1. What Makes A Movie Great? - In Depth Cine
26 sep 2021 · The magic ingredients for greatness boil down to story, cultural impact, technical innovation, creative synergy, suspending disbelief and casting.
In this episode I'll show how Natasha Braier's philosophy on photography and the gear that she uses informs her own cinematography style.

2. What Makes A Great Movie - Make It Make Sense
18 apr 2024 · But their motives and their reactions should feel realistic. Some of my favorite movies include super soldiers, ogres, and witches. But their ...
I will be writing a lot about movies in the future but before I get too in the weeds with it I wanted to let y’all know what I think makes a great movie.

3. What Makes a Good Movie? | No Film School
Is it that it has a great story? Great characters? Is it that the cinematography is beautiful? Is it that each actor is giving a great performance?
What makes a great movie great?

4. Blog Archive » What Makes A Movie “Good”? - Student Film Reviews
Rob: A good movie makes me think. Dick: It leaves you exhilerated, engages the emotions and feelings. Mickey: And the editing can give it rhythm; keep it moving ...
Standing in line with other film buffs at the SB International Film Festival.
5. What makes a good movie? - Bod Awful Reviews
29 okt 2017 · Compelling: Movie characters don't need to be likable. They do, however, need to be compelling in some way. We need to feel something towards a ...
Today, by “popular” request, I’m going to be talking about what, in my opinion, makes a movie good. Now you might be thinking, “But Bod, are you at all qualified to make these determinations…

6. What Makes A "Good" Movie? | The Odyssey Online
8 aug 2016 · That being said, the “Stephanie Young” standards to what makes a good movie is it either makes you feel, makes you care, or achieves what it ...
It's all up to you.
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7. The 5 Key Ingredients To A Good Movie - Film Shortage
From lighting to attire and camera angle, every element will influence the quality of the movie. An excellent director will work closely with the cast members ...
If you are an enormous movie enthusiast, you have probably seen many in your life. And you can tell that […]

8. OT: What makes a good movie for you? - VEGAS Community
22 dec 2004 · 1. Consistent and coherent storyline - if it doesnt make sense, no reason to watch. 2. Soundtrack - Every great movie I have ever watched always had a song ...
Inspired from my thread on Napolean Dynamite, it seems as if different people are affected by different things. So lets hear it. What about a movie m...

9. Opinion: What makes a movie good or bad | HS Insider
11 feb 2021 · A movie is good when it has good settings that are both captivating and accurate. A good example is the movie Jumanji, Welcome to the Jungle.
One of the most relaxing things to do on a weekend night with your family is to sit at your couch, bundled up with blankets, and enjoy a movie. After the film, you and your family members are argui…

10. What Makes A Good Movie? Understanding the Magic Behind ...
A good movie needs to make the audience feel something, anything. Whether it's the joy of a feel-good rom-com, the thrill of an action flick, or the sorrow of ...
Discover key elements that define successful films. Learn storytelling secrets and techniques that captivate audiences and critics alike.

11. A “good movie” is defined by how confident you feel defending it
10 mei 2024 · In such cases the mind pushes back on any thoughts whose public assertion will result in unpleasant outcomes, and is drawn to those that are ...
How we convert our social motives into objective concepts and beliefs

12. What Makes a Film “Good”? - The Communicator
20 mei 2024 · Animation can build off and create an entirely new story just from the plot. While live-action films can do the same, Mobilio-Breck stresses ...
Each time you sit down to watch a movie, you’re taking approximately 90 – 120 minutes out of your day to watch something that someone else out in the world has created. Something that took an eye for detail, something that may have been a passion project, or perhaps something that had simply been created...

13. Why Make This Movie? 15 Answers To A Question That Should Be ...
5 sep 2012 · Why Make This Movie? 15 Answers To A Question That Should Be Asked More Often · You emotionally connect with the material. · I want to make movies ...
You are a filmmaker. Maybe you are a director. Maybe a producer. Well, whatever you are, what if you didn’t have to make the movie you’ve been trying to make so long with so much effort? Well, you really don’t. We often work so hard for so long trying to get our precious films made that we also often lose sight of the fact that all creation is a choice. How can we prevent ourselves from forgetting that there is a right time for every choice? And sometimes that time has passed us by.
14. This Is What Makes A Great Movie Review, According To A Veteran ...
11 dec 2018 · The first step is seeing the movie — really seeing it. · Then, · You should include · I like to write personal criticism that relies on a first- ...
How do I write a great film review? This question was originally answered on Quora by Thelma Adams.

15. How to Write a Movie Review: 10 Essential Tips
13 mrt 2024 · Writers should check for spelling, grammar, and readability. No matter how good a writer's opinions are, they will not be taken seriously if the ...
Love film and want to learn how to write a movie review? Learn more about writing the best possible film review!

16. Cinema: What Makes a Movie 'Good' or 'Bad'? - Peter Markham - Medium
10 mei 2023 · Now though, I would insist that, for all of its thunderous flaws, Jason and the Argonauts has an “integrity” that bad movies do not have.
Presumptuous thoughts for your dismissal or (illuminating) comments…

17. Review: 'Madame Web' is actually a good movie. Yes, really.
23 feb 2024 · The hero gets powers that she can't control, finds the other main characters and must come into her power to save them – it's all been done ...
I’m not gonna lie: while I was heading to the theater, I was concerned going into “Madame Web.” The majority of X, formerly known as Twitter, users seemed to be against what they saw as meager storylines and weak writing, characters, and performances, especially compared to other Sony/Marvel superhero movies, so I was hesitant. I...

18. 10 Things That Instantly Make A Movie Good, According To Reddit
19 jun 2022 · Redditor Chen_Geller explained that every great movie has the "three Es." These Es include "Entertain, Educate and Elevate." They explained ...
Whether it's an emotional attachment like Pixar movies or perfect pacing like The Social Network, Reddit explained what makes the perfect movie.

19. What makes a film great? - Third Space
9 jul 2020 · A crucial indicator of the quality of a film is if it can or should be watched more than once. As someone who sees multiple films in any given ...
Three criteria to begin to answer that question

20. What makes for a good movie? - Towards Data Science
16 jan 2021 · With each point as an individual movie, we can plot the ratings of the audience vs the critics. ... will also receive a positive rating from the ...
Comparing audience and critic ratings using data from Rotten Tomatoes.
21. Do Good Reviews Lead to a Higher Chance of Financial Success?
Some producers do all they can to court film critics, under the impression that one positive review in the right journal can herald financial success for ...
Some producers do all they can to court film critics, under the impression that one positive review in the right journal can herald financial success for their movie. While other producers scoff at the notion of the all-powerful film critic, believing instead that reviews hold no sway in the actions of movie-goers.

22. What makes a good film review? - The Boar
12 mei 2020 · ... film and hopefully for would-be film reviewers reading, your personality should do the rest! Mixing your personality in with your reviews ...
As someone who has spent most of their teenage life reading and listening to many people’s opinions about films, I have read an excessive amount of film reviews. Now being the editor for the film section, I have to read many reviews with a critical eye and seemingly “review the review” in a rather meta turn of events. But what makes a film review worth reading? More importantly, what gives someone the qualifications to be a film reviewer? What makes one judgment necessarily better than another with regards to film? Isn’t it all just purely subjective anyway? Why even read film reviews at all if that’s the case, yet considering the usual correlation between the amount of praise a film receives and its box office returns, clearly there is a use in film reviews and there is such thing as an ideal film review.