy in our stock. For Children We are always proud of our Children's Department For ages 4 to 14 we have all styles in Knee Pant Suits.

They range all the way from to S6. When you wish to be "suited" in every -particular call at Headquarters! HEER Cash Clothiers and Furnishersi 409-411 ChUlicotbe Street, Guns Young Man And little guns find it profitable to buy their Shoes at KENDALL'S. The reason is they get the stock and style, and at tbe very lowest price in the city. See our handsome new'stock of Spring Styles-For Ladies. a The stylish Piccadilly, large button--the very newest thing.

Welt Piccadilly, also button, square toe, turn and welt button. Our variety exceds any dealer in the city, and we guarantee the lowest prices. For Gentlemen. Our square-toed patent leather button. Patent leather Piccadillies and We want your trade.

We want you to see what we have to offer you in Shoes. In Fine Shoes at $1,50, $2, $2,50, $3 and $5 AVe have extraordinary good values, i Urilaundered and Negligee Shirts of good material, full size and well made, for Neckwear in Latest Shapes. SUSPENDERS, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR I1ST ANDERSON SON, 134 West Second Street. stylish tan lace shoes. All the newest styles li and best goods.

For Children. Red tans, black tans, spring heels--button. A beautiful stock and in varieties numerous enough to suit any and all tastes. Low Guts. We have all tbe latest 'things in Ladies' Low Cuts out this season.

KENDALL, THE SHOE MAN 122 Second St, This Little Flurru In tbe weather has made a big demand for Spring Overcoats: Our stock of fabrics for these garments is composed of every new shade. We make them at Ready-Made prices- Excel! in style and fit all others. Our prices are a constant source of astonishment tc competitors and gratification to patrons. HAAS, SCHWARTZ SMITH, ARTISTIC TAILORS, West Sewml PORTSMOUTH Plow repairs lor all plows at Stabler Bros. All kinOs of goods orsarmcnts Jyfcd, prcsstd and mad? to look as as now, coioss mmm.

50 East Sir.M One square cast of fustoffice. PortiEooufh, Cold Storage and Meat House, Street. Xcar Offnere. Market Price Paid in Cask for Cold Storge Kates Furnished on Application. Telephone J9O.

FRANK F. VARNER, PORTSMOUTH ICE CO, Contractor and Builder. ParttctJtr attention glten to putttoK Orflcrs ied al Sentord Ws Dtomptl? attended to. Manufacturers of Sods Water, Ginger Afc and Mineral Waters and Dealers tn Ice. IIS fFett Front Street.


Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.