Tell you all the cheats for gta4 ps3? - Answers (2024)

If you want to restore Niko's Health use this 4825550100

3: For weapons #1 Handgun, Shotgun, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, RPG,Grenades, Baseball bat, use 4865550100 this number translates intoGUN-555-0100.

4: To remove wanted level (Blocks "Walked free" achievement):2675550100

5: Raise Wanted Level (Adds a star to Niko's wanted level):2675550150, number shall translate into "COP-555-0150".

6: If you want to change weather or brightness 4685550100,number shall translate into "HOT-555-0100".

7: Spawn Annihilator: 3595550100, phone number shall translateinto "FLY-555-0100".

8: Spawn Jetmax: 9385550100, number translates into"WET-555-0100"

9: Spawn NRG-900: 6255550100, number shall translate into"MBK-555-0100"

10: Spawn Sanchez: 6255550150, number shall translate into"MBK-555-0150".

11: Spawn FBI Buffalo: 2275550100, phone number shall translateinto "CAR-555-0100".

12: Spawn Comet: 2275550175, phone number shall translate into"CAR-555-0142".

13: Spawn Turismo: 2275550147, number shall translate into"CAR-555-0147".

14: Spawn Cognoscenti: 2275550142, phone number shall translateinto "CAR-555-0142".

15: Spawn SuperGT: 2275550168, number shall translate to"CAR-555-0168".

16: Restore Niko's Health: 4825550100 (this number shalltranslate to GTA-555-0100, this code also prevents Cleaned the meanstreets achievements from being earned.

Easter Egg: Beating Heart in Statue of Happiness

Travel to the Happiness Island via helicopter and climb off atthe top of the Statue of Happiness, moving ahead you will find abluff is stated as" No Hidden content beyond This Point", stepahead in the statue from there and find a ridiculous and creepyscene (a living heart in side the statue).

Easter Egg: Fire Truck Fun

If you speedup a fire truck, hit the fire button, you are nowable to shoot water at audience around you with a very powerfulwater cannon. This high pressure water shooting and the people'sreaction is funny and hilarious.

Full health

Dial "3625550100" into the cellphone. Note: This phone numbertranslates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned TheMean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free"achievements from being earned.

Easy Cash

First of all find an ATM machine then you have to create atraffic jam in the area, now look for some one cashing out at ATMand kill him or her. Block nearby roads so that ambulance cannotfind and approach them for aid, take the money which victims dropon ground and then run a short distance and then come back to pickmore money from same place, you can do this as many times as youwant, to get even more money find and kill people cashing out atATM.

To Repair an engine

Call 911 if your engine breaks down and it start again.


To reveal all weapons, health, armor, vehicles, pigeons,entertainment and ramp or stunt locations in the in game computers to seemaps.

One Man Army Achievements

Walk by the train path which is heading towards 2nd island, totrack this path approach bridge which takes you to the 2nd islandand has a train path underneath. When you are in middle you shouldbe able to have up to 6 start wanted level. Then you have to standon train track for 5 minutes to get the achievement. Police cannotshoot you as they are on the bridge right above you also thehelicopters.

Hundred Dollars For Themes and Tones

Reach nearest cyber cafe after getting the cell from play boy x.Purchase all of the ringtones and themes from the tones site thenlog out of the system and you will find that you have only spent$100.

To Avoid Toll Booths

To save 5 dollars and hassle use emergency vehicle with sirenson and attendant will open gates.

Regain Health

leave the mission area and go to Cluckin Bell and the hotdogstand. Eat food to regain your health. Its very useful when on somemissions you cannot find health packs. Take taxi to such locationsif you cant find the car.

Get away From Police

While running away from the cops barely leave leave the circlewhich you see in your radar and sit their for 5 seconds. They lookfor you in that circular area and if you leave the circle and othercop sees you it shall change.

Easier HeadShots

Headshots count alot and some times its harder to get them butwith some practice you can gain some perfection. Hit Auto Aim andthen use right side analog stick to move auto aim targets aroundyour victim's body, now barely move the stick when you are shootingand it shhit bullets in their heads and chestand instant kill.

Faster Travel

While driving you will waste alot of time so to avoid it call ataxi it shall take you to your desired destination, you can alsoskip through taxi ride, which allows you to travel whole city in 10seconds, this can be done in missions as well.

Helicopter along with Rockets

If you want to unlock the helicopter with rockets you have tocollect all 200 pigeons.

Buddy Bonuses

Unlock specific characters frienship ability by gainingmentioned friendship level.

1: BRUCE likes to play Bowling, easting food, drinking, stripclubs, helirides, boating and his special ability is unlocked at70%. If you call Bruce he will come up with his chopper which shallhelp you travel faster in different parts of city.

2: PACKIE enjoys Strip clubs, shows, bowling, drinking, eatingand his special ability is unlocked at 75%. To make a car bomb callpackie and he will make it for you.

3: ROMAN has interests in bowling, drinking, eating, darts,pool, strip club, shows and his special ability unlocked at 60%. Ifyou call Roman he will send you a cab for no charge.

4: LITTLE JACOB likes shows, darts, strip club, eating,drinking, pool and his special ability unlocked at 60%. Call Jacoband he will come with a car full of guns for you to buy.

Rastah Color Huntley SUV

To Unlock Rastah Color Huntley SUV you have to successfullycomplete 10 package delivery mission.

Wheelie Rider Achievement

Grab a motor bike and approach Francis International airportthen go to the one end of runway, now accelerate your bike and do awheelie, to do this you have to press left analog stick down for500 feet to get this achievement. Runway is ideal here because hereyou have a very long and clean path where you can drive without anytrouble.

Rolled Over Achievement

Get a fast car and go to the runway e.g Super GT, Infernus etc.Find a yellow ramp scattered along the runway grass then hit one ofthe ramp with high speed in a way that only half of your car hitsthe ramp, this will give you enough spins to get theachievement.

At Algonquin Bridge which connects Dukes to Algonquin locate thepart where the lanes split at the bridhge when going towardswestbound. There is a small ramp at the split, hit that ramp atvery high speed and it shall roll over your car several times andif you land in the lower area you will get more spins.

Walk Free Achievement

Go to the airport runway in a car, get out of car and you willinstantly score a four star wanted level which you require to getthe achievement. Now drive or run to the end of runway and you willget the achievement.

Find cops and if you kill them your wanted level will rise. Whenyou have scored 4 star wanted level get into the vehicle and driveinto subway tunnel. As soon as you leave the flashing wanted circleand your wanted level disappears you will score theachievement.

Join The Midnight Club Achievement

To get the achievement keep joining and quitting games/matchesuntil you become the host. Then setup the lap no to 1 and start anew helicopter race with few opponents.

ji*zz Reference

There is a detergent inside the laundromat which is being usedand displayed above the back washing machine is ji*zz! Big WashingPower, its an obvious attempt at cruel humor.

Chain Reaction Achievement

To get this achievement, make a traffic jam in the enclosed areae.g booth tunnel, you can do this by blocking off both lanes withtwo automobiles. When cars back up, steal some of them and squeezethem in between others so that there are 3 or 4 next to each otherthen throw a grenade at automobiles in front and use the RPG todestroy the others.

Spider Man Reference

Occasionally pedestrians passing by you will say "Look it's yourfriendly neighbour.. oh, no never mind"

Brown Note Reference

Around Faustin's house there is a reference to a great legendarymusical note. When you are in that area go to dead end about ablock away towards the water. Now hop over the fence which is onyour left while you are facing the water, there should be a mansitting on a beach reading a book with title "The Brown Note".Musician's joke that this is a note that when played causes bowelmovements by the person playing it.

Cops names

During the intermission sequence for the "I'll Get Her" mission,look closely behind Gerry Mcreary. There is a whiteboard for shiftchanges for the prison guards. Some of their names are PhilMcCrevis (feel my crevice) and Richard Head (dick head).

Bowling alley logo

During the bowling date with Michelle, when you enter thebowling alley notice the neon bowling alley sign. Look closely tosee that it resembles male genitalia.

Prank phone calls

Take note of phone numbers on graffiti or ads on buildings on inthe subway. Call those numbers on Niko's cellphone to make a prankphone call.

Keep more cars

At the start of the game it would appear that you can only savetwo cars parked in the "Residents Parking Only" parking spaces infront of your safe house. However if you can find other "ResidentsParking Only" places around the city, you can also save cars thereeven if you do not have a safe house at those locations yet.

Stay on trucks

Once you have jumped on a truck keep tapping the [Jump] and Nikowill stay on. Note this does not work all the time, and if he fallshe loses a small amount of health.

Swim under city

Go to the north part of the map, just northwest of ButterflyStreet in Bohan. Once there, get down to the outskirts of the landand walk towards the corner between the brick wall and the cliff.You can walk through the invisible wall. Lookup towards the city tosee the city from below. You can also continue onwards and swimunder the city.

Launch up stairs

When walking or running up stairs, jump at the first step toskip or sometimes launch yourself up the stairs.

Police database

Use a computer at a TW@ internet Cafe to go to the Liberty CityPolice Department site at "". Click the"Database" tab at the bottom of the home page to get information onall characters, including Roman and Niko.

You can Date

You can date people from the in-game Internet. When looking attheir profile click "Date". You then have to wait a few in-gamedays for a negative or positive reply via email. If your dateaccepts, reply to their email and meet them.

Tossed by friend

Invite a friend to hang out with you. Gently nudge him with yourcar, enough to knock him over but not enough to hurt him. After afew times, he will open the car door and throw you out.

Hint: Armor Locations

Below is the map which shall help you locate ArmorLocations.

Hint: Health Locations

Below is the map which shall help you locate HealthLocations.

Hint: Stunt Jumps Locations

Below is the map which shall help you locate Stunt JumpsLocations.

Hint: All Pigeons Locations

Below is the map which shall help you locate PigeonsLocations.

Hint: Hangout Locations

Below is the map which shall help you locate HangoutLocations.

Hint: Encounters Map Locations

Below is the map which shall help you locate EncountersLocations.

Hint: Email Cars Locations

br>Below is the map which shall help you locate Email CarsLocations.

If you want to restore Niko's Health use this 4825550100

3: For weapons #1 Handgun, Shotgun, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, RPG,Grenades, Baseball bat, use 4865550100 this number translates intoGUN-555-0100.

4: To remove wanted level (Blocks "Walked free" achievement):2675550100

5: Raise Wanted Level (Adds a star to Niko's wanted level):2675550150, number shall translate into "COP-555-0150".

6: If you want to change weather or brightness 4685550100,number shall translate into "HOT-555-0100".

7: Spawn Annihilator: 3595550100, phone number shall translateinto "FLY-555-0100".

8: Spawn Jetmax: 9385550100, number translates into"WET-555-0100"

9: Spawn NRG-900: 6255550100, number shall translate into"MBK-555-0100"

10: Spawn Sanchez: 6255550150, number shall translate into"MBK-555-0150".

11: Spawn FBI Buffalo: 2275550100, phone number shall translateinto "CAR-555-0100".

12: Spawn Comet: 2275550175, phone number shall translate into"CAR-555-0142".

13: Spawn Turismo: 2275550147, number shall translate into"CAR-555-0147".

14: Spawn Cognoscenti: 2275550142, phone number shall translateinto "CAR-555-0142".

15: Spawn SuperGT: 2275550168, number shall translate to"CAR-555-0168".

16: Restore Niko's Health: 4825550100 (this number shalltranslate to GTA-555-0100, this code also prevents Cleaned the meanstreets achievements from being earned.

Easter Egg: Beating Heart in Statue of Happiness

Travel to the Happiness Island via helicopter and climb off atthe top of the Statue of Happiness, moving ahead you will find abluff is stated as" No Hidden content beyond This Point", stepahead in the statue from there and find a ridiculous and creepyscene (a living heart in side the statue).

Easter Egg: Fire Truck Fun

If you speedup a fire truck, hit the fire button, you are nowable to shoot water at audience around you with a very powerfulwater cannon. This high pressure water shooting and the people'sreaction is funny and hilarious.

Full health

Dial "3625550100" into the cellphone. Note: This phone numbertranslates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned TheMean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free"achievements from being earned.

Easy Cash

First of all find an ATM machine then you have to create atraffic jam in the area, now look for some one cashing out at ATMand kill him or her. Block nearby roads so that ambulance cannotfind and approach them for aid, take the money which victims dropon ground and then run a short distance and then come back to pickmore money from same place, you can do this as many times as youwant, to get even more money find and kill people cashing out atATM.

To Repair an engine

Call 911 if your engine breaks down and it start again.


To reveal all weapons, health, armor, vehicles, pigeons,entertainment and ramp or stunt locations in the in game computers to seemaps.

One Man Army Achievements

Walk by the train path which is heading towards 2nd island, totrack this path approach bridge which takes you to the 2nd islandand has a train path underneath. When you are in middle you shouldbe able to have up to 6 start wanted level. Then you have to standon train track for 5 minutes to get the achievement. Police cannotshoot you as they are on the bridge right above you also thehelicopters.

Hundred Dollars For Themes and Tones

Reach nearest cyber cafe after getting the cell from play boy x.Purchase all of the ringtones and themes from the tones site thenlog out of the system and you will find that you have only spent$100.

To Avoid Toll Booths

To save 5 dollars and hassle use emergency vehicle with sirenson and attendant will open gates.

Regain Health

leave the mission area and go to Cluckin Bell and the hotdogstand. Eat food to regain your health. Its very useful when on somemissions you cannot find health packs. Take taxi to such locationsif you cant find the car.

Get away From Police

While running away from the cops barely leave leave the circlewhich you see in your radar and sit their for 5 seconds. They lookfor you in that circular area and if you leave the circle and othercop sees you it shall change.

Easier HeadShots

Headshots count alot and some times its harder to get them butwith some practice you can gain some perfection. Hit Auto Aim andthen use right side analog stick to move auto aim targets aroundyour victim's body, now barely move the stick when you are shootingand it shhit bullets in their heads and chestand instant kill.

Faster Travel

While driving you will waste alot of time so to avoid it call ataxi it shall take you to your desired destination, you can alsoskip through taxi ride, which allows you to travel whole city in 10seconds, this can be done in missions as well.

Helicopter along with Rockets

If you want to unlock the helicopter with rockets you have tocollect all 200 pigeons.

Buddy Bonuses

Unlock specific characters frienship ability by gainingmentioned friendship level.

1: BRUCE likes to play bowling, easting food, drinking, stripclubs, helirides, boating and his special ability is unlocked at70%. If you call Bruce he will come up with his chopper which shallhelp you travel faster in different parts of city.

2: PACKIE enjoys Strip clubs, shows, bowling, drinking, eatingand his special ability is unlocked at 75%. To make a car bomb callpackie and he will make it for you.

3: ROMAN has interests in bowling, drinking, eating, darts,pool, strip club, shows and his special ability unlocked at 60%. Ifyou call Roman he will send you a cab for no charge.

4: LITTLE JACOB likes shows, darts, strip club, eating,drinking, pool and his special ability unlocked at 60%. Call Jacoband he will come with a car full of guns for you to buy.

Rastah Color Huntley SUV

To Unlock Rastah Color Huntley SUV you have to successfullycomplete 10 package delivery mission.

Wheelie Rider Achievement

Grab a motor bike and approach Francis International airportthen go to the one end of runway, now accelerate your bike and do awheelie, to do this you have to press left analog stick down for500 feet to get this achievement. Runway is ideal here because hereyou have a very long and clean path where you can drive without anytrouble.

Rolled Over Achievement

Get a fast car and go to the runway e.g Super GT, Infernus etc.Find a yellow ramp scattered along the runway grass then hit one ofthe ramp with high speed in a way that only half of your car hitsthe ramp, this will give you enough spins to get theachievement.

At Algonquin Bridge which connects Dukes to Algonquin locate thepart where the lanes split at the bridhge when going towardswestbound. There is a small ramp at the split, hit that ramp atvery high speed and it shall roll over your car several times andif you land in the lower area you will get more spins.

Walk Free Achievement

Go to the airport runway in a car, get out of car and you willinstantly score a four star wanted level which you require to getthe achievement. Now drive or run to the end of runway and you willget the achievement.

Find cops and if you kill them your wanted level will rise. Whenyou have scored 4 star wanted level get into the vehicle and driveinto subway tunnel. As soon as you leave the flashing wanted circleand your wanted level disappears you will score theachievement.

Join The Midnight Club Achievement

To get the achievement keep joining and quitting games/matchesuntil you become the host. Then setup the lap no to 1 and start anew helicopter race with few opponents.

ji*zz Reference

There is a detergent inside the laundromat which is being usedand displayed above the back washing machine is ji*zz! Big WashingPower, its an obvious attempt at cruel humor.

Chain Reaction Achievement

To get this achievement, make a traffic jam in the enclosed areae.g booth tunnel, you can do this by blocking off both lanes withtwo automobiles. When cars back up, steal some of them and squeezethem in between others so that there are 3 or 4 next to each otherthen throw a grenade at automobiles in front and use the RPG todestroy the others.

Spider Man Reference

Occasionally pedestrians passing by you will say "Look it's yourfriendly neighbour.. oh, no never mind"

Brown Note Reference

Around Faustin's house there is a reference to a great legendarymusical note. When you are in that area go to dead end about ablock away towards the water. Now hop over the fence which is onyour left while you are facing the water, there should be a mansitting on a beach reading a book with title "The Brown Note".Musician's joke that this is a note that when played causes bowelmovements by the person playing it.

Cops names

During the intermission sequence for the "I'll Get Her" mission,look closely behind Gerry Mcreary. There is a whiteboard for shiftchanges for the prison guards. Some of their names are PhilMcCrevis (feel my crevice) and Richard Head (dick head).

Bowling alley logo

During the bowling date with Michelle, when you enter thebowling alley notice the neon bowling alley sign. Look closely tosee that it resembles male genitalia.

Prank phone calls

Take note of phone numbers on graffiti or ads on buildings on inthe subway. Call those numbers on Niko's cellphone to make a prankphone call.

Keep more cars

At the start of the game it would appear that you can only savetwo cars parked in the "Residents Parking Only" parking spaces infront of your safe house. However if you can find other "ResidentsParking Only" places around the city, you can also save cars thereeven if you do not have a safe house at those locations yet.

Stay on trucks

Once you have jumped on a truck keep tapping the [Jump] and Nikowill stay on. Note this does not work all the time, and if he fallshe loses a small amount of health.

Swim under city

Go to the north part of the map, just northwest of ButterflyStreet in Bohan. Once there, get down to the outskirts of the landand walk towards the corner between the brick wall and the cliff.You can walk through the invisible wall. Lookup towards the city tosee the city from below. You can also continue onwards and swimunder the city.

Launch up stairs

When walking or running up stairs, jump at the first step toskip or sometimes launch yourself up the stairs.

Police database

Use a computer at a TW@ Internet Cafe to go to the Liberty CityPolice Department site at "". Click the"Database" tab at the bottom of the home page to get information onall characters, including Roman and Niko.

You can Date

You can date people from the in-game Internet. When looking attheir profile click "Date". You then have to wait a few in-gamedays for a negative or positive reply via email. If your dateaccepts, reply to their email and meet them.

Tossed by friend

Invite a friend to hang out with you. Gently nudge him with yourcar, enough to knock him over but not enough to hurt him. After afew times, he will open the car door and throw you out.

Hint: Email Cars Locations

br>Below is the map which shall help you locate Email CarsLocations.

Tell you all the cheats for gta4 ps3? - Answers (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.