Help! Do Nose Piercings Look Good on Big Noses? (2024)

Do Nose Piercings Look Good on Big Noses? You may ask. Some of you guys want to get your big nose pierced. But you have no idea if it looks good or not. You come to the right place. Today, we are going to talk about big nose piercing and 8 types of nose piercing you should know.

So first things first.

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Do Nose Piercings Look Good on Big Noses?

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Before answer this question directly, let me share a story with you.

A friend of mine has a pretty long big nose. It is definitely big.

She asked many people for help. Some friends tell her it looked so good, especially with her big smile.

It really depends on what size they pierce you with.

So the answer is really simple.

Absolutely yes.

Nose rings look great on any type of nose. You know earrings, right? So, it just like earrings look beautiful on your ears.

If someone else does not like your nose ring, it is his or her business. Not yours. They can just ignore your nose ring.

Nose rings do not make your big nose look bigger and nose ring will have a mesmerizing look to the nose and create a perfect fashionable style.

Tips: All you need to do is consider your piercing your big nose as an act of love and confidence, the nose would look more awesome to you.

You have to believe in yourself, you will learn a lot through action. Believe me: Your piercing looks a lot better with jewelry.

Here are some suggestions might help you.

  1. Try a tiny nose ring hoop, not a giant one. This is not important if you have a big nose. This advice is also for new nose piercing. No matter small or a big nose, try a tiny ring hoop.
  2. Remember that Every nose rings depends on the attitude of the people andhow it looks. After you get pierced, you will get positive and negative reviews from people. Just ignore them. If you like it, go get it.
  3. Try many types of nose rings. There are unlimited nose rings. You can try a single diamond or simple stud. But, I suggest you try more sizes and shapes like stars and flowers. So, you will find the right size that suits your face and your big nose.

How to know if a nose piercing will look good?

There are many ways. But here is a practical method you can try.

The only way is to put a fake piece on your nose and take a look in the mirror to see if you like it.

There are 8 types of nose piercingsyou can TRY.

As earlier mentioned, having an idea of the available designs and types of nose rings there are will help you with variety of what to chose from. When you have a big nose, piercing is admittedly more painful and it takes longer to heal simply because your nasal flesh is thicker than most. Keeping that in mind, here’s to finding your most flattering nose ring.

It is important to keep in mind that the ring that will be used for piercing may be bigger and not as classy as you would like it to be.

Unfortunately, as with all piercings, you are advised to keep the original piece on until the piercing is healed. After which you can switch them for your more preferred nose ring.

1. Nostril piercing

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»Ich kann den Schmerz aushalten, solange ich noch den Pinsel in der Hand halten und ihn sanft über die Leinwand gleiten lassen kann, wo er goldene, weiße, schwarze und kupferfarbene Spuren hinterlässt. Ich kann den Schmerz aushalten, solange ich noch tief genug einatmen kann um mein gesamtes Lungenvolumen auszuschöpfen; jeden Kubikmillimeter mit Sauerstoff anzufüllen, denn ich werde ihn zum Singen brauchen. Ich kann des Schmerz aushalten, solange er nicht in meine Gedanken und Fingerspitzen kriecht, sodass ich nicht mehr Schreiben kann. Ich male meine Stimme, singe Geschichten und schreibe Gemälde. Ich male und singe und schreibe gegen den Schmerz.« — 07.03.2020 . . . . . #artist #writer #chronicpain #chronicpainwarrior #chronicpainawareness #selfie #mentalhealth #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthawareness #fighter #survivor #artistsofinstagram #instaart #writersofinstagram #germanwriters #prosa #thoughts #redlipstick #medusapiercing #nostrilpiercing #altgirls #girlwithtattoos #girlwithpiercings

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This is the first, most popular piercing you are likely to find on men and women alike.

You can expect a small hole to be made on the side of your nostril. It shouldn’t hurt so much but it will take a few days to get the numbing down.

The simplicity and angle of this piercing grants it many ring designs to choose from.

Picking ball rings, studs and tiny loops is a good choice. They are cute, subtle and stable for all nose shapes and sizes.

2.Septum piercing

The fleshy bit between your two nostrils is referred to as the Septum.

A septum piercing requires that flesh to be located and pierced with the clinician inserting either a gauge or barbell.

This would be a good choice depending on your nose shape as it could have the potential to draw attention away from your nose to your mouth region.

3.High nostril piercing

Not much different from the nostril piercing. The only difference is that this is done on the higher side of the nostril either above or below the crease of your nose.

If you are bold enough, getting a nostril piercing to go with the high nostril gets heads turning. It’s great for big and sharp noses.

Hoops and such are not viable options for this piercing and you really need to find a certified clinician to conduct this procedure. It is highly delicate.

4.Bridge or Nasallang piercing

A little unorthodox but another loved piercing is the bridge piercing.

It requires that the flesh above your nasal cartridge is pulled up and pierced and a piercing put through.

It’s not a great piercing to get especially if you have a big nose as it will create an impression of a wider face.

5.Double nostril piercing

More like bridge transfixing which when done twice, is referred to as double nostril transfix.

If you have the courage, you could get even a third bridge. That would be known as a triple nostril piercing or transfix.

As you can image, these are extremely delicate procedures and one must exercise necessary caution before you sign up to shady services.

6.Septril piercing

Including a delicate mix of the gauged septum and the vertical half-tip piercing.

This piercing as you can imagine is a very painful piercing that take patience and deadest determination.

The installation process could be longer than other piercings but the results are way more dramatic. There are specific jewelry options for septril piercings like plugs and studs.

7.Austin bar piercing

Similar to nasallang piercing but does not pass through the septum.

It uses beaded nose rings and beads on either side will stand out as they pass right under your nose flesh.

This kind would heal fast and would also distract from the big nose issue.

8.Vertical tip piercing

A little more different and interesting to look at, this piercing goes right between the flesh at the tip of your nostril vertically and has beads at each point.

It’s a good choice for you if you are worried about a big nose.

8 Types of nose ringsYou can give a Shot!

  • L shaped nose rings

These fit great for all nose piercings. They have an L shaped design that sits perfectly inside your nose keeping it in place. It is really tiny and has a variety of colors to it. Wearing and removal is easy as well.

  • Nose Studs

They usually a have really edgy or cute heads either holding some gem or rock. They have a short, fat or thin stem with a rounded tip at the end. They fit snugly and should not give you a problem to wear or remove.

  • Retainers

These are nose pieces that are made of natural or synthetic material matching skin color to keep your nose’s piercing healthy and well. To get a nose ring closed is bad as the replacement will be twice as painful as the first time.

  • Septum clickers

In replacement or as an upgrade from curved nose rings and straight barbells, these clickers are perfect for those who have not pierced yet but are curious about these piercings. The clicker secures right inside the nostril keeping it hanging beautifully. They are available in many colors and designs.

  • Nose screws

Very flexible and suitable for all nose piercings, is the nose screws. They make for jewelry that is easy to wear and remove and also easy to manipulate to secure in place. All you need to do it put it through your nose piercing and twist or screw at the ends.

  • Hoops

With a flat disc resting at the back of the nostril, these are the best for secure nose rings. Their simplicity in design and the allure of that tiny hoop would prove to have a positive influence on your overall appearance. Even if you have a big nose.

  • Captive bead king ring

Similar to the hoop only with no opening. Once its in, it is designed to stay that way hence the name captive. It is more preferred for the septum as opposed to the nostril ring.

  • Horseshoe barbell

A curved barbell with removable beads at the ends. This makes for great accessorizing as you can change the color of the beads to change your look. They are perfect for septums and nostril piercings. Straight barbells are great choice for guys.


Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and that is the only thing that should matter in matters of jewelry wearing.

If we like it and our significant others don’t mind it, that should be enough to go ahead and try out a nose earring.

Big nose or not, with the options available today, you will get the right style for you to rock confidently.

For more piercing tips, visit this page for more.

Help! Do Nose Piercings Look Good on Big Noses? (1)


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Help! Do Nose Piercings Look Good on Big Noses? (2024)
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