Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)

3KN1KS. 18 00 18 00 4 00 lo oo ft 00 a 00 00 00 FUND. PRE3. KTEEN. FUND.

00 5,021 74 9W 2M10 I 66 33 12 28 1,320 0ft loo ia 75 10 3,1 jy JW i9 DO )Vt 74 111 J7 Hi l.Wl RXJUO 00 M7 00 IV. 00 15060 J3 80 tor town ruitge Ai, 1 11 91 tlflJHES. FUND. IE SHEET. 13 TO It) SI nrr 10 (Ml 80 1078 OUDbUH OVKH- ON i A UltAWK.

1 80 lUo 1W bS SiLHJJtJL Wi A )t DMU i 1, ISSO I (Ut iSN-j jjJuly 1, fdo I do itfto. issj i 18X0 duo July 1,00000 J5 (WO 00 60 uuo oo U.WW 00 00 000 00 ooo oo 10 oo luuoo oo IA) jhu'ivt of tho tut i books in the A i HotUce ug, il.is.ii H.H.OADOT, A mil tot rtUoto co O. ul Utport for tho ywtir lo Ilit following 1 Uuport tluittho ox- M7 it ml a for iho i cloning aid lor Uu same pur POM 10, i OJ, unit i If inoro, i i i a i tUeliuro- I i i ol thiseUiUmsiis ieqiilrtx.1 by I i i i liotoru tlu I allowance, wo exptnmuuo Llio kit.plug In repair or llio turn- I 1st la7- Sll.ioL.tt. WHW palil rroni tho with Aug 1870, I lit) At IHIS hit -nUlW, urn 14 a. Diving of ami It will not bo mild by i i i of tho i i iue I worse LQmillion-- arc bt tier J-Jt'bt of the ul of 111 i tii reduo le i li VN I i In HI UK li bl.

1 he in bit UK about tltls ft i i ro- i reduction of tin- buluiu I tho bet I H) ii'eunco to lite tho nnd wchool tij tin vt iti i Unit i i ll lAlitf IS7H) i fu.io thu rouort, i has ft true of i i i mort of triiu but i i that the roUuo- lm.n elTtuU-d with thu rovouutH ix the vonr, aC a i a mluoilon ot 37,011 nmtcr up of om pusont icixrinml i tin i miult' In our i lompimHl lih thai of lust ye'tr, mini io iluiy be HI hi i Iho i iLdiioiloii ur 37 till in tho county LW.il McCUUDY. HiiHton nppolntod to examlao Iho IXINING Ata of Ohio, Soioto county, ss. In thu Court of Couimon Plena. I of Court, mailo at its September Jotuinittoe have examined the County the yoar ending August Slit, 1879, ttotait, each Uom of i as com pa rod the vouchon on file, and uoaura, i tho -VudiCor'a Account lie correct I ft tinned each item of receipt, nod bavo ptl for, and credit entered upon tbe boo In aumors hnre i judgment and pru- ifTnirs of tho county, antl bare in re to promote its best i i tbe action of the Cotntulislonori, re and greater atnotnew ia tbe allow- uld be oWorrod In owes before should be required of tnoie laalltutioff a i the law nhoulct be in at- Tho large annually paid to jorori eyond tho control of the or a proper remedy for grywlag ovil. unty A i in cooduoleil lo a sjrato- k- aod papers nre him with introduced several changes the of- of accounts more aod unv Auditor rendered us, anii faroM showDj bmitted OLPOMB, HUSTON, Pros.

Alt'y. Ll'URDAY, MARCH 6, 1880 A GimmifHiwdoM and porlwn Scwio and adjourned last Monday. GERI.ACU left for "Sew Yor --Tiih CommiBeiouera have been i week. AabJand. Ky 0 ibfl city Monday.

-MBS MASOX, iotrnerly Mias Mag Tonef, a viailing her old home. --Tut venerable Judge COFFIN I lutibnali, died last Sunday. PI sTBKfcSTiso local aod other mat tef be found oo the first page. Esq of Jack JOD( the city Tuesday last. --A HEAVY storui prevailed Thursday night, great guns lONJtOLLLY bangs out ao a i i i i --KBAD the ordinance changing the (boundaries of the Fourth nod 1 Sri.i'fl£^ 80f held ineu- anco upon his life amounting to --THE Dotty Goott Conabination appeared at the Opera Huuss last MABIIX NAUKL, the late turnkey, I uow employed in the Sciolo Valley I car shops PotusMOuru will aend a numer OIB rcpreyeulatioa to the Ciucinnfttti Convention Eioiir car loads of Bait passed through here Thursday from Pomeroy --ALEX.

ROBIXSON left for CiociD- I nati luat Monday, where he is taking medical lectures. --KATE CLAXTON, the charming I actress, at the Opera House next I Thursday evening. SWIM has sold his property OD Court street to Darnel H. Bard, gon of Bard. --S BROWN and family of Run, left Inyt Thursday for Naples, Scott couuty, III.

fue lake will be a thing of baauty when tho grass grows green upon Us wave-dashed shores. --THE easier sale of ladies of Christ Church, will be hold on the evening of April 8th, in the chapel. --JVMCS MORRISON ia now employed as traveling salesman for L. dealers hardware Ac. THE residence recently occupied by Dr, Lvautzleben on Second street, is for root, Apply at the TIMES office, MB.

LON McKAitLix has retired tow the steamer Bedford nud 19 now connected i tho agency of McColm A buiitU. StiEBirr Ibft last Monday for Columbus, i his three pna ouers, Wilson, Robinson and Thomas for tho A NUMHLit ot valuable lots will be offered ut public sale next Saturday, by J. H. Kofttis, Receiver of the It 13ell property. THB total number of nnlea of free in Scioto county is one hundred nnd sixty-nine miles and fifty- eight hundredihs.

Mtss A A i A daugh- tor of Nicholas Grulmro, formerly of thia city, now reaulmg in Nile township, dangerously ill. THE seriesoi meetings which have beou in progress at the Carey's Run E. closed Thursday oveu- iny. Prayer meeting to-night. THE subject ut the Sunday even- in" seimoo, at Sixth Street M.

(Jtuirc'i, will be "Angelic Mmistra- versus Motlom Spiritualism," A PARK ot Adams coun ty, of i township, of this county, was in city the other day DUL. as staunch a Democrat as ever A I C. CUNXOR, of Upper N.lc, is putting up a new store house (it Friendship, ami will movo from Uie i i he now occupies, the first of il week. --WE were pleased to meet Mr. It.

Tayleure, the polite business mao ger of the Uua Phillips Combinatioi ut the TIMES office last evening. --Ma. LEVI YORK, recently of gala, U. S. of Columbia, Sout America, is now iu charge asSuperin teudent of the Burgesa Steel aodlro Works iu place of bis brother Jarae York, Pat away his uraok-braln lie climbed the asylum 13, 1, Turned hu and aent htm there.

Plica Obttrvt However Geo. Crawford ha discovered the key to it all the eame --DANIEL DUNN, who has been in employ of Moore CD'S. Machin Shops for the past en years, leave next week, to take charge of Mi i'hos. Adams' machine shops, fit Riv rside, (X --MRS. NANCY SMALLEY, wife antic Scaalley, oi Brush Creek town hip, died ou the 19th in the 73d ear nf her age.

She was rnarriet 19th, 1830 und died on the 50ti rmiversary of her wedding day. --MR. W. G. COOPER made a bus uees trip to tbe city thia week, spend ng Monday aud Tuesday in the city, lis friends didn't detect any of the net of the milly upon bis garments, ut he explained that the grinding bac ot begun.

--REV R. H. Wallace will deliver address on Monday evening at clock at the First Presbyterian hurcb OQ "The Relation of the t'hisky Question to Law and Poll- A forcible presenlatiou oi the ubject may be expected. --THOS. COLLINS, has removed bis tabltsbment from Front street to tbo oom recently occupied by A.

Lorberg As he changes hia residence to the econd Ward, this creates a vacancy i tbe City Council. Tom has been hairomn of the Committee on Police. --THERE will be a meeting of the 3oard of Trade this afternoon at 3 clock. There will be some action aken to sustain the proposition now efore Congress to erect a public inkling in thia city, at a cost of 50,000. --MR.

JOSEPH BRADFORD, accora- nied by his sister, Miss for- erly residents nf this city, but more cently of Pike coiinty, were visiting i end here this week. Jce has beou uidling the slick tind rule in tbe ketou Courier office, of late. --BECKER GLIDPEM have romov- into the Davis block, two doors at of their former stand, and now mat one of tbe handsomest store oiiis in the city, B. Nichols remove from their old Thircj street iner to the large wareioom vacated the former firm, Sudden Death of Wm. T.

Stephei son, THE friends of "Billy" Stephens ia thia city, aud ho had hosta of tbem were shucked to bear of hia tudde death, which occurred at bom Water, Mercer county, Saturday uight about twelve o'clock We learu that Mr. Stepheneon ba been complaioing for several days neuralgic pains io the head but con to attend to business. Satur day evening be came from his store still complaining, and said that felt etranaely. He retired, however as usual, iu an adjoining room with premonition of serious results, and none of the family thought that tbe el of death was hovering so near About midnight Mrs. Stephenson was aroused by hia groaus, Thinking be was suffering from nightmare she-went bis bedside, but was unable to arouse iim.

She immediately sent for his brother Orville, who is a physician in he village, but before he arrived her lusbaud was dead and bis spirit bad aken its itight from earth. Wm. T. Stepheusou was born Janu ry 13th, 1844, iu Franklin county, but lived tbe greater portion of its life at Wheeltirfihurg in this county He had been engaged for many years the drug business in this city, and or a long period previous to hia rerno- al Irona Portsmouth be was tbe bead leik in the store of Daniel spry. By bis genial qualities be won many friends aud by bis honorable eportment aud faithfulness he always etained them.

He left our city few months ago to embark in busi Mercer couuty, where his rother had preceded him, with high opea for the future, bat death closely ul lowed him aud took him without Mr. Stephenson was married in 376 to Miss Alice Larkias, daughter D. Y. Larkins. lie leaves two ildrcu, A and Willie, aged re- three nnd one He 1 urn bund und father, aud as noted for the care nnd kindness he lacitttsU'd for bis mother and sister.

a i reached here luat Tuesday ad weie to his old home Whetf rsburg, where in the beauti- I ce ueiery of that village they were id to redt. Grceti be tbe turf above COURT REPORT. Attempt to Break Jail. A BOLD strike for liberty was made by the prisoners in tbe county jail list Sunday night, wbicb came near being successful. Tbe prisoners had borrowed a flat iron for the ostensible purpose of ironing their clothes, Tbie looks like a formidable weapon to place tbe hands of prisoners, but we hear it had been given them, be for under directions of tbe Sheriff, Ha log retained possession of it they use itioprymgoffaheavyirondoor.

Wit this they succeeded Sunday morning about nine o'clock, in making a bol through the floor large enough fo tbem tu escape, and only awaited an opportune moment to make their exit That afternoon, while services were being held in the jail, one of the pris ou short sentence, told a lady ne of our school teachers, who was present, to notify Sheriff Purtell he pnsooera were preparing to escape bat night. At that time the door ol be cell was off, and its absence wae ouceuled by a blanket which a a wire, while another blanket overed the bole the floor. Witb Palace of the Palate. can to-day boas Andrew Crawford vs. Gr Grimes bia notice it looks like the Sheriti bould have instituted a thorough ex mtnution, and especially if be "amell- a rat" Sunday morning, as the 2Vi bune says he did.

By locking them io heir cells at that time he might have aved tbe county no little expense ae ie door and the iron frame is a total reck. After six o'clock tbe even- the three men Wilson, Robiuson od Thomas, sentenced the previous ay to toe penitentiary, went below, nd were on their way tu liberty. Mr. ursell went to church, while Scott oster held the fort. The latter going the door of the jail, an accident in riking a wire, thus turning on tbe ater, showed that the men were on ie outside with only a few bricke be- ween them and liberty.

Foster gave ie alarm and sent for tbe Sheriff, who bis return headed a brigade, armed ith clube, hatchets aud other deadly eapons, but by thia time, tbe wily isoners, seeing tbey were headed o3, ad returned through the aperture tu the hall of the jail. We do not want to be looked upon as criticising, but, if the Sheriff believed, aa the Tribune informs us, that mischief was brewing, he should certainly have inspected every portion of the jail. If he had, he would have easily discovered tbe brokeu door and the bole in the floor. And especially should he have dune through tbe labors of the eoterpmin firm of Becker Gltddeo, of bavin one the. moat complete and beat ar ranged groceries and confectioneries i tbe State.

Everylhiog that belong to their business, ia found ia eodles variety. Tbey now occupy the Davis builc ing, two doors east of their old stand which was fitted up, for their especia benefit. They seem to have a plac for everything and everything in ite place. Such enterprise deserves the patronage of our oitizeoa. It ie thia class that build up our town and give it a metropolitan appearance Firms that make such display and receive encouragement will do more.

The members of the firm are both young men, full of energy and pluck, tttih a great stock of experience and sociability, and we predict for them glowing and prosperous future. Not Brown, But Browning. BROWN, tbe thief, who was cunven ently deaf and dumb at times, and whom Capt. Williams gathered io, and removed from the temptations ol he world, now gives tbe name of Jas. T.

Browning, and aaya he bails from louiaville. Last Monday he was rougbt before tbe Mayor, plead gml 7, and waa bound over t3 court. languish in jail until the next erm. He admits breaking into the Kuropa Hotel and the Female Semi Mr. R.

A. Mabaffey, wbo lives en miles this side of Harrisonville, as iu tbe city Thursday, aud identi ed the watch, ring, sleeve button? in Cfipt. Williams' possession, as is property. The articles were taken rona his residence between two o'clock nd four o'clock p. M.

of the Sunday fter bis Saturday night raids in this ity two weeks ago. to set aside taken I 8 a the warning he received wariiuu of attorney, ou the ground usury. Judgment for defendant. hom*o i i tihd Loan Associa- on vs Maitie HatfieU and others-- -TflE Tribune, of Wednesday, re- Judgment in favor of plaintiff for 8177 40, and in fuvor of Portsmouth Building aud Loan Association, $240. Julia Damron vs.

Josiah Rowley et in ejectment. Judgment for ptumtifi. R. Bell Co. vs.

R. Summers --Tbe Harrison Furnace lots sold by through one of the pmoners, At- teudiug church is a Christian but a faithful officer should remember that it is bia duty to "watch" as well as to "pray ts marrntge licenses under tbe I the receiver, Alfred Buyer, couhrmed. Estate Transfers," the mcs of the couples follow the niouucement that "the following bnaexchuoged hands." Aud ihia tbe sequel to "Love's Young ream --MR BURGESS first engineer the Citv Water Works, has pre- ented to iheBoarrlof Trustees of the ecneiery a fine fountain jet, to be pla ceil on a new foundation erected at the Cemetery. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr Law by the Board for his handsome gtft. --CLAUDE a faithful em- ploye ot tbe TIMES office for the past several years, aud who has been suf- from severe attack oi for the past two months, again upon the streets--and extencj- 1 us a helping haod ou the paper 13 week.

A. THOMPSON is building a law office ou his premises ad- umig his Second street residence. It bo tramo nnd contain two corn- ni ulums roumg --MR Gi-o. 3 and wife now occupy the residence of the late Mrs Leiulbetter, on bixlh street, east of UhiHiuothe, Mr. Yeiuens is exec Utor of his sistor'ri eottxte.

MR 0. V. COLL, son of HOD. A Culp, has procured a clerkahip at Vfvshmgtou City, a i wish him peace anil contentment amid the po liticivl racket at the capital, --DK KoHhiir UODOLBS, who re staled Portsmouth jears ago died in Springfield, 0 last week He wtu a a whpn here, ot th venerable Dr. Uempatead --FLOYD McCoRMics, of Buen Vwtu, paid the TIMES omce a visit las 'lueaday.

Flojd and Kep McCa talk of a i tbe Marietta Co lege this spring find jumtner. --THL question of building the ne i to Mt Joy laid over the Commissioners until tbe June see eion, when the question of levying a Uifa that purpose will coosiacred nog John Ward va. Chna. Simpson et for $1,091 iu favor ofplaintifi, and 8850 in favor ol Portsmouth Buildiugand Loau Association. Nathan Burris va.

Eltnira, Me re hen --Suit in ejectment. Judgment for deiendaut Second Get man Building aud Loan Absociation vs. Simon Strauss--Judgment for $777 GO, Timothy Welle vs. Burriil Buone-- Suit to set aside deed made by the defendant to his wife, Judgment for defendant. Kiuney vs, Globe Insurance oo demurier to the petition.

Demurrer sustained and peli lion dismissed. Death of Chus. T. Pursell. THE frieuds ol Charles T.

Pursell, tbe eldest BOD of James Pursell, a former prominent merchant of this city, will regret to bear of bis death which occurred last Monday in this city. He was born iu Portsmouth the 5th day of May, 1846. Nearly all hia life he has been a sufferer, being from a child a victim oi inflammatory rheumatism, Tbe deceased had been three times married, having lost two companions by death, and leaves a wife, and also two children by his former union. The deceased lived at Chy Centre, Kansas, for a time, removing there about two years ago, but failing health compelled his return to his old home. Tbe funeral, which took place from the Sixth Street M.

E. Church at2 o'clock last largely attended by syrnpalhtz.ug friends, Still young, but having borne a full share of sufferings, nnd released at laat from pain, i hands will lay upon Charley's grave Jiesh offerings of ten- --MRS. LOUISA. fe of tbe late Alex. Weatherwax, lying at the poiut of death last ight.

--Monarch Bound Bosom, Unlaun led Shirt. Tbe best oue dollar urt in the market, for sale by G. W. SON. m-3t NEW A I WE EBttUIST A PERSONAL EXAM1HATIOH OF OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP GOODS! and Desirable Wool, Ootton a.nd Oni- Unequalled Display of TCiiybcmis, Laces and Trimmings Our JBeautiitil Patterns of and light Our Large of ISTew Designs in Buttons: Otw SSeleet JL-iire of Our Super1 Stocli of well-made, neat 9 durable SMOJ2S for 9 Ladies Children! As to prices we have but little to say tn print, because an advertised price means so little.

One mawells muslin at six cents per yard, another at seven cents anfypnother at eight cents. This does not settle which the cheapest. The difference in the quality of goods is the TEST. This season the early buyer will catch the bargains. REASONABLE PRICES and GOOD GOODS lave placed our Store in the JRONT RANKS as the BEST PLACE! We aro confident ow pi-Ices are rlfrlt will win li-atle.

Call uul tWesell John Clark Jr. Co. 's Machine Spool Cotton (on black fhos. Resell Co. sole Agents, and, convinced of ts, give it first place on our shelves.

W. A. CONNOLLEY, Cor. Fifth and Chillicothe Streets. Miss Kate Claxton.

AFTER two years' absence, tbis highly accomplished American actress made her re-entree at the Grand last night, in the "Two Orphans," and wae welcomed by large audience, which fully appreciated the melancholy story oi Louise as depicted so powerfully by tbe fair artiste. It is needless to describe the play, as its story is so well to theatre goeis here. During her absence, Miss Clapton hasgreatly etrengthened her representation of the a blind girl, and the naturalness of her acting appeals et once to the fiuer feelings of her auditors. Mr. Cbarles A.

Stevenson, who appeared 6rat aa Pierre and then as Chevalier de Vaundaey, ie worthy of ppecial mention, as bis acting uas of a high order. Jacques Frochard (Mr. Aroott), the villainous son, and LaFiochaid (Mrs. Eldridge), the equally vilhinous mother, were very naturally presented, Buffalo Courier. Mias Claxton will appear at Opera House wHh her company, next Thursday evening, PARHES booked for Maxwell's excursion, leave here next Tuesday i March 9th, by boat.

The following are enrolled' W. M. Thomas, Jobu B. Thomas, Dan Hai wood, Tuos. GarlisTe, Abe Glaze and brother, John Russell, Tomlmson, Fred.

Reimger, F. F. Miller and wife, Juo Jones, Win. Cougleman, Heury Yea- Ker, Sam J. Huston, Col.

Shelby, W. Varner, R. Spry, J. McAndrew, Joo. Miller, Jos.

Jefferson and Pat Mulahy. Now is the time to 1880 IFt HUNT 188O H. 91ARTING A HAVE JUST OPENED THEIR STOCK OF WHICH HAVE BEEN BOUGHT FORCAPII AND SELECTED WITH CARE. Dress Goods Dress Goods Imported Fancy Dress Goods in all the latest Novelties--trimmings to suit. Also, in American makes, from the cheapest to the best, in all the shades and styles.

IIV CORSETS 1 COBSETS! CORSETS! at 25, 40, 50, 73c. and $1,00, $1,25 and $1,75, White, Colored and Fancy Colors. German Soap IS PURE. inspection of our stock and prices will convince you that we intend to make our store foremost in low prices and good selected stock. H.

MARTING SON, Com Stvtnth ml CMntlii Streets. BECKER GLIDDEN, -DEALERS IN- KJAC, BECKER SECOIV13 STREET, SXX CHAS, GLIDDEN o. CS TT HTTP St --A MUCH needed repair would be cceptable to thoae that travel the lueim Vista Pike--by placing railings I lUe Carey's Run bridge. As it is, horse is liable lo become frightened liile passiug over it, nnd precipice lorse, vehicle aotl all, to the creek ome feet below. It deserves immedi- attention.

Tbe Court'adjourned Monday to der sympathy and jffeetion March 13ih Street Assault on a Lady. Wun.r, George Hock, ao oUi German citizen, was a i on Fourth street last Monday evening accorcpan ietl by his daughter aged about twenty- four years, a man oamed Norm, who is employul at ooe ot the shoe factories, approaohect as they were passing the ul ey adjoining Miller's residence He shoved the old man a a a upon the girl, who vigorously Ue altuck. shawl waa pulled off, nnd her dress lorn, but the cries of the father aud daughter bottoms" searching for a feasible fugtiioued the reckless young man nwuy. Norns wna arrested and claimed to be intoxicated. The girl, cot wishing to be drugged mlo the courts, --WEICKB ia that right of way Is he Committee still wandering along he oute? We must get to the river nth the railroad or our streets will row thick i grass.

We are op osed to city grass. It is a bad crop iVe have no objectiuu to it iu the ountry, but it is not a desirable mu-1 icipal product. --THOMAS PURSELL, the veteran ilacksraith, corner oi Third and Chil- icuthe streets, baa disposed of bis hop to James Flaoigan and his eon Pursell, who will continue the business at the new stand. We wish the 'ouog men success ia their new depar- ure. Mr.

P. will leave for Leadville before loug. --TBOS. BASH AM, of Porter ownabip, will offer his personal property at public sale uest Thursday March 18th, beginiug at 9 o'clock, at his residence near Muuu'a Run Bridge. He has raules, Aldeiuey cows, wagous, hay, corn, potatoes and ther desirable articles to dispose of, he intends removing to Lognu, Ohio, to engage ia the Bre-clay business, --NICHOLAS SCUACKERT, ex Commissioner of this county, left with bis amily last Wednesday far Hopewell Station, on the Eastern Kentucky railroad, where they will abide for a time, Mr Schackert owes some fine timbered land at that point, and he has embarked in the stave and timber business on an extensive scale We are plcnsed to know that he will return to this county as soon as he has felled the forest arouud htm, for Sci ioto county can not afford to lose citizens as industrious and enterprising asti declined to appeal acid her rude assail- aut pot utf easily i a fine for assault and btitiury Women vnio happen to be upon our streets after nightfall should be protected fiom such assaults, and an example made oi the imscre- aula htive no respect for the ie male character.

Ordinance Licencing Vehicles Sustained, THE case of the city vs Joshua Wheeler, for violation of the ordi nance providing for the licensing of vehicles, was tried before the Mayor Thursday. a test caee, and we presume will be taken to the higher courts. Tho jury empanelled, was composed as follows Martin, John McKeown, Henry Vincent, John Maule, A. Lorberg, R. Heur Towell, W.

Bon sal, Drnper, Eons Reed and John a i of rather prora luent cituens, On the question ff the validity of the ordinance, tbe Mayor held it to be in conformity with the statute, and on the case being submitted to the jury they found the defend ant i Stop that Cough. If you are suffering with a cough, cold, asthma, bronchilis, hay fever, conpuniplion, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the throat or lungs, use Dr, Discovery for msumplion. Thia ifi the gieat remedy that is causing so much excitement by Ht wonderful curps, curiug thousands of hopeless cases Over one million bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery have been used within the last year, and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance We cau unhesitatingly ea tniil this is the only sure owe for throat and lung aHections, and can Uood Health Ciirlh Heaven. Kummt.u- iluil Dr Yellow Uock niicj 1 i i i i Ii IH it lJj.LOM.ml, and re for in run I luuk: a trip of inspection to fcheerfllHy reco ramend it to all.

Call and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular ze for $1. Enos P--'" cornet Second and Court streets. G. W. Anderson Son Have just received an elegant assortment of Gents Fine Hats in latest styles.

m-2l --EICHEL8TEIN Pig iron Corner, ID addition to their 6oe stock of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, have just received a lot of fine Claret, Rhioe mid Catawba Wmea, together with a supply of the celebrated "Rock aud Ue," Call aad teat their liquors which will be found old aud pure, --Nobbiest line of Neck-wear in tbe city, to be seen at AWDER- SON HON. m-3t --Os the first puge publish the list of contributions to the Irish Relief Fund, as far as reported at the i outside went to press It was a difficu'i task decipher some of the uuinea, and we presume some inaccuncies i be fouud in this re poet. Up to the lime the list was i the subscriptions by wards were as follows arJ Soiond Ward I i Ward. Fourth Fit.h Sixth tud BIVEB NEWS. I morning a special from burg reports tho river a i wilti feot i i bos on tho ronrks a i i ATTENTION, FAHJftERS! The Soulli Benil Chlllea Plows are the best plows ever offered Tor sale In i i i t-M'r U)M bcuifu i i i i i i I i i i nil illMinkiH nml 1X1 iu.aWniMht.lr iihk- U.

1'ilu, o( in ul I i i nt I ilKLl 1 $1 CO A ttini i i i i i i i i i Kti likt-aihun 1 i nj, Iwilt iwn HIL tiiwiiy Ills Ut llLali MM! I lourt i4ln-ir to.iuiJ roHloi lit, MR iiniiirii! lxtli mind 1 Ki'l on 1114 jiiK Inuijinit It i i iit A I Whjlcunlc Atjont FOR sore throat, i Piso't Cure, mixed with a lillle water. Re- hel is i ft.21 Kewember--Friends, Itcmember, I Di Diilsdin of iia tlmrry liftfi proi wn ll--tl( ma, i iHaiid a 8 --GILULAN has all the luxuries ot the season, and does not sell them at outrageous prices just are luxuries. because they tf Uiftt It right to muelc Ml forriiOHS ul tlir mi uuil lungt A Hingle aoxe tAi in Itul i fcuiih warm tlit rdrtshl )g slumhor and i i i or II- niry euuuli or will I awe Nom i i i SAM OHD A 1'AHK SIC" 1 ft boiilculwnB on iHiiid, vim mint mloctorbHl twr imlo hj- A I tie A ADVERTIsem*nTS. A OEDIKANCE To Establish Six Wards in the City of Portsmouth, cwd to define their Jioun (Zaiics. tr onltnnfd hy the City Council of of fullviof ON 1.

Thiil tbo territory comprised 11 Lliu curpynitc hitnle of Uioeity ol t'o-ts inoulh bo divulcii nilu six a to be boundiiil fwllowu A Unit part of fliuJ citj I i nnd being the i ot a otrcet, oou Linued f-otn llio i i cr no till tu Hit north i of tbo city, sit nil constitute tho Ward. I Second Wnnl shall bo bounded as follows On ttio the center i of Mar NKW AOVCRTI8EMCNTS. STATEMENT Casualty Insurance Company, of New York. STATF 01- I i A A I COI.UUBUB, 4, 1880. tbo Knickerbocker Citflualty I rance Coinitanj, located at New York, I tbe of Now filed in tins office it orn SUtoment, by tbe proper ofTicort of, showing ite con Jilt on and business, and baa complied in all respects with tin laws of this State relating to nuoh Insuranco Com not street, fro tho Ohio river to the I uien looorp*rntcd by oihur States of tbe i orth i of tbe city on Hie north by iho north i of tbo ciiy on tho oust by tho con- Ur i of i i from tho north of tbo oily eojth tu tbe Ohio nvtr, nnd un (So by the Ohio i Tbo i ard shall he bounded fo) lows On wept bj center i of a ing ton trio from the i to tho coo let if Sixth elroot, on tho north bi Ibo router pint li irBt i lino of Sixth street, from ol li I' ington slrcot to center of Burr street, on the caft )j thu eon tor Burr street, and of Guy alrcot, from lUe to tor of Six.b street to tlie Ohio nnd on tho south by the Ohio Scioto County.

Store of For Bale attbe UEO. A. WALLER. Doctor lold Me To take a blue pill, but I didu't for I had already been poisoned twice by Tbe mar at thia point was ncmg yestor ercury, Tbe druggist told rae to try (lav i twenty feet, on tho XlilneV-Wort aud I did, II W88 JUSt a Thi) indiotUions are favomble for a -Txiuoey uri, nuu bi nvcr the thing for my biliousness and con- Heli for tlie Eye and Ear. DR.

POLASKY is visiting moulh, and remain a few days at tbe office of Dr, C. M. Finch, Dr. Polaeky hae given ample evidence of his skill during hia former visits, ID the specialty to which he has devoled his life, of adapting glassoa to the most difficult cases of impaired vision, Dr Polasky also has Ihe Folding Fan Demapbone on exhibition, a fan shaped instrument, applied to the upper teelb. Tbe deaf are eoftbled to bear all ordinary conversation, lectures, concerts, Ac.

Come and test it Office hours from 9 to 12 and from 2 and Inaertings at wonderfully low prices at F. 2t i --FOUR beautiful tic lpea for 50 cents, FULLER HATHAWAY, --Go and sec ibe new goods at lios Store. i shirts very cheap, Boetou Cheap Sloie, $290 199 302 ran hor-ic'f'ast Tuesday iw Gulhpolis She is ibe third boat ot Iho "Buy line meeting with ft similar act.i this season. Tbe Jotmvtun came Ji wn on one engine Wodneaday ant 1 hud her uiunages repaired, leaving for uucruy yea tonla i A live ton lot ot ore is being re ceivod the li and reab pptd by barges to Lawrence Iron Vcorka, ut Ironton riireo hundred tons of iron -wore ship ped nor barge to Louisviltu, and one hurdred ions tu Irunton. A bargo of Umber is ooing delivered lo I Burke, McColm i Co Wooden Stirrup Ibateanm passed down a dfty evening for St.

Louis with a big trip Tbe Portsmouth Iron find Stool otuppod uboiib fifty tons manufautared iron on bur for thu lower Ohio and bt. Louia Tbe Jokn Kyle passed up Tuesday forCbar- no I ara as well as ever. --Fiue hue of Pbiladelphia Custom joade Children's and Infants Shoes, just received by G. tO 0 M. Total Additioottl subscriptious sinco swell the amount above --RELIGIOUS NOTICE --Elder R.

B. Trimble, minister of the Church of Christ, from Mayeld, is visiting our city, and IB tbe guest of Dr. J. F. Davia.

He will preach ia the Christian Church, corner of Third and Gay streets, next Lord's day, morning and evening, at the usual hours, and will continue services at night through the week, services to commence at 7 o'clock Tbe citizens of Portsmouth are cordially invited to attend. 53 I uhe will engage in ibo Mk river trade. Tbo Eldorado, reoentlj sunk on the Ohio Falla, was raised aod towed to Cinomrati and laood on the docks A full leoglb loxa i placed ou her and other improvumenta uade, which 11 i a tirst olasa ateatn boat The big steamer Alice, en-route from Louia to PiUaVmriEi arrived Wednesday noon, loaded flat. She discharged two hundred and fifty tons of ore for the Portamouth Iron and SUel AVorke. Tbe 8t down Monday with her starboard guard, fenders and storeroom completely demorahted, baring collided with the steamer Cherokee below Wheeling 8hs pasted up Wednesday noon, and will be ro- Attention Dairymen.

THOSE dairymen who have tbe reputation of always making gilt-edged butter, get their nigh prices by using Perfected Butter Color, made by Wells, Richardson Burlington, by which they raAiuiaiQ the same fine, bright color the whole year. The New England Farmer, says: "It should entirely supersede the ue oi carrots, and all preparations of annatto." It is sold by Druggists. FOK books, periodicals, val! paper or stationery, at lowest rates, go to Geo, W. Watkina, Second street. OUR citizens will find an elegant variety of coal vases, toilet eels and tin-ware, at H.

Eberbardt Co's. Market street. FOB fresh Baltimore oysters, by he pint, quart or gallon, go to "ellcy. MILLS The highest caftlt prices paid WooUml Woiilen rags. am dealers will ttnd It to their Interest brine their Wool liere.

CimHiig am a ted on der way. --Persons wanting a Trunk or Ya- liee should not fail to examine stock at ANDERSON SON. m-2i --FULL line of Laces cheap, at the Boston Cheap Store. Spinning done to order. Jeans a Specialty --PRESCRIPTIONS carefully com pounded at all hours of the day light, at Geo.

Fisher's, corner Sixt and Cbillicothe streets, 'Ihe mammoth freighter, Wave, came down from Huntm(ston MomUy noon, flying light She received several lots of manufac-1 tared iron a lot of cooperage fromSprlng- i Louis. Capt Wash Williamson's steamer, Bedford, left Cincinnati Wednesday for New Orleans, loaded flat was twelve hours behind time rednwiUy trip np, hwrUg bwn t( fc --FDR extra fine varieties of Roses, Bhrubbery, Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees for Spring planting, we would advise you to order from Wm. Grimes. All orders addressed to Box 326, Portsmouth Ohio, will receive attention at once. --AN elegant line of embroideries very cheap, at the Boston Cheap Store.

arris an Bncklen'B Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world fo Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sa Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kmo of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is gua anteed to give perfect satisfaction case, or money refunded. Fri. 25 cents per box.

For sale by kn Reed, corner Second and Court streets ocl8-y FOR the purest of drugs, al Jouea', druggist, Ctiilhcothe reel. Prescriptions filled at all ours of tbo day or i Do nut fml io nee Ihe embroider aud learn the prices, al tbe Boat ou iieoj Wauled! Tallow! Cash paid tor tough rendered at the Kagle Soap Front street. Have you seen Jf. Seeber- Five Cent Counter. furnishing goods of every Bcnniioi), at the Boston Cheap The Fourth shall be bounded as follows i i at the intersection of Sixth iiDtl a i slicaa, thenuu north with '10 center of Washington ntreut to the aorpo- ute lion's, thoncu in ao oasturly dnoclioo nlong the north lino of tlio curporatiun to the center of GlullicuUio street, tbenoe south ilong tbe center of Ibilllcotho sir cot to the In- erntctiun of i i and Gay hence south i center I Gu.y btrcul to tbo center of i tbtnoe caist the k.cntur nth Blrcot to the i ulloy eint of nnd i parallel with a a thtm'o Byulh alony tho if office to 1 said alloy to Tcotli street, thence written, west along tho tenter oT etrci.1 to the center of Gay alrcct, thcnco south along the cf (jay stioet to tho center of bixth Btreot, thence west along the center of Sixth street to the place of i at the intersection of i ant) 'VVuMungtun stredfl Ibe Fifth Ward shall ho as follows Ou tho by the oeutor i of (jay street, continued front the Ohio river north to the cuotor of Oallia street, in an easterly direction thu cctitor ol Oallia itrent to the a i tbe i thenco south wtlb the east, i ol the city to tho Ohio i hence wont mtli the Ohio i to the Ticfcixlli Wnrd ehtill bo bounded aa follows giDning ul tho Intersection of Gay andOal fltrcot, thence north with t'io center entered sUeotto the center of Tonth tbeooe eaflt ilong the otntcr of Tenth street to arks, alley oust of and i a a wit' street, thence north nloiig tbe ceolor iHid alley to etrcet, WOB along tbo tonler ol Eleventh street to tho con ted Stiitea.

Now, therefore, lo pursuance of law, Joseph F. Wright, Superintendent of Insurance of the Suto of Ohio, do hereby oortify that said Coupany is authorixod to transact its bueiuese, ai per dlvulon 'i section 4,641, Revised Statutes of Ohio, In this bUto, io accordance law, during the current year. The condition and of said company at the date of iuob statement (December Tlst, 187i), is shown as follows. Aggregate amount of available $140,667 95 Aggregate amount of Liabilities (except oapiUl), including reinsurance 42,339 13 Not aeeeta 107,318 81 Amount of ftciual paid up Capital 100,000 00 Surplus 7318 88 Amount of Income for the year In cash 74,339 2J A of Kxpendltures for the your in cash 62,348 52 In wimcai whereof, I hare hereunto ittb- sorlbed uiy name, and oauied of my office to he affixed, tho day and year above ritten, JOSEPH F.WHIGHT, SuperiDtendcnt. t.

J. CLARK, at Fortimoath, Ohio. Store. Wanted. Co Marshall, M.ch want igcnt thin county at a volarj i agent in thin county at $1UO per month and expenses paid.

For ful particulars, addrwup ftfi above. Fees of Doctors, THE fee of doctors is item thutj very many persona are interested iu just at preseut. We believe the schedule for visits is 83, which would tax a man confined to his bed for a year, and need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for attendance alooel And one single bottle of Hop BiUere taken in time would save the 81,000 and all the year's sickness --Ed, tcr ol Gay street, thence north with tor of (Jay street to tho niterecction of Ga glriet with Chillicothoelrcet, tbonce with tb center of Chill OJlhe street north to tho nort hoe of tho corporatioo thence oast with th corporation line to i northeast corner of tb corporation thoncu south i the east lin of tho oorp*rntlon to tho cantor of Gall street, thcnco in a westerly direction alon the center of Qallia slrcot tbo place of ginning, al the intersection of Oallia and Gay streets 2 That an ordinance, entitled "An! ordinance to CHtabhsh five wards In the city of Portsmouth, and to define tbur boundaries, paesed February lUlb, 1MY, and an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to create a bixtn Ward in tho city of Vortamouth, and to change tho boundaries of the Fuurlh aud Fifth passed Mutch 7th, 1873, be, fcnd tbe --FOB choice pertomeB go to Fie er drug atote. esteemed Misses Lou A. Bing and Mary Leet, of Portsmouth.

are making a visit together ia Dtyton, dunctay passed same aro hereby re President of tho City Council of the city of Portsmouth Attest KBIOIBB, Clly Clerk. So. 19 THE CHEAPI8T!.

Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.