The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

OCT. 18, 1935. TRADING LIGHT, MARKET RAGGED Swift Best Performer of Day; American Power and Deere Also Climb By the United Press. NEW YORK, Oct. Issues continued to advance on the Stock Exchange today while the main list moved irregularly in a narrow range in light trading.

Best performance was made by Swift at up Acme Steel 70, up American Power Light 6 per cent preferred 42, up American Power Light 5 per cent preferred up Deere Co. up General Cable preferred 59, up Mengel preferred up Neisner Brothers up and Pere Marquette prior preferred up Around noon U. S. Steel was at up American Telephone off case up Chrysler 80, off Consolidated Gas 28, up DuPont off General Motors up New York Central up SearsRoebuck off and Western Union up LIVESTOCK PRODUCE BY PAUL D. STEPHAN Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U.

S. Department of Agriculture. CINCINNATI UNION STOCKYARDS, Oct. receipts 2600 head; none direct and through; holdovers none. Moderately active, 160 to 250 lbs 10c higher than Thursday; 250 to 275 lbs 15c up and weightier butchers steady; 120 to 160 Ibs 10c to 25c higher, pigs and sows steady, top and bulk 160 to 225 lbs $10.80, 225 to 250 lbs $10.70, 250 to 300 lbs $10.25 10.50, 140 to 160 lbs $10.35 0010.75, 120 to 140 lbs 100 to 120 lbs Good packing sows $8.75 prospects favorable for clearance.

CATTLE: Receipts 500 head: calves, receipts 250 head. Slow, steady market on all classes. Salesmen attempting a weekend clearance. Few medium weight steers from $6.50 to slaughter steers and heifers mostly common to medium lightweight grassers to sell from $5.50 to $7.50, odd lots better butcher yearlings up to $9.25. Common killers down to around $4.50.

Most cows $4.50 5.50, odd head to $6. Bulk low cutters and cutters $2.50 4. Thin lightweights down to $2. Most sausage bulls $4.25 5.25, individual head higher. Calves steady with Thursday, good to choice handyweight vealers $9.50 10.50, weighty and plainer calves from $9 down to $6 and occasionally below.

SHEEP: Receipts 800 head. Very light supply on offer; few sales and indications steady, quality of offerings considered. Sales better lambs $8.50 9, bucks discounted $1 or more when sorted out. Good mixed and medium grades $7.25 8.50, common throwouts down to $5.50. Odd head fat slaughter ewes from $2 to $3.

Odd thin sheep down to $1. Chicago HOGS: Receipts 10,000 head, including 3500 directs; holdovers 1500 head; very little done; few bids and sales on weights under 170 about steady with Thursday's average; choice 160-170 bidding lower on heavier hogs. CATTLE: Receipts 2000 head: calves 500; steady (early private estimate from vards), SHEEP: Receipts 8000 head: steady to strong (early private estimate from yards), Cleveland CATTLE: Receipts 150 head: market slow and steady; for the week 25c to 50c lower; choice to steers steers 1250 lbs. and up $11 12.25; choice 750-1100 $10 1.50: good gras cattle $7 good heifers $8.50 9.50; good cows all weights $4.50 5.50. CALVES: Market slow and 50c lower: for the week $1 lower: prime veals $10 11: choice medium $8 (9; common SHEEP AND LAMBS: Receipts 800 head: market steady to strong; for the week steady; choice lambs $9 9.50; good medium choice wethers $4 05: mediums $3 choice ewes mediums $2 3.

HOGS: Receipts 600. head: none sold; bids 15c lower; for the 50c lower; 250-300 lbs. $10 10.50; 220-250 Ibs. 180-220 lbs. 150-180 lbs.

pigs 150-180 lbs. $10 (a 10.50; roughs $9.25 stags $7 7.50. Pittsburgh HOGS: Receipts 1700 head, including 900 head direct: active. strong to 10c higher; 160-220 lbs. ostly $11.25, 250 lbs up $10.25 10.75, 156-lb averages $11.10, 100-140 lbs $10 10.75, good sows $9.50 9.75.

CATTLE: Receipts 150 head, including 100 head direct: steady: good grass steers $8 and better, good grass heifers $6.25 7.25, all cows 6.26, bulls $6.50 down. Calves: Receipts 100 head, including 50 head direct; slow, steady; good and choice vealers $11 11.50. SHEEP: Receipts 800 head, including 300 head direct; unchanged; better grade fat labs $9 9.50, throwouts $7.75 down, good 'sheep $5.25. Following are the wholesale fruit and vegetable prices as reported to the U. S.

Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, at the opening Friday. Artichokes: California, boxes $3 California crates $3 3.15, Brussels Sprouts: California, half-drums $2.75 2.85, mostly $2.85, few 1 1-6- quart crates $2.75. Cantaloupes: Track sales, Colorado, Rockyfords, jumbo flats 65 75c; jumbo crates 36s 45s $1.25 Pink Meats, standard flats Honey Dews, Cal1fornia, crates $1.15 1.40. Cranberries: Massachusetts, boxes $3.25. Grapes: Market about steady; truck receipts, Michigan, 12-quart baskets Concords best 22 25c poorer 17 20c; Niagaras 30 32c: 4-quart baskets Concords 10 15c; Delawares 20c; Ohio, cartons containing 12 2-quart baskets Concords California, lugs Tokay $1,50.

Onions: Track asles, 50-lb. bags, U. S. No. 1, Idaho, Whites $1,10 1.15; Valenclas 3-inch min.

$1.10 1.15; 2 to 3 inch Minnesota, Yellows Michigan-Wisconsin, Yellows 10- lb, bags Yellows, Minnesota 20c, Michigan 18c. Potatoes: Track sales, 100-lb. bags, U. 8. No.

1. Idaho, Russet Burbanks Triumphs North Dakota, Triumphs $1.10 1.15; Cobblers $1.05 1.10: Early Ohios $1 fair condition 75 95c; Nebraska, Triumphs Michigan, Round Whites Minnesota, Cobblers Wisconsin, Triumphs Cobblers fair Idaho, 15-lb, bags Russet Burbanks 25 27c. Rutabagas: Canada, 50-lb, bags 60c. TRUCKED IN FROM NEARBY POINTS Apples: Bushel smaller 40c up. Beans: Bushel $1,50 Beets: Dozen bunches 20 25c.

Cabbage: Bushel 35 50c; per 50-lb. sacks 35 40c. Carrots: Dozen bunches 15 25c. Corn: Doz en 10 15c. Cucumbers: Hothouse, dozen No.

18 90c; No. 28 70e. Kale: Bushel 25 00 40c. Leaf Lettuce: 10-pound basket 20 30c. Mango-Peppers: Bushel 40 50c, Mustard Greens: Bushel 25 35c, Parsley: Dozen bunches 15 20c.

SpinaCh: Bushel winter 35 50c, Sweet Potatoes: Bushel 40 60c. Tomatoes: Bushel $1 0 12-quart baskets No. 18 75e: No. 28 25 30c. Turnips: Dozen bunches 15 25c: per bushel poorer as low as 50c.

Cincinnati Mer'antile Exchange EGGS: Steady (cases included): Extra firsts 33c dog, firsts 30c, seconds 270 nearby ungraded 31c. BUTTER: Packing stock, No. 2 20c, butterfat, No, 1 24c, No, 2 22c. LIVE POULTRY: (Following tions represent prices for poultry in good healthy condition, Thin and course stock DR. OSTROM DENTIST NOW LOCATED IN Glenn Cor.

5th Race MA. 6665 Give Candy! Saturday Is Sweetest Day CINCINNATI POST. 8 Notices---Miscellaneous ORDERED 2500 Consignee Stock ALL TIRES--FIRST to go on WITHOUT LIMIT 1610 Reading One Block North Oct. 19th, 8 Subject 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 4.75-20 5.00-19 5.00-20 to Prior $4.50 Sale. 5.00-21 5.25-17 5.25-18 5.25-19 5.25-20 5.25-21 5.50-17 )Auctioneers, SALES 29c lb.

Ground BLACK PEPPER while you wait. MERRYWEATHER'S, 1312 MAIN ST. IMPORTANT NOTICE GENUINE FAVORITE REPAIR PARTS for Favorite gas ranges, coal cook stoves, heaters, base burners and warm air furnaces may be bought at reasonable prices from The Favorite Manufacturing Company, Piqua, Ohio. JAKE TENNENBAUM 210 W. Fifth, again offers for a limited time brand-new Thor washers and ironers, model $74.50 now $2 down, 85c week, with a full case of Rinso, 400 packages, FREE.

Limited supply. NOT responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. A. C. BITSCHINE, 1588 Tremont-st.

6 Societies and Lodges F. A. -Enoch T. Carson Lodge No. 598: Brothers are requested to assemble at Carson Temple, Friday, Oct.

18, 7:30 p. m. Funeral services for our late brother, George W. Groppenbecker, at Vitt Stermer Funeral Home, 3425 Harrison-av, p. m.


0. U. A. Bethlehem Council 79; Officers and members kindly assemble at Vitt Stermer Funeral Home, 3425 Harrison-av, Cheviot, Friday, 8:30 p. to pay last respects to our departed brother, George Groppenbecker.

H. J. KRUGGER, Coun. HARRY J. REYNOLDS, Sec'y, 5 Religious, Social Events BARREL OF GROCERIES 2 for 25c novelty lotto, Newport Eagles 280, 8th and Fri.

Oct. 18, 8 o'clock. Capitals, groceries; 10 door gifts, sugar; 5 free bingos, coffee, milk, sugar; low, coffee; specials for ladies and men, a basket of groceries; full house, bingo; house special five specials, barrel of groceries, sugar, flour, lard and meat orders. BE LUCKY, PLAY LUCKY-Jr. Hall, Elmwood, 8:30 jackpot; 30 door gifts each night.

Lee Mason, Mgr. BENEFIT CHICKEN DINNER- beef 35c, Jr. 0. U. A.

M. Hall, Weyer-av, Norwood, Oct. 20, 12 to 2 p. by D. of A.

Reservation call ME. 7970. Buy Your Lotto and Card Gifts From HOFFNER POTTERY GLASSWARE CO. 1676 Hoffner. Open eves.

KI. 4090. CARDS LOTTO- Oct. 19, 2:30 p. m.

Notre Dame Convent, 321 East Sixth-st: benefit Tabernacle Society; friends invited; door gift. Donation 40c. CIN'TI AERIE 142 LOTTO OCT. 18 Novelty lotto, 4 for 50c, Oct. 18, 8:30 p.

at Eagles Hall, 1117 Walnut-st. Capital gifts, door gifts, ladies', men's and other specials, sandwich special. By Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie 142. Managed by Mrs. Flossie Strohmaier.

9 FOR $1 NOVELTY LOTTO- Tonite, Ernst Hall, Cheviot; 30 door gifts, free bingos, 20 specials; 10 last Tallies chance on $15 monthly special. Mrs. Conrad. NOVELTY Oct. 19, Flamm'8 Hall McMicken and Elder; 10 door, 10 free bingos, 3 specials.

H. E. 0. Club. Wurster.

NOVELTY lotto, cards; Washington EvanChurch, cor. Sidney and Rachel, felicaoct. 18, 8 p. m. Don.

35c; door gifts NOVELTY Oct. 19, 8:30 p. Memorial Hail; 3 cards 50c 1 free, 10 door prizes, free bingo; by Union Veteran Legion No. 18, Auxiliary to Civil War Veterans. NOVELTY LOTTO--By Liberty Lodge 115, I.

0. 0. Teutonic Hall, 76 E. McMicken, 8 p. 10 door gifts, 10 free bingos.

Mrs. E. Hall, chairlady. Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys extra spec. at 8:30, Blade Hall; $2.50 4 50c, 9 $1, $2.50 book; 30 capitals, 10 $1, 10 75c, 10 50c; low $1.

Novelty lotto Oct. 19, 20 door gifts, free bingos, 15 specials, 7 on last 10 week's tallies; 5 extra turkey orders. ELLA. 7 Lost and Found BEAGLE HOUND- Pup, around Hyde Park. Owner's name on collar.

Rew. EA. 1147 BILLFOLD--WIll person who called WAbash 0982M call again for address? Herman Hinrichs. co*ckER SPANIEL -Black, female; no collar. Reward.

TUxedo 7339J. COIN PURSE -Lost in Woolworth's Race Street store; reward. MElrose 8706. FOUND- Pekingese, female, in Evanston. Owner, call WOodburn 3664J.

HOUND--Male, white with black spots, tan head and ears, Sunday; rew. PA. 8086. ONE Sofa Cushion, velour, bet. Madisonville and Walnut Hills.

Rew. BR. 1747. DIAMOND STONE- Lost on Crosstown or Lockland car bet. 2-3 p.

lib. rew. Call WO. 7456. PEKINGESE- large reddish brown, answers to "Wu." Reward.

WO. 7222. PIN-Bow knot, diamonds, sapphires, rubies; lost Oct. 8. Reward.

UN. 0954. WRIST WATCH--Lady's, white gold, link band, Tues. a. vic.

Walnut Hills, Norwood bus, or town. Reward. WO. 1843. WRIST WATCH -Lady's; white gold, corded bik.

band; lost Oct. 9. Rew. AV 2701J 8a Excursion and Travel California By Fast Train -Only -via North Western-Union Pacific from Chicago, in comfortable coaches without change. And note 25c, lunches 30c, dinners 35c.

Besides, free pillows, drinking cups, porter service; dimmed lights at night; air-conditioned cars. On Los Angeles Limited exclusive coach for women and children, with Stewardess-Nurse attendant Omaha west. No other form of travel offers SO much for so little. Ticket Offices: Union Pacific, 705 Dixie Terminal 49 E. Fourth St.

Phone MAin 0144-or Chicago North Western, 600 Dixie Terminal 49 E. Fourth St. Phone MAin 3999. 9 Professional Services BRACES of Every and Arch Description. Supports.

Trusses Jurgens, 1524 Vine. PA. 1088. p. m.

LEGITIMATE. General Massage License. PA. 1207 Reducing 1823 diet, Ca no exercising; WA. 5759M.

guar. Foot Form Arch Inventor, PallTruss A-Dium Hernia Shields Remedies. Kappher Mfg. Co. 1319 Main.

Est. 20 Yrs. TRUSS AND ELASTIC GOODS Complete stock of trusses and elastic goods at Thrifty Drug Store, S. W. Cor.

6th and Walnut. Lady attendant at all times. pert fittings on all appliances. Open nights and Sundays. SPECIAL THIS WEEK $3.00 Brace Shoulder $1.98 $2.00 Support Elastic Ankle $1.29 Page 25 sells only at heavy discount).

Fowls, colored 5 lbs and over 21c, 4 lbs and over 18c, 3 lbs and over 16c, Leghorn fowls (3 lbs and over) 14c, roosters 12c; broilers and fryers, White Rocks and Plymouth Rocks )1 lb and over) 24c, lbs and over 18e; broilers and fryers, 3 lbs and over 18c; roasting chickens, 4 Ibs and over 19c; broilers and fryers, colored breeds other than White Rocks and Barred Rocks (1 lb and over) 24c, lbs and over 24c, 2 lbs and over 18c, 3 lbs and over 18c, roasting chickens. 4 lbs and over 18c, broilers and fryers Leghorns, Orphingtons and Mediterranean breeds (1 lb and over) 22c, lbs and over 24c, 2 lbs and over 17c, 3 lbs and over 15c, partly feathered and black springers 13c. PIGEONS (Old) $1.20 doz. NUTS: Walnuts, new dry black 75c bu; shellbarks 75c; bull nuts 50c. TURKEYS: No.

1 young toms, over 16 lbs 24c, 12 to 16 lbs 24c, No. 1 young hens 24c, No. 1 old hens (10 lbs and up) 22c, No. 1 old hens 22c, No. 2 15c, crooked breasted 15c.

GEESE: Common (under 8 lbs) 10c, old 10c. GUINEAS: Young lbs and over) 15c, 2 lbs and over 15c, old 12c lb. CALVES: $9.50 10.50, medium $8.50 9.50, common $4.50 LAMBS: Good $8.25 9.25, medium $7.25 8.25, common $4.50 6.50. DUCKS: White (4 lbs and over) 14c, 3 lbs and over 14c, colored (4 lbs and over) 12c, coored (3 lbs and over) 12c, (Ducks weighing less than 3 lbs sell at concession.) Commodities CINCINNATI, Oct. per ton by rail with rebilling privilege (delivered Cincinnati): No, 1 timothy $13.50 No.

2 timothy $11.50 No, 3 timothy No, 1 light clover mixed $14, No. 1 clover mixed No. 1 clover mixed No. 2 clover mixed No. 1.

clover $11 No. 2 clover $9 No. 1 second crop alfalfa $13.50 14.50, No. 2 second crop alfalfa $11 No. 1 first crop alfalfa $11 No.

2 first crop alfalfa $11 $12, 6 50 wheat straw oats straw $6 rye straw $6.50 PROVISIONS: Prime steam lard $14.40 014.50 per 100 lbs, refined lard $16.15 17.25, open kettle lard Dry alted meats, bellies $20.50 21.50. Smoked meats, bellies $22.50 23.50. Smoked meats, sugar cured. hams, regular $26 $26.50, skinned $27.50 0 28. picnics $20.50 shoulders $20.50 21, New York shoulders $22.50 23, breakfast bacon $28 dried beef hams $30 $30.50.

Sweet pickled meats packed in tierces, hams, regular, small $24 24.50, large $20.50 22, skinned $25.50 26, pic. nics $20 20.50, shoulders $20 20.50, New York shoulders $22 22.50, bellics, small $28 28.50, large $27 27.50. Green meats, loose, hams, regular $24, skinned $25.50, picnics $20 shoulders $20 20.50, New York shoulders $22 22.50, bellies, light $28 28.50, heavy $27 27.50. Beef carcasses as to quality. GREASE: Brown lb, -ellow white TALLOW: Prime city country No.

1 No. 2 6c. SEEDS: Timothy (from store) $1.70 $1.90, buckwheat 75c, flaxseed $3.50. SUGAR: Cane eastern granulated $5,50 5.60 per 100 lbs, refined powdered and icing $6.50 6.60, eastern light yellow $5.30 5.40, beet granulated HOPS: 1935 prime to choice 1934 prime to choice fair to medium $11 BARLEY: Choice malting barley 80 (c 85c, fair to good 65 80c, lightweights 52 68c, feed barley 40 52c. CREAMERY BUTTER.

As to score 28 29c. CHEESE: N. Y. snarp and mild 25 0 27 Ohio 15 16c, Wisconsin daisies 17 0 17 northwestern longhorn N. Y.

limburger 26 27c, Swiss loaf, domestic 26 30c, imported 49 55c, Swiss block 27c, brick 19 20c. WOOL: Unwashed clear Kentucky 20c, clear Ohio Indiana 21 23c, burry and rejections less; tub-washed No. 25 30c, No. 2 dingy and rejections 5c less. BEANS: Navy $2.90, red kidney light $6.75, marrowfat, large $4.60, lima regular $7.10, small $5.65, pintos $5.

FLOUR: Sott winter family patent $6.75 soft winter standard patent $6.25 $6.50, soft winter straight patent $6.50, spring short family patent $8.75 $9, spring standard patent $8.25 8.50, spring first clear Kansas short family patent Kansas standard patent $7.50 first clear $7 white corn flour $2.50, whole wheat flour rye flour, white $5.50. medium $5.25, dark $5. HIDES: Green saited, 50 lbs and under 5c lb, over 50 ibs 4c, calf skins 6c, bull salted 3c, horse hides, No. 1 large $2, No. 2 $1, sraall 75c.

Hides welghing 45 lbs and over are worth one cent less than quotations. COFFEE: Rio, prime lb, good tair low fair good ordinary ordinary low ordinary strictly good common 8c; Guatamala, fancy good lantos prime good tair 10 low fair good ordinary ordinary low ordinary Java 27 29c. Mocra 19c, MALT: Standard barley malt $1.21 $1.27 bu. choice standard barley $1.23 $1.25, bottle beer $1.29 distillers $1.19 Cincinnati Stocks High. Low.

12 m. PV.CT. Champ Churngold Cin Elec 100 99 100 100 Cin 83 83 83 83 Formica Randall 19 19 Randall 4 Business Briefs News of Finance and Trade at a Glance (Copyright, 1935, by United Press.) FRIDAY, OCT. 18 GENERAL BUSINESS SEPTEMBER OUTPUT: small cigarettes 10,774,083,390, againist 000 year ago; large cigars 430,958,624, small cigars 14,317,000, against 440 year ago; manufactured tobacco 178,744 pounds, against 24,439,279 year ago, CORPORATION NEWS AMERICAN COLORTYPE CO. September quarter sales $1,647,695, against 450,510 year ago; nine months $5,151,930, against $4,468,756 year ago.

CONTINENTAL BAKING CORPORAcome ended Sept. 28 was $501,984, TION and subsidiaries, 13 weeks' net inagainst $579,542 year ago; 39 weeks' net income $1,238,571, against $1,416,534 year ago. DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT nine months ended Aug. 31, net profit 746, equal to $2.31 a share, against net loss $275,204 year ago; quarter net profit $146,744, equal to 31 cents a share, against net profit $81,348, or 17 cents a share, ago; unfilled de orders Oct. 15 totaled $4,537,000, against $5,604,000 Aug.

31 year ago. DIVIDENDS BLUE RIDGE CORPORATION regular quarterely dividend 75 cents on $3 convertible preferred. J. I. CASE CO.

$1 on preferred payable Jan. 1, record Aug. 12, similar amounts paid in previous quarters, NATIONAL POWER AND LIGHT CO. quarterly 15 cents, payable Dec. 2, record Nov.

paid 20 cents previously. CHICAGO GRAIN RANGE OF PRICES High. Low. 12 m. Pv.Cl.

1.03¼ 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01¾ .92 CORNDec. .60 .59 .58 .59 .60 .59 OATSDec. .27 .27 .27 .27 29 .29 .29 July. .29 .29 .29 RYEDec. .51 .50 .50 .53 .52 LARDDec.

.13.07 13.05 13.05 13.02 PENN STATE BLENDED WHISKEY $1.50 any Compare whiskey with 90 QT. at any price. PINT CODE 50-B CODE 50-C checks 666 first COLDS FEVER and day LIQUID-TABLETS SALVE-NOSE HEADACHES DROPS in 30 minutes SHILLITO'S Flower Shop Specializes In Floral Pieces of exquisite blooms, appropriately expressive of your message of sympathy. Delivery Anytime -PA 0100 Legal Advertising NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO AMEND CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY Public notice is hereby given that Raymond G. Wisecup, d.b.a.

Wisecup's Express, Oxford, Ohio, has filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio an application to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 2221 to transport property over an amended route, to wit: By extending the route under the present certificate from Oxford, Ohio, to College Corner, Ohio, over U. S. Route No. 27 and to the state line of Indiana.

All interested parties may obtain information as to the time and place of hearing upon said application by addressing the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio. RAYMOND G. WISECUP, Oxford, Ohio, Applicant. HARRY S. WONNELL, Hamilton, Hear the Stars of the "FOLLIES de PAREE" Cliff "Sharlie" Hall Sidney "Cousin Hugo" Marion Over CPO Friday at 5:45 P.

M. "COUSIN HUGO" "SHARLIE" WITH THESE STARS JANICE JANIS LEW ASHE HELEN DOYLE See This Great Show Featured This Week On The RKO SHUBERT STAGE Death Notices brother Mt. of Washington, John Ahern, 0c- Four-Mile-rd near tober 17, 1935. Funeral from late residence Monday, October 21. at 8:30 m.

Requiem High Mass at St. Jerome Church, California, 0., 9 a. m. Remains at T. P.

White Sons' Mt. Washington Funeral Home, 2050 Beechmont10 a. m. Sunday, APPLEGATE. Mary L.

(nee Kohlmeyer), beloved wife of the late Dr. E. Applegate, mother of Ada Richards, Edith Woodruff and Jesse Applegate, at home of her daughter, in Amelia, 0., Thursday, October 17, 1935. Funeral from late residence Monday, October 21, at 1 p. m.

Services Reform Church, Taylor-av, Oakley, 2 p. m. Burial Vine Street Cemetery. BROWN--Margaret V. (nee Van Agthoven), beloved wife of George P.

Brown and mother of Mrs. Margaret Foulke, Robert B. and George Brown October 17, 1935, residence, Camargo-pike, Allendale. Services at the Thomas Funeral Home, 4418 Whetsel-av, Madisonville, Monday, October 21, at 10 a. m.

CAREY- Eunice dearly beloved daughter of Nelson and Henrietta Carey (nee Wuebker), of 5618 Helen-st, Elmwood Place, Wednesday, October 16, 1935, in her 18th year. Funeral from the Imwalle Memorial Funeral Home, Vine-st at Washington, St. Bernard, Saturday, October 19, at 2:30 p. m. DUGAN-A.

beloved husband of Josephine Smith Dugan and father of Mrs. Ethel Cornish and Mrs. C. M. Green, Wednesday, October 16, 1935, at residence, 3766 Isabella-av.

Funeral from Geo. H. Rohde Son's Funeral Home, Linwood and Delta avenues, Saturday, October 19, at 9 a. m. Requiem High Mass at St.

Cecilia Church at 9:30 a. m. Members of Cincinnati Council No. 373, K. of meet at Funeral Home Friday at 8 p.

m. GARDNER- Charles beloved husband of Ada C. Gardner (nee Nichols) and father of Joseph B. Gardner, 4512 Hector-av, Madisonville, October 17, 1935. Funeral services at Madisonville M.

E. Church Saturday, October 19, at 2:30 p. m. GRAFE- -George Henry, beloved husband of Sophie Grafe (nee Helgemann), at his residence, 940 Thornton-st, Dayton, Ky. Funeral Saturday, October 19, from residence.

Requiem High Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue, 9 a. m. Interment German Protestant Cemetery, North Fairmount. GREINER (nee Welsh), beloved George W. Greiner, Wednesday, October 16, 1935, at her residence, 318 West Liberty-st.

Funeral Saturday, October 19. Requiem High Mass at St. Peter's Cathedral at 9 a. m. GRINKEMEYER-John beloved husband of Agnes Grinkemeyer (nee Thursday, October 17, 1935, at residence, 2902 Colerain-av, age 65 years.

Funeral from Busse Borgmann Co. Parkway Funeral Home, Central Parkway and Clifton Hills lane, Saturday, October 19, at 8:30. Requiem High Mass at Sacred Heart Church 9 d. m. GRINTER- -Hender, beloved father Albert and Lillian Grinter, Thursday, October 17, 1935, of 1615 Syca Funeral Saturday, October 19, from Nurre Bros.

Funeral Home, 3437 Montgomery-rd at Dauner-av, Evanston at p. m. George, beloved husband of Alma Dietz Groppenbecker, devoted father of Ray and Ervin Groppenbecker, at residence, 3331 Augusta-av, Cheviot. Funeral from Vitt Stermer's Western Hills Funeral Home, 3425 Harrison-av, Cheviot, Saturday, October 19, 1935, at 2:30 p. m.

Relatives and friends invited. HANRAHAN-Lillias (nee Hitch,) suddenly, October 17, 1935, at residence, Blue Ash-rd. Funeral from residence her sister, Mrs. Harry Stratemeyer, 5045 Wesley-av, Norwood, Saturday, October 19, at 2 p. m.

Burial Highland Cemetery. HELLMANN- George beloved husband of Emma Hellmann (nee Meimann), Thursday, October 17, 1935, at residence, 61 Di Dixie Highway, Ft. Mitchell, age 62 years. Funeral Monday, October from residence, 8:30 a. m.

Solemn Requiem High Mass Blessed Sacrament Church 9 a. m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. KENNEDY-Mary E.

(nee Mara), beloved wife of Michael T. Kennedy, Thursday, October 17, 1935, at 6 p. at residence, 3025 Lavinia-av, East Walnut Hills. Funeral from the Gilligan neral Home, Woodburn at Lincoln. Due notice will be given.

KIRSCH- beloved husband Myrtle Kirsch (nee Rally), Tuesday, October 15, 1935, at 12:45 a. m. neral from residence, 3080 Moosewoodav, North Fairmount, Saturday, October 19, at 8:30 a. m. Requim High Mass at St.

Leo Church 9 a. m. KLINE- -Harry beloved husband Emma Grapsey Kline, of 3840 Columbiaav, Friday, October 18, 1935. Services at George H. Rhode Son Funeral Home, Linwood-rd and Delta-av, Monday, October 21, at 2 p.

m. LANDWEHR- (nee Wesselman), widow of William Landwehr, Wednesday, October 16, 1935, age 90 years. Funeral from residence, 927 Laurel-st, Saturday, October 19, at 8:30 a. Requiem High Mass at St. Joseph Church, 9 a.

m. Member of Christian Ladies' Society, Poor Souls Society, Elizabeth Society of St. Mary Hospital. LEONARD-James beloved husband Mary Maley Leonard, Thursday, October 17, 1935, at his residence, 4124 Rose Hill-av. Due notice of funeral will given.

LEVY- -Julian, beloved brother of Mrs. I. Van Cleeff, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. Albert Mueller, Joseph, David, William and Milton Levy.

Services the Weil Funeral Home, 3901 Readingrd, Sunday, October 20, at 2 p. m. LOWER- Fred beloved son of beth Lower (nee Kruse), and the John Lower, suddenly, Thursday, ber 17, 1935. Funeral Monday the residence, 1033 Beech-av, Price Requiem High Mass, at St. Lawrence Church 9 a.

m. MARTIN--John, beloved son of the Patrick and Catherine Martin (nee nedy), Thursday, October 17, 1935, the Little Sisters of the Poor, Riddlerd. Remains at J. J. Sullivan 413 Broadway.

Funeral Mass 6 Little Sisters of The Poor Chapel Saturday, October 19. NOPPENBERGER-George husband the late Anna Louise Noppenberger Unnewehr), beloved father of Mrs. Siefker, Thursday, October 17, 1935, residence, 3603 Newton-av. Funeral Saturday, October 19, at 8:30 a. from Nurre Bros.

Funeral Home, Montgomery-rd at Dauner-av. Requiem High Mass St. Mark Church 9 a. m. NORDMEYER-Joseph, beloved husband of Katherine Nordmeyer (nee Kissling), at residence, 206 North E-st, Greensburg, age 56 years.

Requiem High Saturday, October 19, at Holy Church, Mt. Auburn, 8 a. m. Interment at St. Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.

REINECKE- -Mary (nee Reinke), beloved wife of the late Henry Reinecke, voted mother of Mrs. Emma Niehaus, Mrs. Dora Hahn, Christ, Harry Adolph Reinecke, Thursday, October 1935, age 89 years. Funeral from walle Memorial, Vine-st at Washington, St. Bernard, Monday, October 21 at p.

m. SHAFER---Susan L. (Hee Davis), beloved wife of the late Henry Shafer mother of Claude, Cleveland; and Harry Shafer, Wednesday, October 16, 1935, age 80 years. Services Harold B. Barrere Funeral Home, Eastern-av, Saturday, October 19, 2 p.

m. Interment Spring Grove. SIEMER-Louise sister of Mrs. beth H. Burdorf and Henry Siemer, her residence, 6300 Grand Pleasant Ridge, Thursday, October 1935.

Funeral from Norwood Funeral Home, 5501 Montgomery-rd, Saturday, October 19, at 2 p. m. TRAGESER beloved husband Barbara Eichenlaub Trageser, father of Leo C. Trageser, passed Wednesday, October 16, 1935, in 66th year. Funeral from residence, Cherry-st, Saturday, October 19, a.

m. Requiem High Mass St. Boniface Church 9 a. m. Members of St.

Boniface Men's Society. URL- Joseph husband of the Pauline M. Uhl (nee Droll), and father of Mrs. Carrie J. Flaxmeyer, Pauline Clemen, Joseph Edward and Arthur F.

Uhl, Wednesday, 16, 1935, in his 82nd year. from residence of his son, Edward 128 W. St. Clair-st, Saturday, 19. at 8:30 a.

m. Solemn High Mass at St. George's Church R. m. Memper of St.

George Society, 50-year member of St. Orphan Society, Members of Council No. 1195, Knights of Columbus, will please assemble at the Friday evening at 8 o'clock. YOUNG- -Emma (nee Vansant), widow John Young, beloved mother of Young, Wednesday, October 16, 1935, her 85th year, residence, 1584 st. Funeral from the Rebold Home, Harrison and Westwood-av, urday, October 19, at 1:30 p.

m. Watkins Hill Cemetery, New Richmond, Ohio. Rest Haven Memorial Park Reading-rd to Highway 126, Turn The Busse Borgmann Central Parkway and Clifton Hills 1517 Freeman Ave. PArkway 4487-4488. REBOLD Abash 0710.

MOntana 6 Societies and Lodges O. E. 8. -Dorcas Chapter 277: and members kindly assemble at Stermer Funeral Home, 3425 av, Cheviot, Oct. 18, 7:30 for funeral services of our late George Groppenbecker.

Kindly note also the death of our Louisa Siemer, to be buried Sat. the Norwood Vorhis Funeral MARGARET BOHNENKAMP, W. IRMA HAUSER, Bec'y. 8 Notices---Miscellaneous SOLD Automobile TIRES: of Leading Makes GRADE GUARANTEED PUBLIC SALE OR RESERVE Road of 13th St. A.

M. to 6 P.M. Tires as Low as 5.50-18 TRUCK 6.00-16 $6.95 5.50-19 TIRES 6.00-17 30x5 9.75 6.00-18 $6.20 32x6 $15.75 6.00-19 6.00-20 6.00-20 9.75 6.00-21 $6.40 7.50-20 Liquidators, Appraisers CO 2 CO. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. John Lyles, 409 W.

Liberty-st. 10 Business Services and eggs positively killed in Bedbugs living rm. suites; work guar. Special $3. NO FAIL CO.

wo. 2150R BUY READY WINDOW TO SHADES HANG. 45c From Our Factory, 811 Central. PA. 4106.

CARPENTER, painting, inside, outside, cement construction. ME. 9773, aft. 6 p. m.

ED and JOE, radio service, expert repairers; guar. work. CH. 0505. 25 E.

12th. FURNACES repaired and vacuum cleaned, $1.50. Community Furnace Co. PA. 0482.

11 Building, Contracting F. H. A. Owners' Sketches; Service. estimates.

EA. 1318. Property HUBER-ACTION BRINGS SATISFACTION Free bids on home remodeling, repairs, Mantels and Tile Work. Garages as low as $75, all sizes, kinds. Complete job or materials only.

Low cost financing. Salesman calls any time. HUBER N. W. R.

R. at Mills Norwood. Phone ME. 4035. 13 Female Help Wanted DISHWASHER White; experienced on Autoson machines.

Box 4580, care Post. EXPERIENCED LADIES' fur finisher. Skurow 4525 Main-av, Norwood. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE For new personnel department. No canvassing.

Apply Famise, 1205 Fountain Square 505 Walnut-st. GENERAL HOUSEWORK small laundry; very neat; stay; no triflers; $5 weekly to begin. EAst 1721M. GIRL- -White, cooking and housework; references. 825 Windham.

GIRL- -Living in Avondale; care of child; $3 ref. AV. 8896J. GIRL--General housework; white; stay on place; no laundry. EA.

2911 after 5. GIRL- White, gen. housework: assist cooking; 1 child; $6. UN. 3191J.

MAID--General housework and cooking; no laundry; stay; $5. Kirby 2512. MAID White; between 20-30: general housework, cooking, assist with baby; to stay on place; $5. UNiversity 2894. OFFICE CLERK--Small wages; state experience had.

Box 3396, care The Post. TELEPHONE -Exp. in advertising or magazine saleswork. 514 Main, Room 54. WAITRESS for quick service diner; 2518- 26 Gilbert at Peebles Corner.

WOMEN FROM 24 TO 35-With selling ability; no canvassing; excellent opportunity. 419 Keith Theater Bldg. WOMAN With other income, as assistant caretaker, part time, in exchange for furnished room in 1st class bldg. Call 9 to 12 a. 1318 Race-st, Parksite Apts.

14 Male Help Wanted AGENTS AND SALESMEN To sell electric bulbs; good profits. Call Ohio Lamp Sales, 1325 Mai BARBER WANTED Full time. Phone Harrison, Ohio, 223. BOYS- White, 14-15, liv. downtown, after school, know subs.

130 W. Liberty 15 BOYS to sell peanuts, pop and candy; commission basis. Apply Sat. at noon, Chas. McDonald, U.

C. Stadium. EXPERIENCED ladies' tailor. Skurow 4525 Main-av, Norwood. EXPERIENCED top collar baster.

Nicks Coat Shop, 6th Power Bldg. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN--Selling grocery, hardware, paper, candy jobbers; our lines--paper products, cordage, woodenware, matches; commission basis; no drawing account to start: earnest man who is hustler can establish good repeating business with interesting income. Phone S. Adelsheim, Netherland Plaza, Saturday and Sunday for appointment. FARM HAND Single; live on place; references required.

Aracoma Farms, Section-rd, west of Ridge-rd. FOX LATHE HAND APPLY 215 PIKE-ST, CITY. HORIZONTAL and vertical boring mill, turret and engine lathe, planer and milling machine hands. 318 Walnut-st. JEWELER--Experienced in ring making and gold jewelry, THE DORST 2100 Reading-rd.

MAN willing to begin $37 weekly handling nursery stock, selling old and new exp. free outfit; season starting. Knight-Bostwick, Newark, N. Y. MAN With car; crew work; good field.

339 Ludlow-av, Room 2. SHOEWORKER EDGE TRIMMER--Experienced women's welts. Feder-Gregg Shoe 4015 Cherry-st. 10 BOYS- To sell peanuts, pop and candy; commission basis. Apply Saturday noon, Chas.

McDonald, Coney Island Race Track. TINNE must be experienced. 2058 Dale-rd, Bond Hall, after 6 p. m. WATCHMAKER- Experienced, at once.

Write Box 3133, care Post. YOUNG MEN -Catholic, traver with manager; we train you, furnish transportation. 504 Provident Bank Bldg. YOUNG MEN to learn the real estate profession; excellent opportunity for immediate success; men with cars preferred; experience unnecessary; inq. 10 a.

m. cor. Pfau Lane and Jadwin-st, Hartwell. THE WARREN E. RICHARDS CO.

146 Help, Male and Female COUPLE- -Cooking and housework; experienced and references. Box 3397, Post. COUPLE- -White: good home; man must be good driver. Box 4344, care Post. ORCHESTRA-3 or 4-piece.

Apply 1521 Central-aV or PArkway 9229. 14c Amateurs Wanted AMATEURS- -Male, female; every Monday Club Mecca, 924 Mon Newport. HEmlock 0974. Cash prizes. CASH PRIZES -Amateurs.

Anchor Cafe, 4912 Vine. AVon 7224. UN, 2886. 15 Salesmen, Solicitors ESTABLISHED ROUTES available. Company representative will be in Cincinnati, Monday and Tuesday, Oct.

21 and 22, to select 2 men over 25 with car, to sell the widely known Rawleigh Products. See Jack Walsh, Gibson Hotel, between 10 and 5. SALESMEN WANTED Can earn $25 per week selling complete line on easiest terms. Supervisors' jobs for men who prove ability; excellent future for good men. Call ME.

2686, for appointment. HOUSE -HUNTERS need look no farther than Class 33 for attractive real estate bargains. 16a Home Study, Instructions DIESEL ENGINEERING Is opening many new, well-paid positions for trained men as engineers, operators, mechanics and sales executives. If you are the right type, your application for training will be considered. HEMPHILL DIESEL SCHOOLS Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, America's Original Exclusive Diesel Schools are equipped with the largest number of modern Diesel engines ever assembled for instruction.

Do not confuse Hemphill Schools with others. Write for free copy of "Diesel News," containing amazing facts and pictures. 831 TEMPLE BAR BLDG. Court and Main, Cincinnati. 17 Educational, Instructions ECHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE 128 E.

6th Cincinnati, 0. Phone CHerry 0047. NEW LOW PRICES -LOW TERMS MAR-DELL'S INST. of BEAUTY CULTURE Cincinnati's largest and most modern School of Beauty Culture CHerry 6105. 630 Walnut St.

dent APPROVED and DIESEL nonresident TRAINING instruction, Cincinnati Division. N. Y. Diesel Rm. 309.

519 Main-st: open every evening. BARBERING is clean, interesting and well paying. All phases of this trade taught by scientific methods. Low tuition; terms. VAUGHN'S BARBER SCHOOL.

310 East Third, formerly 241. Girls, Women, Learn a Lifetime profession; best. training; weekly terms; employment service; day, evening; dependable since 1893. Write MOLER BEAUTY SALON, 111 W. 5th.

MISS LENA WINDLAND, 696. GREENWOOD call at The Post's Want Ad Counter, Post Sq. Elm, identify yourself, and receive, with our compliments, two tickets to the Mayfair Theater to see "The Man Who Knew Too Much." LOWEST TUITION--LOWEST TERMS. School of Beauty Culture, Marguerite 2440 Gilbert-av. WO.

2567 MEN--LEARN BARBERING THE MOLER WAY; it pays; best course; terms. Call or write MOLER COLLEGE, 111 W. Fifth Nestle School of Beauty Culture Fourth Floor, Glenn Bldg. Fifth and Race. MA.

3227-3228. 17a Dancing Wallflowers 5 are not lessons in $3.75. demand; SO. dance, 3440 Waltz, fox trot, tango, DON MARTINI stage rates. tap, 28 10 0 E.

6th teachers, St. Expert Teachers. JULES SIEN Ballroom, tap, etc. 50c per lesson. DANCING SCHOOL.

206 E. 6th. PA. 7884 ROSEDALE. Waltz, Rhumba, Foxtrot, Bolero, Tango, Taps WURLITZER STUDIO 18 Situations Want'd, Female CLEANING or laundry worK; 9 hours.

2276. LADY wants to do sewing work in private experienced seamstress. AV. 8478 NURSEMAID- care of children; no cooking; able to stay; reference. Write Box 2915, care Post.

19 Situations Wanted, Male MAN--22, high school graduate; drive car truck; service station and factory experience; will do anything; references. Call VAlley 1337M. 21 Furnished Rooms. Rent bath, for light housekeeping, $7. CITY-THOMA HOTEL COMFORT.

RM. for 1, home meals Winton-pl. KI. 3129K. nicely furnished 1-2 business people; priv.

home. 1814 Fairfax, WO. 6668 NEWLY furnished rm. for 1, 2 girls, with hskpg. privileges; reas.

ME. 7329. ATTR. rm. for 1, priv.

home; brkfst. nr. bus; Bond Hill. JE. 2361.

AVONDALE-2 ideal If you entertain; everything included. AV. 8391 AVONDA homelike single $2.50, double new decorated; heat; parking. 550 Carplin-pl. AV.

1669J well-furn. rm. for 1, priv. bath; mod. home; brkfst; Walnut Hills.

WO. 3025. AVONDALE- Large mod. nr. car, bus: reas.

727 E. Ridgeway. UN. 1551J. AVONDALE-Attractive sleeping or reas.

3417 Hallwood. CAMP WASHINGTON-1121 Draper; 3 516 Vine-st; clean, single with show. er bath; men only; 25c night, $1.50 wk. CITY A LOVELY 2-RM. $4.50 UP.

1316 MAIN. INQUIRE STORE. CITY-222 W. 9th; clean hskpg. $5.

PA. 3158. CITY -1208 Main: attractive 3-rm. heat. run.

water, bath; slpg. PA. 0499. CITY-552 E. 5th; new; nr.

bath, 2-rm. apts. or reasonable. CITY-724 2 RMS. FOR LT.

HOUSEKEEPING: 1 FOR SLEEPING. CITY-1318 Race, parksite, opposite park; conveniences; lovely quiet ph. service; better class bldg. CITY-1506 Race; $3 to lovely, quiet hskpg. phone conv.

loc. CITY-1250 Elm, Flat lovely facing park; private; reasonable. CITY-1637 Moore: light housekeeping; bath, electric; $2.50. CITY-1228 Vine: modern 1 and 2-rm. $3 up; stm.

heat. CH. 9212. CITY-4th-Sycamore, Alta Apt. 7, front stm.

heat, elev. $4 wk. CH. 7595. A LIVING ROOM, bedroom, bath; for 2.

Clifton, near U. C. AVon 8420. CLIFTON-Nr. U.

mod. rm. for 1, 2, meals opt. AV. 8806W, UN.

1718J. CLIFTON- Jefferson Apt. 12, 29 W. Daniels; mod. priv.

UN. 3325W CLIFTON-112 W. Mitchell; beautiful rm. for 1, home privileges. AV.

7510. CLIFTON-2350 Rohs, nice large priv. bath; nr. U. reasonable.

CLIFTON-2312 Rohs, mod. rm. and bath, priv. home; reas. CH.

1364. CLIFTON homelike rooms; maid $8. 260 Ludlow. AV. 9297, COLLEGE HILL-5752 St.

Elmo: 1 mod. all $10 a month. KI. 4488. EVANSTON-Comfort.

home, 1, 2 men; good meals reas. ME. 7595. HYDE hskpg. PARK-2841 Observatory; reas.

EA. 2, priv. home; 1419J MT. AUBURN-2914 Euclid; mod. rm.

for 1, board opt. AV. 7477R. MT. AUBURN-512 Channing, 1 large hskpg.

board opt. AV. 3651J. -Lovely rm. for 1, adj.

bath; priv. home. 4220 Turrill. KI. 4435 PRICE HILL--Attr.

rm. in priv. family; ref. exchanged. Box 2909, care Post.

PRICE HILL--Cozy rm. on car line: meals with congenial couple. WA. 2533M. WALNUT HILLS-1533 Ruth; lovely 1, run.

bath, heat; $4.50 WALNUT HILLS-1417 Locust; priv. bath, sq. car; man. WALNUT HILLS- Lovely home; 1-2 bus. people; meals opt.

WO. 1064W. WALNUT HILLS--Clean choice $2 to $4. WO. 7208W.

WALNUT elec. washer; $4.50. 3143 Durrell. WO. 1780M WYOMING 300-Cozy bus, person: priv.

home: cars. VA. 2596W. 22 Unfurnished Rooms. Rent NORTH FAIRMOUNT-2631 Brestol road, 2 large rooms and bath, $10.

Free Parking space. CITY--Main street, 3 lovely rms. New. remodeled and decorated. $15.00.

RACE floor, front, 2 large rooms and bath. Bargain, $15.00. 15TH large light $12.00. The Title Guarantee Trust Co. 7th Walnut Sts.

PA. 1046 ATTR. 3 nice, large, light conveniences; reas. 557 E. 13th-st.

ATTR. 2 large toilet; adults; $7.50 mo. 1029 Wilstach. ATTR. 2 clean front resp.

house; white, jan. 428 W. Court. CITY--521 E. 12th, nr.

Reading-rd; 2 clean small ref. CITY-1216 Vine: 3 bath, 2d front, $20: 2 4th front, $13. Republic, 1208-2 3d $11. 1347 Main -2 4th, front, cheerful, clean. CITY- 434 W.

9th; 4 bath, 2d newly for white. WO. 8624. CITY-1437 Main-st: 2. 3 and 4 newly decorated: rent reasonable.

CITY-2 lge. 3 Ige. $10; newly papered. Apply 5 Faulkner-ct, rear of Freeman-av Armory. CITY-1628 Hughes-st; 2 clean 1st flr.

rear, newly decorated. CITY- -511 W. McMicken; 1 large, light references, $5. ME. 9537.

CITY -705 Central: 3 rooms, modern, $9 month; for white. CHerry 4925. CITY-2 ROOMS, INSIDE TOILET. AP. PLY 724 MAIN-ST, FLAT 2.

CITY-14 MERCER 2 light, clean rooms and bath. CITY-1704 Main, 2 rooms. Reading-rd, 2000-3 3d. $13 Clay, 1227-3 2d, $18. MA.

2729 MRS. H. G. MOSIER, 5 CRESCENT PLACE--Please call at The Post's Want Ad Counter, Post Sq. Elm, identify yourself, and receive, with our compliments, two tickets to the Mayfair ter to see "The Man Who Knew Too Much." CITY 2 or 3 will inside conv.

Apply 1314 Race-st. 22 Unfurnished Rooms, Rent CITY-1324-26 Republic-st; two nice on 3rd or 4th very convenient location; $7. THE CENTRAL TRUST MAin 4900. CITY-3 3rd rent reas. 16 W.

Elder. Call WA. 5037W. CITY-1528 Elm; 3 fine newly references; $14. AV.

3465. CITY-1346 Spring, 2 gas, inside toilet; newly papered; $9. Jan. CORRYVILLE-3108 Vine; 2 priv. home, bath, gas, heat furn; reas.

EAST END-3904 Columbia; 4 nice rooms; newly decorated; reasonable. McMICKEN, 24 bath, exc, $18; also 3 $10. AV. 3465. MT.

ADAMS-1033 St Gregory: 4 ige. bath, yard, $15. AV. 8220. MT.

ADAMS-383 Baum-st: 3 private bath; hot water; parking space. PArkway 4400. MT. AUBURN-512 Channing; 3 light priv. bath, 2nd, $17.

AV. 3651J. RIVERSIDE-3466 Leland; 3 large yard, nr. school and cars; $13. VINE-ST.

2035-3 2d; newly ivory woodwork; toilet, $15. AV. 0565. WALNUT HILLS-5 1 nice lge. heat, bath, $8.

wo. 6659W. 26 Apartments, Unfurnished A and COMPLETE suburban assortment apts. in of a furnished modern suburban building. Free auto service.

THE TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST Seventh and Walnut Sts. PArkway 1048. Open Till 9 P. M. ATTR.

tile bath; hdw. strictly beau. reas. 3913 King-pl. AVONDALETHE VIRGINIA 624 Rockdale-av.

Attractive 4, 5 and rm. modern throughout: ideal location; low rents. AV. 5278, PA. 5130.

AVONDALE-777 Ridgeway; 5 bath, MA. 1748. AV. 4966W. AVONDALE-766 E.

Mitchell; 2 kit. gas, priv. bath, priv. entrance. AV.

2836R. AVONDALE- 6 slpg. gar. AV. 4042.

AVONDALE-Larona; 3 and 4-rm. rent reas. AV. 3465. AVONDALE-3564 Van Antwerp-pl; very attractive, 6 large rms.

and solarium, 1st maid's rm. and bath on 3d hardwood firs, shower; garage; in excellent condition: $55. For inspection call THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. MAIN 4900. AVONDALE- Three rooms, first floor, reception hall, in a two-family house; heat supplied; only $26 per month.

Mr. Pollak. MAin 4244. CAMP WASHINGTON- 2d; mod. conv.

2629 Cook. AV. 0057, KI. 4377. CITY -Muhlhauser Bldg.

606 CENTRAL-3-rm. bath, steam heat, hot water, janitor service, without bath, $15-17; without heat, $12- $14. Call PA. 1053, or Robt. A.

Cline, 35 E. 7th, CH. 1444. CITY-315 W. 7th; 2, 4, 5-rm.

stm. heat, hot water; janitor; CITY-1724 Vine: efficiency apts. with priv. bath: door bed, $15. CH.

2587 CITY-125 E. COURT ST. 1, 2, 3 efficiency; steam-heated low rent. See Store 10, Arcade. CITY-1123 Walnut; 3-rm.

bath, $15. Inquire son premises or Robt. A. Cline, 35 E. 7th.

CHerry 1444. Vine; 4-rm. bath, $22.50. Inquire Apt. 3 or Robt.

A. Cline, 35 E. 7th. CHerry 1444. CITY-3 lge.

will separate bath and hot water. 121 Goethe-st. CITY -70 Peete: nice 1st newly hot Idry. PA. 9106 CITY-2017 Elm, 4 st.

heat; former Moerlein residence. CH. 4735. CITY-1209 Vine-st; 2 or 3 clean, conv. hot and cold water, bath; reasonable.

Apply Frank's Radio Shop, 1207 Vine. MR. T. ABATICO, 4163 W. 8TH ST.Please call at The Post's Want Ad Counter, Post Sq.

Elm, identify yourtwo self, and tickets receive, the with our compliments, to Mayfair Theater to see "The Man Who Knew Too Much." CITY-423 Third-st: 5 all steam, newly remodeled; $29. CITY-1209 Central; 5 white only; $20. Apply Jan. AV. 2707-5680W.

CITY-7 W. 13th-st; modern 3-rm. apt. on 4th with steam heat, hot water and janitor service furnished: $35. Ver convenient location.

Inquire at bldg. or call THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. MAIN 4900. CLIFTON--THE BROOKLINE, Brookline and Ludlow very attractive 5-rm. apt.

on 1st with range, steam heat and janitor service; $55; excellent location. Inquire at bldg. or call THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. MAIN 4900. CLIFTON HEIGHTS-24 Conklin; 3 bath, $20.

CH. 2750. COLLEGE HILL-4-rm. $30 to $55. College Hill Real Estate, KI.

3076. CORRYVILLE-36 E. University-av; very attractive 4 rms. on 2nd with private bath and toilet: $18. THE CENTRAL TRUST CO.

MAIN 4900. COVINGTON-1545 Greenup-st; 4 excel. A1 loc. HE. 3404W.

COVINGTON-1326 Highway; 4-rm. upper St. Louis; reas. AV. 9297.

EAST END-3 to 4 $16 to $25; 4 rooms; heat; $25. East 3404. EAST END-4023 Eastern-av; 4 tile bath; jan. service: heat; $30. MA.

1100. EA. 3162. FAIRMOUNT-2484 Seegar; 2 or 4 bath, hot water Westwood car line FAIRMOUNT-2291 Quebec-rd; 3 heat, gas and electric; garage; $25 per month. End of John-st car line.

FAIRMOUNT Baltimore; 2 nice inside toilet; $9 mo. UN. 1823J. FT. MITCHELL-5-rm.

mod. St. Louis; upper; garage. HEmlock 7139W. HARTWELL-3 priv.

bath, heat, gas, ideal elderly couple. VA. 0242R HYDE PARK-3612 Kroger; 4 1st hdwd. bath; redecorated; garage; lovely reas. EA.

36843. HYDE PARK--Virginia. Erie and Michigan; 5 bath, heat, jan. service. See janitor or call UN.

2471J. HYDE PARK-1321 Michigan-av; very lovely 5-rm. apt. on 3rd with hardwood range, steam heat and excellent bldg. service; very attractive location; $60.

THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. MAIN 4900. MADISON ROAD, 2000-4 bath, 1st $20 inq. 3rd fl. front.

MADISONVILLE-Madison corner Whetsel and Madison 5-rm. bath; heat; jan. Apt. 3. FRANK BROEMAN MA.

0986. MADISONVILLE-6123 -6123 Madison; 5-r. heated flat; car, bus line; gar. opt. BR.

0070. 2 MT. AUBURN-1923 Bigelow; 3, 4, bath, only $11 to $18; nice location. MT. AUBURN-116 E.

McMillan: 4, 5 heat, $32.50, $35. MT. AUBURN-213 E. Rochelle; mod. 15 min.

city; reas. MT. AUBURN-251 Donahue; 3 lovely conv. adults; $15 mo. MT.

AUBURN-2350 Auburn-av: attractive apt. of 4 rms, on 3rd with steam heat and janitor service; very convenient location: $40. THE CENTRAL TRUST CO. MAIN 4900. NORTHSIDE-6 rms.

2nd, 2 rms. 3rd; suitable 1 or 2 2 baths, heat. KI. 2852. NORWOOD-5356 Carthage; 4 or 5-rm.

A1 loc. good cond. Adults. NORWOOD-Wakefield-pl; mod. 4 2d fir; maid's and lavatory 3d; Frigidaire; $42.50.

MElrose 7100. NORWOOD, Drex-av; 4 2d, tile bath, inside gar. ME. 9202. NORWOOD, tile bath, heat, hot water; adults.

ME. 9730. NORWOOD, S. -Beaut. 2d fl.

4 bath: linoleum: large porch; fin. 3rd everything separate; $37.50. MElrose 6996. OAKLEY-2747 Minot: 4 2d heat; sep near bus. PRICE HILL-4 2d garage on bus line.

WA. 5141R. MITCHELL-AV. 739 -Beau. stm.

heat, will dec. CH. 9086 PRICE HILL-3116 Warsaw-av; 4 newly reas. WA. 2680, PRICE HILL-521 Grand: 3-rm.

flat, 2d floor: heat; garage; reasonable, PRICE HILL-578 Grand: 4 mod. newly 1st, adults. WA. 0370J. late beloved Mrs.

A. October Funeral Uhl, October Requiem at 9 Men's Aloysius Elder residence of Oliver in TremontFuneral SatBurial Right. Co. Lane 0892. Officers Vitt p.

brother, sister, from Home. M. PRICE HILL-4850 Prosperity: 3 1st nr. cars. WA.

4345. PRICE HILL-1275 Dewey-av; 4 everything separate. WA. 5369J. PRICE HILL-913 Elberon; modern; rooms, bath: 1st; near car, bus.

PRICE HILL-511 Purcell; 5 rms, 2d; newly A1 gar. WA. 0762J. WALNUT HILLS 2136 Fulton; 4, 2d fir, rooms, bath, $17.50. CHerry 2227.

WALNUT HILLS 1358 Burdett; 4, tile bath; adults; $30. WO. 3107J. WALNUT HILLS nr. Walnut Hills H.

School: gar. UN. 0817M. WALNUT HILLS-1853 Hewitt; 4 mod. heat; bath; all nr.

cars. WALNUT HILLS- 2327 Salutaris; 3 bath, heat; newly janitor; $21.50. FRANK BROEMAN MAIN 0987. WALNUT HILLS- -Central: new building. close to all conveniences; five delightful rooms, kitchen equipped; three-side exposure; $60.

MAin 4244. WESTWOOD-3049 McHenry: 3 heat furnished, $30. MO. 1016J. WESTWOOD-3429 McHenry; 4 rooms; heat: newly reas.

WESTWOOD-2442 Harrison: mod. 4 tile bath, heat, porch; gar. MO. 1302R. WINTON PLACE- 4740 N.

Edgewood; modern. KI. 2444R. WINTON PLACE -762 McMakin: 1st 5 bath: $30. KI.

05313. COLORED- Cintl's finest apt. heat, hot water, elevator: 3 and 4 bath, $19 to $26; 6 bath, $35. San Rafael 626 West 4th. CH.

7135, COLORED-3, 4 and 5 6th near Stone, $14, $15, separate halls, baths; single. Smith-st, $5, PA. 3240..

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.