Explorer's Guide to Wildemount - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)

Anyone who might be from Shadycreek Run is treated as a lowlife brigand and immediately captured and interrogated. Any information about the powers behind the criminal civilization is considered useful, and once non-violent prisoners expend their usefulness, they are unceremoniously stripped of their equipment and set loose in the snowy fields of the Rime Plains. FIGURES OF I NTEREST Distanced from the political bustle of Western and Eastern Wynandir, these figures within the Uthodurn diarchy are beginning to seek their place in the wider world of Exandria. QUEEN SIMONE FRUUNAST Lawful good, female dwarf Daughter of the previous queen, Judessa Fruunast, and the current ruler of the dwarven people of Uthodurn, Simone is a respected, charismatic leader known for her endless compassion and warrior spirit. Often driven more by her heart than her wits, she has come to rely on Imathan for guidance and clarity. While a diplomat by nature, Simone has certainly proven her mettle with an axe in times of conflict. KING lMATHAN TALVIEL Lawful good, male elf The elder king of the surviving elves of Molaesmyr, Imathan is as candid as he is graceful in his old age. Patient but stern, he guides the elven people of Uthodurn with a calm strength and wisdom that helps maintain the continuing peace between the dual communities of Uthodurn. Imathan was a priest of Corellon in his younger days; now he maintains the faith among his people and shares the light of the Arch Heart with the dwarves of Uthodurn. PROFESSOR GULRIM SHALEBROW Lawful good, male dwarf Gulrim is praised as the brazen-though perhaps crazy-explorer who convinced Queen Fruunast to allow his team to cross the Frigid Depths. He and his surveyors found the mysterious banks of Eiselcross, established the Syrinlya outpost, and recovered fragments of ancient relics previously lost in the ice and snow. Professor Gulrim now helms the Uthodurnian efforts to expand Syrinlya and learn more about the mysteries hidden among the glacial fields. TRIBES OF SHADYCREEK RUN The collection of rival criminal families known as the Tribes ran Shadycreek Run for nearly a century before losing much of their dominance to violent infighting and internal power struggles. Comprised of the Mardoon family, the Uttolot family, the Trebain family, and the Jagentoth family, the Tribes still control most of the business that transpires in the city as they work against each other in secret. While each family center is usually comprised of relatives by blood or marriage, their employees C HAPTER 2 I FACTIONS AND SOCIETIES are also considered to be "within the family," so long as they remain loyal. The Tribes operate without a unified symbol or banner, and their interests lie in fencing stolen goods, importing and providing vice, and controlling the populace through confusion, intimidation, and fear. The Mardoon family is a powerhouse of crime within the Graying Wildlands, thanks to its vast network of foreign contacts as well as its prosperous alliance with the Myriad. Known for relentless business acumen and a love of enforceable contracts, the Mardoons would rather shake hands than swing blades. Even so, when contracts are broken, examples must be made, and such circ*mstances demand a bloody show. The family fortune is made from brothels, jewels, and the slave trade, often specializing in exotic finds from Xhorhas and beyond. Leadership is shared between Lord Anselm Mardoon, Kriemhilde Mardoon, Ophelia Mardoon, Demis Mardoon, and Rufus Mardoon. The Uttolot family rose to prominence through a network of familial trade alliances, making it the foremost importer of goods difficult to find this far north of the empire. It controls the gates through the Quannah Breach, and anyone who passes into or out of the region must pay tolls to the Uttolots, making them a necessary partner to the other families whether they like it or not. They dabble in poaching dangerous beasts and monsters, and often clash with the hunters of the Greytrader Union, a collective of citizens who want to improve life for the people of Shadycreek Run. Unlike the other families, the Uttolots rely on the Grudge Gang of Shadycreek for most of their muscle. Leadership is shared between Lord Milos Uttolot, Mira Uttolot, and Jagoda Uttolot. The Trebain family is the most covert of the houses, preferring to do its business through intermediaries and hired muscle. It lives beyond the boundaries of the city, deep within the Savalirwood, in a network of homesteads surrounding a stronghold. The Trebain family focuses on controlling hunting grounds and harvesting relics from the ruins of Molaesmyr. The family's interests put it in constant conflict with the Uttolot family and the Greytrader Union. The triangle of animosity between the Uttolots, Trebains, and Greytraders sometimes makes for strange alliances-after all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, no matter how temporary that bond might be. Leadership of the family is shared between Lord Darko Trebain, Juraj Trebain, Tatia Trebain, and Zorka Trebain. The jagentoth family has earned a reputation for being especially brutal and unforgiving. Its members publicly execute perceived traitors and high-profile competitors, but promise great rewards in exchange for absolute loyalty. The family's most successful business ventures include assassination, cultivating and distributing illicit substances, and slavery (which puts them in direct competition with the Mardoon family). Leadership is shared between Lady Suliajagentoth, Reesejagentoth, Numa Jagentoth, and Ionosjagentoth. GOALS Conflict between the families is a constant in Shadycreek Run, but the apparent absence of Myriad activity has given the Tribes a unique opportunity to expand

their horizons-and their influence. Lately, the Tribes have occasionally endured each other long enough to embark on joint ventures into the empire to rekindle old alliances with the Myriad. Some see this age of tenuous cooperation as a chance to escape from the long shadow of the Myriad and stand alongside them as equals, but others fear that forging new bonds with the Myriad will just give it the freedom to destroy the Tribes from within. RELATIONSHIPS The Tribes endure each other in order to maintain a level of civility within the otherwise cutthroat streets of Shadycreek Run, but they are each on the lookout for ways to subvert or weaken their opposition and become the city's dominant family. All members of the Tribes are documented criminals within the empire, with bounties to match. Travel within the borders of Western Wynandir is dangerous for these criminal overlords, but each family has their own connections within the major cities of the empire that enable business. In the past, the Myriad has oft attempted to subjugate the Tribes, but it has been rebuked time after time. The Tribes are too proud of their well-oiled engine of vice to permit the Myriad to take over. Even though the Tribes are pursuing new alliances with the Myriad, the people of Shadycreek Run fear that conflict between these shady powers is inevitable. FIGURES OF INTEREST Life in Shadycreek is perpetually dangerous for the members of the Tribes, where every smile hides ill intent. OPHELIA MARDOON Neutral evil, female tiefling One of the most prominent members of the Mardoon family, Ophelia commands the Estate Sybaritic to the north of Shadycreek Run. Hedonistic and forceful, she does not enjoy being denied and has the skills and connections to ensure that she gets whatever she desires. One of the more ambitious members of the house, Ophelia has made a number of contacts in the Wildemount criminal world outside the Greying Wildlands. JAGODA UTTOLOT Chaotic evil, male half-ore Jagoda is a master hunter and expert on the terrifying beasts that wander through the Savalirwood, using his skills to track and capture rare creatures for his family to sell. Gleeful in his brutality and prone to ignore the graces of diplomatic relations,Jagoda has occasionally gotten himself into trouble that the rest of his family has had to dig him out of. LORD DARKO TREBAIN Lawful neutral, male human The elder of the Trebain family, Darko helms the efforts to excavate the ruins of Molaesmyr from within his museum-like mansion. He is obsessed with the secrets CERBERUS AssEMBLY OF UTHODURN 51

52 of the blight on the Savalirwood, and he's convinced that it was caused by the elves of Molaesmyr tampering with misunderstood magics. He hopes to discover the source of the corruption and learn how to weaponize it. With such power at his disposal, the rise of the Trebains would be unstoppable. lONOS jAGENTOTH Lawful evil, male half-elf Known for his skills in negotiation and deceit, Ionos has proven himself the master of the family's distribution network. Inspired to expand the business alliances of the J agentoth family far beyond the northern edges of the Dwendalian Empire, Ionos has been making arrangements with Myriad operatives while simultaneously rooting out Myriad influence in those same circles. Either the noose is about to tighten, or he's designed a brilliant ploy to eliminate the competition. LIBRARY OF THE C OBALT SOUL Under the enlightening scriptures of Ioun, the Knowing Mentor, teachers, priests, and monks who have been drawn to the calling of truth and knowledge spend their lives training within the Library of the Cobalt Soul. Rather than a single physical building, the Library of the Cobalt Soul is a collective term for the universal knowledge and philosophies upheld by those who follow Ioun's teachings. The Cobalt Soul is guided by a central belief that true strength is found in understanding the world around you. Despite their idealism, the pursuit of truth is hampered by the realities of life in the empire: politics, propaganda, and the dangers of the wilderness. The Cobalt Soul is based in Rexxentrum but operates throughout the empire and across the whole of Exandria. Temples to Ioun under the management of the Cobalt Soul act as massive libraries called archives, usually located in larger cities and cultural centers. Its members come from all walks of life and are expected to assist in the maintenance, organization, and protection of the archives. Its satellite archives collect artifacts and research information both historical and contemporary along the Menagerie Coast and in the distant lands of Tal'Dorei, Issylra, and beyond. Archivists act as administrators at each Archive, delineating tasks, overseeing the training of new members, and even negotiating for or purchasing artifacts and records-often from those unaware of their true value. The monks of the Cobalt Soul are the enlightened knowledge-seekers of their order. They research places where ancient knowledge could be hidden and lead large-scale expeditions to these places. Expositors are the covert agents of the Cobalt Soul. These enlightened infiltrators extract information that others would keep secret and use their newfound knowledge to better the world. As masters of acquisitions, expositors answer only their High Curator. At the top of each Archive is a High Curator, who dictates the Archive's goals to subordinates and uses this power to assign marks to expositors, outline allies and C HAPTER 2 I FACTIONS AND SOClETIES enemies to their archivists, and approve the expeditions proposed by monks. The Cobalt Soul was founded within theJulous Dominion before the nation fell to the armies of the Dwendalian Empire. The Dwendalian Crown permitted the Cobalt Soul to be assimilated into the social hierarchy of the empire rather than destroying it. This was not an act of mercy, but a political maneuver; the Cobalt Soul was allowed to survive only to provide a sense of normalcy and appease the restless populace. The Library has continued to work with and under the empire out of necessity, but its archivists are savvy political players-whenever possible, they avoid making moves that could put them in danger of being exploited by the Crown or the Cerberus Assembly. Nowhere is this tension more apparent than in the very existence of the militant truth-seekers of the Cobalt Soul: the expositors, rigorously trained to root out corruption and falsehoods. Behind the scenes, a silent war is brewing as expositors bring the dark secrets of the empire's social elite out into the light. GOALS Untold knowledge was lost when the Calamity brought the Age of Arcanum to its fiery end, and so too was the case when Ioun was mortally wounded in that terrible war. Since that day, the Cobalt Soul and their progenitors have sought to recover what was lost. They hope that, in time, their tireless effort will eventually usher all societies to an enlightened future. Ioun is still wounded, but her wisdom and grace has returned to the world-at least in part. Under the guidance and wisdom of their patron god, members of the Cobalt Soul seek to enlighten themselves through study and research. They devote their lives to studying the mysteries of the world, and turning that knowledge to protect it from another Calamity. To this end, the Library makes the immense breadth of knowledge within their archives available to anyone and everyone who seeks to educate themselves-though some secrets are so potent that they must remain hidden from the public until the proper time. Empires thrive on misinformation and propaganda, yet it is necessary for the Cobalt Soul to operate within the Dwendalian Empire. As such, the Cobalt Soul works to provide the truth to those who will listen, to covertly update revisionist history, and to remove false information before it can spread too far. Unfortunately, imperial agents and even spies from foreign powers have successfully infiltrated the Library over the centuries, and some of their attempts to rewrite fact and history in favor of their own interests have succeeded. In response, the Library has had to construct a powerful, hidden force of expositors to defend their texts from manipulation and uncover truths that remain guarded. RELATIONSHIPS The Library tries to remain autonomous, but their agents within the empire are under constant siege by Theolocrat Kon Bruda, a once-respected monk of the Cobalt Soul who is now just another corrupt lackey of

the Crown. Bruda and the archivists wage a quiet battle of wills and subterfuge, each trying to outsmart and undermine the other. This situation, combined with the empire's efforts to prevent the education of their people, has created palpable unrest within the Library. The perceptive ears of the expositors often hear rumors of unwholesome practices behind closed doors within the Soltryce Academy and other places under the Cerberus Assembly's oversight. The Library is concerned about the assembly's secretive cabal but has thus far been unable to infiltrate deep enough to uncover anything damning. Meanwhile, a small number of volunteers from within the Library have agreed to travel deep into Xhorhas in the hopes of communicating with the Kryn Dynasty to learn more about their mysterious society, and to understand the level of threat they pose to the people of Western Wynandir and beyond. None of the volunteers have yet returned. FIGURES OF I NTEREST Operating under the will of Ioun, and driven by curiosity and the desire to further universal understanding, the diverse agents of the Cobalt Soul seek to change the world for the better. HIGH CURATOR LOMAN TURRAY, HERALD OF THE ZADASH ARCHIVE Lawful neutral, male human Curator Turray has held the position of High Curator of the Valley Archive in Zadash and the title of Herald of the Archive under the Crown for over forty years. He faces increasing pressure to instill his subordinates with loyalty to the Crown, and he is slowly giving in to imperial indoctrination. He fears that enforcing the will of the Crown when it contradicts the philosophies of the Library will cause his own colleagues to depose him-which only leads him further into the Crown's protective embrace. HIGH CURATOR YUDALA FON, HERALD OF THE REXXENTRUM ARCHIVE Lawful good, agender half-elf Yudala is a wise and respected figure who has spent most of their life fighting to protect and maintain the Rexxentrum Archive. They have mastered the art of parrying the Crown's and the assembly's attempts to subjugate the Archive and bring it under state control. For nearly two decades, they have been engaged in a battle of wills with the infuriated Theolocrat Kon Bruda-and they fear that Kan's patience is at an end. His vengeance will be elaborate, exacting, and swift, or so Yudala fears. Their network of spies and expositors is frantically seeking to find and publicize evidence of Kan's unlawful dealings and end the feud before it escalates further. EXPOSITOR SIA KRESH Neutral, female halfling As Yudala Fan's secret right-hand, Sia organizes the expositors of the Rexxentrum Archive. She is determined to root out the infiltrators who would seek to undermine the leadership of the Library and grab power for the Crown, and she is swift and brutal in her work. Those that know of her fear her, and many wonder if her methods are crossing a line. SCARS OF SCALE AND TOOTH For hundreds of years, the small, cloistered dragonborn nation of Draconia reigned over the Dreemoth Ravine to the south of Xhorhas, removed from the troubles of the wastes. The erudite draconbloods of the ruling houses, marked by their intellect, jeweled tails, and ostentatious wealth, looked down from the floating chain of islands that formed their capitol while the droves of tailless slave dragonborn, known as ravenites, toiled away in the ravine below, gathering resources and serving their masters for generations. This structure collapsed around twenty years ago, when the Chroma Conclave, a union of ancient dragons, destroyed Draconia and left the city ruined in the ravine below. When the Conclave was destroyed, the surviving dragonborn ravenites outnumbered their previous masters, who were bereft of their former privilege and power. In the uprising that followed, many draconbloods were executed for their crimes, and others fled to the empire for asylum. Thus freed from their shackles, the ravenites built a new society adjacent to the ruins of the old nation of Draconia. The past two decades have seen the rise of a new society, known as the Scars of Scale and Tooth, and it is wracked by the growing pains inherent to the dawn of a new nation. The Scars' leadership is tenuous, as many seek to claim the prestige of leading their people, and disagreements have led to bloodshed between the newfound councilors. This has made the building of the new city of Xarzith Kitril slow and fraught. Some heroic figures are seeking to establish a better direction for the ravenites, while others fled to the empire to seek better fortunes away from the infighting in their homeland. The war between the Kryn and the empire has closed the border pass into Western Wynandir, so the ravenites must find a way to coexist and thrive before the strife of warfare engulfs them. GOALS The conflicting goals of the Scars' leaders have placed their nascent settlement in peril. Every would-be ruler wants something different for their people and has sufficient support within their faction to cause the streets of Xarzith Kitril to run red with ravenite blood, if they so desired. Some amid the Kitrilians are outraged over news that a massive number of ravenite and draconblood refugees have been relocated to a shantytown called Talonstadt. Not only is the treatment of their kin unfair and inhumane, but this makeshift settlement practically straddles the Dwendalian Empire's eastern border, and they fear that Talonstadt will soon become the first casualty of a Kryn invasion. C HAPTER 2 I FACTIONS AND SOCIETIES 53

54 Meanwhile, the monstrosities of the Xhorhasian wastes can sense the power vacuum left in the wake of Draconia's fall. Xarzith Kitril has no formal military, just a loose militia of hunters and trappers. This leaderless force is stretched to its limits, and more hunters are lost every day to opportunistic monsters. Outside aid is urgently required, but the squabbling councilors of Xarzith Kitril can't agree on whose aid they should request. RELATIONSHIPS Rumors of the Dwendalian Empire mistreating dragonborn ravenites have bred a heavy distaste for King Dwendal and his nation. The empire has recently sent emissaries to request an alliance against the dynasty, but Kryn diplomats have also arrived in Xarzith Kitril, seeking friendship and offering to aid the dragonborn in their efforts to rebuild. The Scars have heatedly debated which power they should side with-or if they can afford to aid either. Ships from the Clovis Concord have docked on Kitrilian shores in recent years, eager to resume trade with the dragonborn people. In particular, Nicodranas has welcomed the emerging nation, and a few emissaries from Marquis Zhafe Uludan currently reside within Xarzith Kitril to keep an eye on the developing city-state and to aid to whatever limited extent they can. FIGURES OF INTEREST The former slaves of Draconia are eager to forge their own destiny in the world. Some have risen to the challenge with glee, while others have had leadership suddenly thrust on them, but all the bearers of this charge hope to create a new beginning for the dragonborn people. DRUVIS KOOTHALOK Lawful good, male ravenite dragonborn Once a trained combatant in draconblood gladiatorial games, Druvis gained notoriety when he refused to strike his foes dead. His skill and creed garnered attention, and he was quickly sold to a wealthy noble house atop the floating islands of Draconia. In the chaos after Draconia's fall, Druvis became widely respected for his courage and sense of morality, and has hesitantly become a champion for the downtrodden people of Xarzith Kitril. VEMOSI RUNEK Chaotic neutral, female dragonborn Vemosi is a zealous and militant priest of the Storm Lord, and her tempestuous fervor and blistering sermons in the aftermath of Draconia's fall made her a popular voice of the people, though her detractors call her little more than a demagogue. Vemosi's brutal sense of justice has earned her-and the Storm Lord-many followers, all of whom are determined to hunt down and exact retribution from the surviving draconbloods. Vemosi has become a powerful figure within the Scars, and now she seeks to cement her place as a leader of her people. CHAPTER 2 I FACTIONS AND SOCIETIES TROKA, THE SCOUNDREL KING Neutral good, male dragonborn Druvis first noticed Troka for his silver tongue, and tasked him with infiltrating the empire and appraising the situation in Talonstadt. Frustrated by the meager living conditions and demeaning treatment of his people, Troka has retaliated by sowing chaos throughout the surrounding Dwendalian territories. Troka and his troupe of slippery thieves steal from the Crown, confuse the local military, and keep a watchful eye on the dragonborn refugees, making him a folk hero among their community. CLARET ORDERS Centuries ago, the high cleric of the ] ulous Dominion made secret pacts with a devil of the Nine Hells, hoping to gain enough power to repel the aggressive Dwendalian Empire. However, he failed to read the fine print of the devilish contract-he succeeded in his mission, but his people paid a terrible cost. The empire was indeed repelled, but it was because the lands of the Marrow Valley were brimming with devils and undead. The common folks hid in their homes, and the valley grew unhallowed and gray. In this brief era of terror, a humble priest of the Raven Queen named Trence Orman prayed for a way to protect his flock, his people, and the lands they called home. The Matron of Death blessed him with the ancient secrets of blood magic. Trence trained his most trusted friends in the techniques of hemocraft, and they sacrificed a portion of their humanity in exchange for the power to defend the dominion. This marked the origin of the Claret Orders. Using their forbidden skills, the Claret Orders managed to seal away the source of this dark deal, free the high cleric from his torturous form, and clear the countryside of the evil that pervaded it. Unfortunately, before the Claret Orders could be celebrated as saviors, the armies of the empire swept into the freshly purged Marrow Valley and crushed thejulous Dominion. The newly installed Dwendalian lords blamed the Claret Orders for inviting fiends into the Marrow Valley. While some knew the truth and tried to clear their name, it quickly became clear the Claret Orders were no longer welcome in their own homeland. Trence and his troupe of blood-tithed warriors went into hiding. Even in the face of such opposition, they never stopped protecting their lands from the shadows, seeking and destroying evils that emerged from the scars of the Calamity. The orders have spread to the outskirts of Western Wynandir and beyond. They maintain small keeps to train new generations of protectors who are willing to take the Hunter's Bane and embrace their inner darkness to combat the outer darkness in the world. GOALS The creed of the Claret Orders asks its followers to commit their lives to hunting monsters that threaten the sanctity of life and joy. While the sacrifice is great, the reward is the continued existence of purity and good in the world. The orders strive to protect those who cannot protect themselves from the terrors that go unseen by

their noble lords and ladies. Most take little credit for their services, beyond means to live and travel. Some have strayed, using their skills to amass a fortune, but the heads of the orders deliver swift justice unto those who exploit the people they are sworn to protect. RELATIONSHIPS The existence of the Claret Orders is largely rumor and myth in most places, as the orders have no alliance with or allegiance to any standing government or group. The empire is well aware of their presence and makes a point to ignore their heroic deeds while publicizing misdeeds of those few hunters that succumb to the corrupting influence of their powers. Some splinter orders have traveled beyond the boundaries of the empire, seeking more welcoming folk and more unique challenges in lands across Exandria. Still, no matter where the guardians of the Claret Orders travel, they know they will never be free from the hatred of those that misunderstand them. FIGURES OF INTEREST Weeding out the terrors that feed at the edges of civilization, the members of the orders work for little more than the satisfaction of a deadly job well done. CLARET DIRECTORjETTE BRASHAN Neutral, male half-ore An elderly priest of the Raven Queen who's as revered as he is feared, Jette has a powerful will and a tactician's mind. Jette never makes direct eye contact, and it seems that his attention is scattered among a dozen points at any given time, yet his ability to read patterns and calculate the hidden nature of evil leaves his compatriots in awe. Absolutely dedicated to the eradication of fiendish influence on the mortal plane, Jette has sacrificed much in his pursuit- all who serve him suspect that, one day, he will gladly make the ultimate sacrifice. ELIAS DE CORVO Neutral good, male human A famed blood hunter across the orders, Elias has successfully hunted some of the vilest creatures in all the planes and lived to tell the tale, though his scars show the cost of his victories. In his later years, Elias is now focused on training and mentoring new members of the orders, trying to instill in them morals that anchor them to their better nature. LILYANA CAYD Chaotic good, female werewolf (half-elf) A sarcastic spitfire who joined the orders to help gain control over her lycanthropy, Lilyana has become a masterful blood hunter in an impressively short period of time. She leads many hunts with her keen, lycanthropic senses, and is known for being more personable than most who undergo the Hunter's Bane. Lilyana is spoken of with equal parts irritation and awe within the circles of the orders. Sc11Rs OF SCllLE llND TOOTH THE CLARET ORDERS THE GOLDEN GRIN L I BRARY OF THE C O BllLT SOUL 55

GOLDEN GRIN When the lands of Tal'Dorei were ruled by the tyrant Drassig, a hidden society of muses, storytellers, bards, and folk heroes assembled to oppose their despotic king. The Golden Grin has endured since those dark years, and it has secretly guided the just, inspired the common folk, and planted the seeds of discontent and rebellion amid tyranny ever since. Each member, known as a grinner, pledges to uphold the ideal that every individual has the power to change the world. They seek out places where hope is faint and the soul grows dim without inspiration, lifting the spirits of the downtrodden and heartening those who feel forgotten. Little is known about the Golden Grin aside from myths and rumors, and its members prefer it this way. The grinners listen for whispers and information using fabricated personas they create when they join the faction. The Golden Grin arrived in Wildemount by following the trade routes from Tal'Dorei to the Menagerie Coast, where its members discovered a land plagued by warring despots. A sect of the Golden Grin has spent the past generation spreading its roots throughout the Clovis Concord. Now firmly established, the Grin has set about undermining corruption within the concord and has begun working their way into the Dwendalian Empire. GOALS The Golden Grin-or simply the Grin-exists to enlighten and inspire, keeping ears and eyes out for the murmurs of tyranny and cruelty and deposing those responsible through social upheaval, or occasionally direct intervention. The idea that each person is capable of great things permeates its mantras and beliefs, and the wandering storytellers of the Grin are known to pay handsomely for tales of local heroes and majestic deeds of courage to add to their repertoire of stories and songs. If the people's hearts grow cold enough to reject words and poems, the noblest of grinners will often rise to the occasion and get their hands dirty to display such an act of heroism themselves. RELATIONSHIPS The Grin claims no formal allies, since its members never reveal themselves to others except in the direst of circ*mstances. They uplift and bolster other groups that work with the people's best interests at heart. Some grinners occasionally find their way into government positions, granting them a platform to disseminate the ideals behind their cause. While some may not agree with their rather anarchistic views, grinners are generally regarded as idealistic paragons of individual virtue. The Grin's mischief in Wildemount began relatively recently, so it is largely unknown and able to conduct its work unimpeded; however, those versed in historical lore might know of its deeds and read the signs of its meddling. The Golden Grin currently is seeking an alliance with the Library of the Cobalt Soul to root out the untrustworthy within the Cobalt Soul and align their interests to aid the people ofWildemount. C HAPTER 2 \ FACTIONS AND SOCIETIES FIGURES OF INTEREST In a world where strife and struggle often define one's life, it takes a certain quality of hero to step up and answer the call of the Grin. SIR LINUS DENWALLOP Neutral good, male gnome A wandering minstrel who claims a sourceless knighthood, Sir Linus travels all across the Menagerie Coast with his lyre and bag of illusions to astound and excite the children and poor folk of the countryside. Sir Linus intends to make up for his years of villainy as a smuggler and thief by subtly undermining the same sects of the Myriad with whom he once did business. SHAKASTE (HUSH) Chaotic good, male human A warm, gentle soul with blind eyes and a heart overflowing with patience, Shakaste was quick to learn the harsh realities of the world around him. After finding faith in the storms that shake the coast where he grew up, he was gifted with a hummingbird companion that serves as his eyes. Armed with a talent for going unnoticed and powers granted by his willful love of freedom, Shakaste has operated under the name "Hush" since joining the Golden Grin, quietly seeking out those in need of a little guidance. MASTER DUASAD KEEF Chaotic good, male human An affluent noble among the upper crust of the Clovis Concord, Duasad is an inheritor of the Keef family's ancient, generational wealth. Duasad was raised as a woman, but realized as a young adult that something wasn't right, and sought a mage to help him transition-a fairly simple task in the concord, at least for those with affluence. These days, Duasad has become well known as a powerful empath who uses his psychic talents to help others deal with trauma or seek a more fulfilling path in life. He has become one of the most influential and effective members of the Golden Grin in Wildemount. However, the radical shifts in his clients' life choices have not gone unnoticed, and Duasad is aware that the watchful gaze of the Clovis Concord is now firmly fixed on him. THE REVELRY The Revelry's allies within the Clovis Concord will tell you that they turned to piracy because of the concord's excessive taxes and unjust laws. Perhaps it began that way, but over time, a movement that began as public dissent turned to lawful protest, which then became violent action. Eventually, a union of disenfranchised salvage ships and trade vessels fought their way into the Dragshallow Reef and violently overthrew the small sanctuary port of Darktow. After establishing a lawless base of operations on the isle of Darktow, these pirates began stalking the wellknown shipping routes of the Menagerie Coast to harry, intimidate, steal from, and destroy passing ships that

flew under the concord's banner. Calling themselves The Revelry, these "free folk of the sea" have now spent over forty years terrorizing the Lucidian Ocean. With loose morals and a twisted code of honor, they take what they want from less protected targets while living a life of debauchery in the well-guarded haven of Darktow. The Revelry lacks a uniform symbol, instead changing the colors and symbols of its banner regularly to avoid counterfeiting and infiltration. The Revelry is governed by a collective of captains, all of whom defer to the final word of the Plank King, a capricious monarch who never leaves Darktow. The original Plank King, Hunnis Breeah, ruled for twenty-five years before a goliath named Wyatt Maranoss challenged him for his increasingly lackadaisical attitudeand won. Now Breeah is dead, and Wyatt claims the title of Plank King. GOALS While the Revelry's original goal was to scare the concord into revoking their soaring taxes, its charter has changed. The Clovis Concord refused to change its laws, and the pirates found a certain dark joy in theft and murder on the waves. The original members of the Revelry (and now their children) have no plans to return to their former lives as legitimate traders. They intend to maintain and grow their operations across the Lucidian Ocean, while continuing to defend and improve their fortress in Darktow, finding intricate ways of reinforcing the reefs with dangerous traps and impassable barriers. The Revelry has since expanded their interests beyond mere piracy. Relics and secrets dating back to the Age of Arcanum and beyond are rumored to be scattered all across the coast and the Swavain Islands. Some scavengers have returned to Darktow with proof of such artifacts, and a new kind of aspiring treasure seeker has emerged within the Revelry: one who seeks to plunder from the dead rather than the living. The drive to outdo their fellow sailors has already placed several ships in serious danger. RELATIONSHIPS Each member of the Revelry known to the Clovis Concord is considered a major criminal, amassing an ever-growing bounty with each infraction they commit and every ship they raid. Those arrested are generally executed and strapped to the rocks outside Brokenbank as a warning. Some of the more affluent Marquesian merchant guilds that have little investment in concord shipments use back-channels to pay off the Revelry and fly specific colors when crossing their territory to avoid being boarded. FIGURES OF INTEREST Whether it be for glory, for gold, or for freedom from law on the ocean waves, the banner of the Revelry calls many to join the cause. WYATT MARANOSS, THE PLANK KING Chaotic evil, male goliath After seizing the mantle of Plank King, Wyatt quickly established his position with displays of tactical brilliance, fair judgment, and brutal retribution. Wyatt is eager to maintain the approval of his captains and often throws bawdy, drunken celebrations for his subordinates and the people of Darktow to offset periods of unrest or frustration. Initially friendly and welcoming to an almost unsettling degree, Wyatt has a reputation for abruptly turning into a cruel and violent dictator when his trust and hospitality are violated. CAPTAIN ALYSON PAIJ Chaotic good, female human Known to many as the "Screaming Knuckle," Alyson is the loud and joyful captain of the ship The Ill Hand who enjoys a good brawl as much as she appreciates a stiff drink. Paij took to piracy because of her hatred for the Clovis Concord, but she is driven by an uncompromising sense of moral duty to the downtrodden. She never raids civilian vessels, and she does her best to rein in the Revelry's cruelest captains and focus their efforts on those who deserve to have their goods stolen. CULTS: DUBIOUS WORSH IP FROM THE SHADOWS While this chapter outlines the major players across the continent operating in ways that directly affect the political landscape ofWildemount, there are numerous smaller factions that can be introduced in your own Wildemount campaigns. Among these lesser powers are countless cabals, cults, and leaderless groups of people who fall under the influence of the numerous Betrayer Gods and other entities who corrupt and manipulate mortals. These may operate on their own or within larger factions, providing challenges, villains, and an element of chaos that can make your Wildemount campaign un ique. Below are a few examples of cults deeply rooted throughout Wi ldemou nt, and their respective goals. The Remnants. When Vecna's physical form was destroyed during the Age of Arca num, his most devoted followers founded the Remnants, a col lection of secretive sects dedicated to realizing Vecna's plan to ascend to godhood, despite his death. The cult succeeded in aiding his resurrection and ascension, but they were scattered when the heroes ofVox Machina ban ished and sealed Vecna beyond the Divine Gate. The Remnants now seek new ways to restore their god to his promised position of absolute dominance over creation. The Caustic Heart. The leaders of the Caustic Heart are dedicated to Tiamat and eager to free her from the hellscape of Avern us. The Caustic Heart uses social leverage and binding contracts, as well as seductive promises of power and vice, to ensnare the weak-wil led and greedy within their plots and expand their influence. The Harbingers of the Core. These aberrant cultists worship the terrors born from the dreams of the Elder Evils: impossibly ancient, malevolent entities who exist within the Far Realm and the spaces beyond the known planes. Touched by madness, their bodies often subtly mutated by their contact with the horrors to whom they pray, the Harbingers of the Core gather in the broken lands of Blightshore to summon and unleash the terrible children of their masters. C HAPTER 2 I FACTIONS AN D SOCI ETIES 57

�hapter 3 WILDEMOUNT GA ZETTEER 'vE CERTAINLY SEEN MUCH OF IT, AND IT IS VERY beautiful. Beautiful, and terrifying, and cold, and humid, and deadly, and joyous, and full of strife, struggle, and hope. It's home, and that's enough for me. Doty, did you get all that?" -Taryon Darrington, The Daring Trials and Tribulations of Ser Taryon Darrington Along the western shores, turbulent ocean currents batter trade ships as they ride the winds toward port cities that shine like diamonds on the verdant coastline. Monstrous behemoths plod across the cracked and blighted barrens of the eastern valley. The desolate northern tundra is a lawless wilderness where power-hungry scavengers hunt for ancient artifacts buried beneath the ice. Wildemount is a vast and varied landscape brimming with possibilities for any adventure. This chapter presents the various areas ofWildemount, broken into seven major regions: the Menagerie Coast; the Zemni Fields and Marrow Valley, which together form Western Wynandir; the Greying Wildlands and Eiselcross, which shape what is known as the Biting North; and lastly the Wastes ofXhorhas and Blightshore, which comprise Eastern Wynandir. Each section describes the region's important locations and includes plot hooks for adventurers who travel there. Adventure hooks presented within this chapter are broken down into recommended ranges of adventuring party level: low level (1-6), mid level (7-1 1), high level (12-16), and epic level (17-20). Adventure hooks labeled as "any level" can be presented at any point in your party's journey, with a little planning. You are welcome to adjust the difficulty of any of these adventure hooks to fit your campaign. MENAGERIE C OAST Spanning the length of Wildemount's southwest coastline along the Lucidian Ocean, the Menagerie Coast is a lush, rain-swept, tropical region filled with scattered forests and jungles, rocky seaside cliffs and beaches, overgrown islands, and bustling trade routes that traverse the perilous seas. The coast is ruled by a nation comprised of seven city-states whose cultural and political leaders have united to form the Clovis Concord. This land is known far and wide as a place for lively trade, vibrant art, performance, and excellent food-as well as the indulgence of vice, piracy, and illicit business. Five of the seven cities have open shipping ports, supporting a robust economy of goods, services, and contraband. The Myriad crime syndicate has had its hands in the affairs of the concord for decades, and while officials publicly deny that the Myriad is still active along the Menagerie Coast, local guildmasters and politicians fear that the Myriad is stronger than ever. The major cities that comprise the Menagerie Coast are Port Damali, Feolinn, Othe, Nicodranas, Gwardan, Port Zoon, and Tussoa. Beyond the coastal cities, the Swavain Islands are scattered across the Lucidian Ocean, bearing shipping posts, dangerous reefs, and ancient secrets hidden in the bellies of hungry jungles. The pirates of the Revelry stalk the oceanic trade lanes, hassling merchants, marines, and adventurers alike. As any adventurer will attest, all this danger guarantees that travel along the Menagerie Coast is an anxious, thrilling, and profitable experience-if you know where to look. BARREN SHORES The northern edges of the Cyrios Mountains drop off into dark pebble beaches known as the Barren Shores. Many believe that an ancient being of immense strength pulverized the edge of the mountains with a series of mighty blows. Others speculate that the shore is somehow related to the Pallid Grove. Whatever the case, these stories of forgotten magic exert an undeniable pull on the curious minds of adventurers and historians alike. Traversing the icy waters of the Frigid Depths is nearly as dangerous as climbing the uncharted expanse of the Cyrios Mountains, and those who survive the journey are greeted by monstrous, twisted crustaceans and seaside cults eager to torment trespassers. Some divine historians theorize that something ancient and cruel might have been released into the nearby sea when the mountains were sundered; they speculate that the strange ring of small islands surrounding the nearby inlet to the west may be connected to the being's whereabouts and purpose. CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER • 59

BARREN SHORES ADVENTURES Adventurers might seek out the secrets of the Barren Shores through archaeological curiosity or find themselves stranded during an unfortunate sea voyage. Be Our Guest (Low Level). The characters discover a wrecked smuggler's ship, its ruined structure washed on shore. Inside, they find the long-dead bodies of the smugglers who once manned it, as well as the mysterious animated cargo that slew the previous sailors. Flying swords, rugs of smothering, and animated armor haunt the interior, while the baleful spirit that grants them life remains tethered to a golden chair hidden within the depths of the hull, seeking release from the curse that binds it there. BISAFT ISLE The largest island in an archipelago southwest of Port Damali, Bisaft Isle is a lush expanse of jungle, nut and fruit trees, exotic creatures, and thick mangroves. Swarming with denizens that call the dense foliage home, Bisaft has become a favored location to hide contraband or conduct unlawful activity beyond the sight of the Clovis Concord. Bisaft is dotted with abandoned ruins of the Ki'Nau who once ruled this jungle, and some believe that these villages hide knowledge and gifts granted to the Ki'Nau by their elemental patrons. Along the southern shore of the island lies a single bastion of civilization, known as Bisaft Post. A small village of no more than eight hundred people, the harbor town is a tropical escape for concord citizens and a surprisingly busy place of business for ships in need of resources and repairs while passing through the trade lanes of the Swavain Islands. B ROKENBANK Population: 1 ,520 (74% humans, 9% tabaxi, 6% dwarves, 11 % other races) Government: The settlement is run by the portcaller and his personal Zhelezo soldiers. Minor power struggles occur with local business leaders. Defense: Beyond the Zhelezo, there is a small volunteer militia of fishers and ex-military locals. Commerce: Basic supplies are available, though sources are limited to a few inns and places of trade. Some merchant sailors bring rarer goods on occasion. Organizations: Aside from scattered shrines, no full temples exist in Brokenbank. The settlement is too small to support independent guilds; large businesses control internal commerce. Brokenbank is a coastal settlement built along the beautiful northern beaches of the island of the same name. Its bustling docks that are filled with foreign ships coming and going at a moment's notice. Despite its muddy streets, Brokenbank plays an important role in the trade business of the coast. It is the first major entry port for the Menagerie Coast; most trade ships and shipping vessels check in at Brokenbank to resupply and submit to official inspection before entering any of the coastal ports. However, since Brokenbank lacks the strong cultural identity of the mainland city-states, the concord doesn't recognize it as an official city with a marquis. 6o C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER The constantly shifting clientele, who often arrive after many weeks at sea, leads to fruitful and rowdy nights in Brokenbank's crowded taverns and brothels. GOVERNMENT Since Brokenbank has no marquis, its de facto leader is Portcaller Mazin Fahreed (described in chapter 2). Mazin performs the duties of a marquis without the title or respect, and he often gets ornery when dealing with other members of the Clovis Concord. He has been known to severely punish those who question his authority. He retains a garrison of hardened Zhelezo who maintain the peace among sailors and peddlers, while aiding the port inspectors to handle any fishy business among the ships in port. CRIME Sailors carrying goods across the ocean often attempt to skim a few goods off the top of their cargo to make an extra silver at market. This is considered normal unless one gets too greedy. Less acceptable is outright stealing from other ships in port before setting sail. The local Zhelezo mete out stern punishment to petty thieves, cross-referencing all documentation to ensure that the sterling reputations of the shipping guilds and Brokenbank itself aren't tarnished. GEOGRAPHY The busy port consists of a curved main street that follows the shape of the inlet, forming a stretched half-circle facing the northern ocean. It's not uncommon to see the port full of docked vessels while other ships weigh anchor in the harbor, eager for spots to open up. The strong sea breeze keeps the denizens cool under the glaring sun that bakes the dirt and sand along the banks of the settlement. BROKEN BANK ADVENTURES The characters could come to Brokenbank to buy or sell a ship or exotic items, or to find a merchant hiring adventurers for protection. For the Myriad (Low Level). Agents of the Myriad hire the characters to find information they can use to blackmail Portcaller Mazin Fahreed. What evidence might the characters find of the portcaller's dirty deeds? BWUALLI Bwualli is the largest of the Swavain Islands, and its volcanic peak, Itaa, is said to have been one of the many thrones of Kord the Storm Lord while he walked Exandria. The active volcano is a smoldering monolith of black rock and gray smoke that shakes the surrounding lands with sporadic eruptions. Where the glass and rock has cooled, a crowded jungle teeming with aggressive wildlife and lurking pitfalls awaits those who brave the untamed isle. The smugglers and pirates of the Revelry take advantage of Bwualli's dangerous and unstable reputation to hide their plunder on the island, carving out lairs to hide their gains. The recent tales of a nameless horror that stalks the volcanic crags only embolden the pirates. They jeer that the Clovis Concord's officers lack the guts to investigate.

0 Diver's Grave DARKTOW ISLE · ""1:,, Z i) Dr;agshallow \ ( Reefs Dar:ktow Ml\P 3.i: MENl\GERIE Col\sT C OPIA LAKE GRAVID ARCHIPELAGO :\ c�):i ,-,:: � , . 0�; Brokenbank " � 3' '- -=:- � ,... ) BROKEMBANK Deep Row Reef North of Tussoa, the sparkling waters of Copia Lake are nestled within the Copia Wildwood, a thousand feet up in the Cyrios Mountains. The lake is considered a sacred pool where Ki'Nau warriors and priests would ascend to purify themselves of terrible dreams and spirits. As such, the concord has outlawed fishing or diving except for of ceremonial purposes. However, the lake is isolated and only sparsely guarded by Zhelezo, so the area has become a favored drop point for contraband, and passing smugglers have decided to pick up some extra coin by poaching the sacred fish unique to the lake. C oPIA WILDWOOD The Copia Wildwood winds through the Cyrios Valley north of the city of Tussoa, and wraps around the base of the mountains like a coiling verdant serpent. While the outer edges of the forest provide strong timber for the surrounding cities, deep beyond the welcoming tree line lie the swaths of heavy spruce and fir trees infested with all manner of large, hungry predators. Locals spread tales of an intelligent behemoth who lives in the nearby mountains and devours or enslaves any who wander too far into the woods. lnkclaw Reef ,.; 'ff LiRUKAYXL COPIA WILDWOOD ADVENTURES This dangerous forest is the perfect spot for characters to face powerful predators. Something Wicked This Way Comes (Mid Level). Something is forcing the giants of the mountains to migrate southward into the wildwood. The party is hired by the foreman of the Shekis Timber Company to eliminate these unwelcome brutes, offering gold for each giant head delivered. However, when the characters face one of these towering giants, they might notice their sallow figures and the look of fear in their eyes-they're not attacking, they're running from something. CYRIOS END FOREST Along the southern edge of the Cyrios Mountains is a dense timberland of softwood trees and jungle vegetation. The Cyrios End Forest provides lumber used to create quality paper, but those who harvest from the woodland generally keep to the perimeter. Deep within the twisting paths and fern-cluttered floor, deadly creatures hunt in the shadows, while abandoned huts and lodges crumble around a toppled temple, now mostly reclaimed by the forest. Adventurers and historians have helmed expeditions into the remnants of this Ki'Nau village and the temple, but have often returned wounded or diseased, or have never returned at all. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 61

CYRIOS MOUNTAINS The largest mountain range in Wildemount, the Cyrios Mountains wind across the western side of the continent, dividing the Menagerie Coast from Western Wynandir and the Dwendalian Empire. The jagged mountains make overland travel between the neighboring continents of Wildemount and Tal'Dorei all but impossible-to say nothing of the nightmarish beasts that hunt amid the craggy cliffs and gnarled trees. CYRIOS MOUNTAINS ADVENTURES The vast mountain range harbors all kinds of challenges for those who value treasure more than their own lives. The Unlucky Few (Low Level). The characters are hired by a minor official from the Dwendalian Empire to find a small community of Righteous Brand deserters who have set up an encampment deep into the Cyrios Mountains and bring them to justice. When they locate these fugitives, the adventurers discover that the entire community is afflicted with lycanthropy, the reason for their desertion. The characters can attempt to capture or slay the former soldiers to complete their contract, make allies with them and keep their secret, or even search for a cure and help them reintegrate into society. Many Eyes for Many a Prize (Mid Level). Rumors reach the coast that a hidden mountain valley holds a mysterious collection of statues. The characters are hired to accompany a curator of the Cobalt Soul to investigate the nature of this strange menagerie, only to discover that numerous curators have already been added to this display by an eccentric beholder called Enxanash who wants to build a beautiful museum of zoology. The characters must defeat the beholder, convince it to relinquish its collection, or steal the petrified victims. DARKTOW ISLE The volcanic rock that forms the jagged cliffs of Darktow Isle is wildly varied in height and shape, creating the impression of a massive, toothy maw. These rocks hide many caverns and tunnels that have inspired numerous local myths of secret hideouts and legendary beasts. The island is barren of greenery, save for the verdant basin in its center, known to locals as the Pit. This small pocket of jungle is the largest source of natural resources on the isle, and its fruit, game, and timber sustain the pirate haven in lean times. The Dragshallow Reefs that surround Darktow Isle have claimed many ships over the years. Their wrecked skeletons have been dragged atop the rocks as an additional barrier to intruders and as a warning to trespassers. A dragon turtle named Idok stalks the reefs, but an accord between the cunning creature and the Plank King himself keeps Idok away from pirate vessels. In return, the dragon turtle can do whatever it wishes with any other ships that enter the island's twisted waterways. The denizens of Darktow have further fortified the reefs with sentry posts, hidden weaponry, and deployable pitfalls to prevent unauthorized entry through the southern channel. The defenders of the channel have orders to fire without warning on any ships that do not fly the colors of the Revelry. 62 C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER DARKTOW Population: 1,306 (61% humans, 12% elves, 9% dwarves, 18% other races) Government: The island is ruled by the Plank King, whose power is maintained through the pirate lords loyal to him. Defense: Numerous hidden ballistae, siege weapons, explosives, and magical wards guard the waterway to the city. The harbor holds a powerful navy of pirate vessels, and most Darktow denizens are accomplished cutthroats, ready to fight any threat to their city. Commerce: Most goods and services can be found here, as well as all kinds of rare, exotic, and dangerous supplies that find their way here from far-off raids. Organizations: Most homesteads have small personal shrines, but only two rickety temples to Kord and Melora stand along the shoreline. Each ship is its own independent organization, but all work as part of Darktow's community. This eerie, fog-shrouded town is built into the southern cliff of Darktow Isle. Over a century ago, Darktow was established as a sanctuary for sailors traveling to Wildemount from Marquet or Tal'Dorei. About forty years ago, a group of aggrieved sailors and traders within the Clovis Concord rebelled against their government's excessive taxation of independent nautical businesses. The rebellious pirates conquered Darktow and claimed it as their headquarters, making this town the beating heart of piracy in the Lucidian Ocean. This union of thieves and pirates, known as the Revelry, plunders ships on the surrounding waters then retreats to their reef-encircled base, amassing wealth and influence through intimidation and cleverness. BY LAND OR SEA While most Revelry pirates are sailors by trade, many of the isle's residents never take to sea. Instead, they maintain the town's defenses, repair ships in port, entertain pirates on shore leave, or sell goods and services. A large number of these landlocked folk were denizens at the time of the town's capture or are their descendants, having been granted safety in exchange for their allegiance to the Revelry. GOVERNMENT Within the Revelry, each captain is the lord of their own ship, but all business must be reported to the Plank King, the leader of the Revelry as a whole. Though the Plank King rarely leaves the Throne Roost in the town of Darktow, he oversees operations, organizes raids, protects the island, and punishes traitors. CRIME One would think a landscape of law-breakers would be rife with crime, but the rule of the Plank King heavily punishes thievery within Darktow. A number of birdpicked skulls adorn the rocky shore aside his lair as a warning to play nice with one's fellow pirates. Even so, some folks do push those boundaries should they feel confident in their ability to get away with it. Theft and conflict beyond the boundaries of the Dragshallow Reef is reviewed and judged by the Plank King.

GEOGRAPHY The town's many ramshackle structures sprawl across numerous rock shelves and caverns, connected by bridges, tunnels, and rickety platforms. A vast shipyard surrounds the southern cliffs with a winding network of docks and bridges, while other fortifications bristle with cannons. Other siege weapons dot the jagged edges of the isle. A series of watchtowers keeps vigil over the inlet, their torches flickering within the midnight fog. A precarious, winding cliffside stair leads to the Throne Roost, the cavern where the Plank King makes his home. Atop that same cliff, a mysterious arcane device is under construction; some believe that it is intended to defend the Revelry's stronghold in case some fool from the Clovis Concord attempts to bring a skyship over their heads. DARKTOW ADVENTURES Darktow is a pirate settlement, making it the perfect starting place for an adventure on the high seas. The characters might come to the town to join a crew, challenge a pirate captain, or hunt down criminals. Bloody Maggie's Crew (Mid Level). The characters are hired by Bloody Maggie (chaotic neutral, female human bandit captain) of the pirate ship Dragon Turtle to find out who or what keeps murdering members of her crew. The characters eventually catch the culprit, Blue Martita, a revenant who wants revenge on Bloody Maggie and her crew for leaving her behind during a Clovis Concord raid on one of their safe houses. The revenant tries to recruit the characters to her cause. Heroes on a Dragon Shell (High Level). The arrangement between the Plank King and the dragon turtle Idok of the Dragshallow Reefs has broken down, so the creature is now also sinking Revelry ships that attempt to enter or leave Darktow. The Plank King hires the characters to parley with Idok and find a way to meet the creature's demands, convince it to end its assaults, or slay it in its lair for a share of its treasure hoard. SO NG OF DASH I LLA TH E DREADFUL Where once the waters rolled calmly by, Where ocean's heart did sing, There stalked a lass with a hungry eye, And claws that grasp and wri ng. With lantern lure of a glimmer pot, With treasure in their eyes, Below they swam to the gold they thought, Would await them as their prize. Yet each of them went to surely die, Their graves to not be found, For Dashilla and her hu ngry eye, Collects the lost and drowned. -Brokenbank folk ballad C HAPTER 3 I WILD EMOUNT GAZETTEER

DIVER'S GRAVE Deep beneath the waves of the open Lucidian Ocean lies a terrifying graveyard of wrecked, merrow-infested ships scattered across the ocean floor. This sunken cemetery of broken vessels is strewn over miles and miles, and each salvage ship that tries to reclaim cargo from the Diver's Grave only adds another corpse to its hungry sands. The Grave seems to sense ships as they approach and sends out a storm to consume them. At the heart of the Grave is an underwater maze of carnivorous seaweed, and within this dread labyrinth lives Dashilla the Dreadful, a terrible sea fury (see chapter 7) who hungrily awaits her next shipment of wayward sailors. DOLITHIL MINE Northeast of the elven city of Gwardan lies the Dolithil Mine, owned and operated by the Dolithil Orekeepers Guild from within the city. The entrance to the mine remains hidden from view thanks to simple illusions put in place to deter thieves. While the mine yields a respectable amount of gold and platinum, it is notably rich in iron, tin, copper, zinc, and other more common metals that are used in the secret trade of steamcasting (see "Gwardan" later in this chapter). DOLITHIL MINE ADVENTURES Dolithil Mine is such a critical location for the Clovis Concord that adventurers could be hired to find the mine for the organization's enemies, or they might be paid to protect the place from threats outside and within. Revelry Razing (Mid Level). The Revelry knows that finding and destroying Dolithil Mine would be an excellent way to hinder their enemies in the Clovis Concord. The characters could be hired by the Revelry to find and destroy the mine, or by the concord to defend the mine from Revelry invaders. DORALLE WOODS The Doralle Woods are tucked away at the base of the Cyrios Mountains. The woodlands are a major source of game, timber, and herbal medicines for the nearby elven city of Gwardan and the surrounding coast, fed by the watershed of the nearby mountain range. Fishers often follow the path alongside the Doralle River into the northern lake to catch rare fish and silt-born shellfish only found within those crystal waters. Travelers and hunters that traverse the woods are advised to bring offerings of fresh bread, tropical fruits, and even pearls for the woodland spirits that are rumored to call the forest home. A community of fey beings watch over these woods, stepping from the veil of the Feywild to meddle with trespassers who show disrespect, or terrorize those who seek to rob the wilds of their boons. Local stories speak of a crew of unsanctioned loggers from Tussoa who vanished naught but a week into their venture, only to return a month later aged thirty years, with no memory of what occurred in the interim. EVERPLUME Those who brave the waters surrounding the Torrid Reef, south of the Shearing Channel, find their view of the horizon broken by an endless column of jet-black smoke rising from beneath the ocean. Hidden under the rolling waves is the monstrous volcano Everplume, which fills the surrounding waters with murky soot,

toxic fumes, and boiling heat. Elemental energy swirls around this ominous peak, leading many experts to believe that a rift to the Elemental Plane of Fire might sit at its heart, unknown to the Ashari people, who safeguard breaches between the Material Plane and the Elemental Planes elsewhere in Exandria. Natural creatures of the deep have been slowly twisted into fiery mockeries of their original selves, and regular tremors suggest that the mountain may be growing. FEOLINN Population: 12,700 (73% humans, 10% elves, 5% gnomes, 1 2% other races) Government: Marquis Hector Saliva runs the city, with wealthy, non-competitive businesses operating as an unofficial council. Defense: Local Zhelezo keep the peace and protect the city perimeter. Affluent members of society also keep a hired guard. Commerce: Most basic supplies are readily available in taverns, inns, and the marketplace. Organizations: Shrines and temples to the Prime Deities are present, if downplayed in prominence. Local merchant families vie for financial and political dominance, leaving room for growing Myriad corruption. Smaller than its nearest coastal neighbors, Feolinn is widely referred to as the Garden City for its rural aesthetic, proximity to the Plumgroves, and well-kept parks and gardens. Feolinn acts as a harbor for the plentiful fishing around the Mother's Sigh Reef, as well as a destination for travelers looking to escape the chaos of Exandria's woes. Feolinn is a popular destination for wealthy socialites, and it is filled with businesses that specialize in indulgence and self-pampering. TREE AND VINE The abundance of fruit and sweet roots harvested from the Plumgroves has given rise to a competitive wine and spirits industry. Feolinn wines and ciders are renowned throughout Exandria. The vintners of Feolinn are known for their intense pride-and for the disdain they have for other vineyards, such as those in the Dwendalian city of Kamordah. Classic vintages auction well in Port Damali, while high-end liquor is presented as a fine gift in noble circles. Competition between the local wineries and distilleries is cutthroat, with major organizations such as the Saliva Winery, the Laffath & Legrand Vineyards, the Leoleoa Cellars, and the Purple Breast Company all vying for local and international renown. GOVERNMENT Feolinn's reputation for vanity is well-deserved; even its leaders believe in their city's superiority. Marquis Hector Saliva of the Saliva Winery family is the third marquis of his bloodline to maintain the city's luxurious image, while also doing his best to elevate the prestige of his family's business. Local Zhelezo are often tipped by businesses to pay particular attention to their safety, or to pry into the affairs of competitors. This culture of bribery has caused Feolinn's Zhelezo to neglect the concerns of their city's underclass in favor of lining their pockets with "tips" from merchants. CRIME Visible, violent, and unbecoming criminal activity is swiftly quelled to avoid tarnishing the reputation of the fair city. However, quiet lawbreaking occurs within back rooms of wineries and the mansions of the upper class. A number of powerful local businesses have even fallen in with the Myriad to unseat their competitors, and though few are aware of it, Feolinn is now nearly as corrupt as Port Damali. GEOGRAPHY Buttressed against the southern tree line of the Plumgroves and surrounded by a number of small family farms, Feolinn is replete with rural charm. The city itself is comprised of four main roads that form a large rectangle, with each corner ending in a promenade filled with shops and pubs, while the city center is mostly made up of residential homes and affluent estates. Suamalie Way specializes in food and fine dining, while Alt'afi Avenue sports theaters, bathhouses, gambling halls, and other venues for private entertainment. Minceli Road contains administration buildings and Zhelezo barracks, and Sayer Street is home to many of the local harvesters and working class folk. FEOLINN ADVENTURES Feolinn is a good place for adventurers to get caught up in shady business deals and cutthroat competition. Loose Lips (Low Level). The characters are invited to a citywide alcohol fair, where Feolinn's wineries and distilleries enter their products to compete for prizes. The fair is secretly sponsored by the Myriad, which plans to get the city's most influential people drunk and learn their secrets to use as blackmail. The characters get wind of this plan and must decide whether to stop the Myriad or get in on the plan. Celebrity Endorsem*nt (Any Level). After the characters gain recognition for their deeds, the competing wineries and distilleries in Feolinn attempt to convince them to become official spokespeople of their brands, offering money and free booze. If the characters accept an offer, the rejected companies turn on them, trying to embarrass the characters at every turn and hiring rival adventurers to take credit for their accomplishments. WINES OF fEOLI NN Tropical weather and fertile lands have enabled Feol inn to develop a prosperous wine trade across the Menagerie Coast and beyond. There is fierce competition between local families as well as the rival wineries of Kamordah in the empire, and the numerous wines exported from Feolinn can claim a respectable bit of coin, though the prices might vary depending on the market. Solvia Groves Diamond Plum Wine: 60 gp per bottle. Oveso Family Dark Red: 35 gp per bottle. Rustlecall's Evening Dream Plum Wine: 40 gp per bottle. Solvia Groves Sunset White Wine: 30 gp per bottle. Cuthras Silver Vineyard Premium Red Wine: 50 gp per bottle. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER

66 FESTERWILL POOL Festerwill Pool's bubbling waters emit a powerful sulfurous smell that fills the valley, while the nearby rock is discolored by mineral buildup. The pool itself is a green lake choked by algae and weeds at the base of a ragged mountain valley, surrounded by moss-covered, leafless trees. This lake and the surrounding rocky cliffs are home to the grotesque and ravenous gorefeather harpies. Screeching through the air, the harpy troupes bring their prey here to devour, the bloody remnants falling into the brackish waters below. Under their matron, Uada, the gorefeathers claim this region as their territory, hiding baubles and trinkets among their filthy nests. GILDED ROADWAY Running nearly the entire length of the Menagerie Coast, the Gilded Roadway is a ribbon of civilization that links every major city in the Clovis Concord. This well-traveled highway is too long to be constantly patrolled, but small bands of Zhelezo do move from city to city, giving travelers at least the illusion of security. The Gilded Roadway is a symbol of unity between the coastal cities of the Clovis Concord and is even represented on the concord's official seal. GRAVID ARCHIPELAGO These three islands are comprised of steep, volcanic peaks with sheer cliff faces, pock-marked with numerous caves housing blood hawks, harpies, and (rumor has it) an impossibly big roe. There are only small pockets of trees and jungle, so resources are scarce and few ships have a legitimate reason to stop here. However, this does not stop the Revelry from using the region for storage, ambushes, and meetings outside Darktow. GwARDAN Population: 18,900 (63% elves, 16% humans, 1 1% gnomes, 10% other races) Government: The city is governed by the four Noldar, one of whom must act as marquis. Defense: Gwardan has a respectable force of Zhelezo, mercenaries, and trained citizen militia. Elders and prominent figures keep a small personal guard. Commerce: Most basic goods and facilities can be found within the city, while rarer commodities are scarce. Inns and taverns are limited compared to other coastal cities. Organizations: The Houses of Sagacity (see "Geography" below) are the center of worship, though small shrines dot the city. The Clovis Concord is involved in the city's affairs, though kept peripheral by the Noldar. Myriad interests are slowly invading. After the sea guardian of the Ki'Nau was banished, the Menagerie Coast received an influx of travelers from Marquet. Many Ki'Nau of elven heritage joined the desert elves of Marquet to seek a new home. They traveled inland toward the protection of the Cyrios Mountains, where precious metals and stones lay unclaimed, and paid their respects to the fey folk of the Doralle, taking C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER only what lumber they felt was needed. Together, they built a new center for elven culture among the fields outside the forest. When the Clovis Concord was established, Gwardan was the force that mandated autonomy between each city-state. The elegantly carved wooden arches of Gwardan rise out of the fields like the waving grass writ large, with neighborhoods of domed yurts rising into tall spires of brass and silver. The Houses of Sagacity allow a limited number of students annually to join their halls to seek higher knowledge. STEAM CASTING The elves of Gwardan built sprawling mines throughout the nearby mountains, becoming the most renowned metallurgists and smiths across the Menagerie Coast. The mingling of elven cultures has occasioned the guarded development of a unique style of metalworking. Blending organic designs with super-heated caustic mists, the "steamcasting" process imbues metal with a prismatic shimmer and enables cheap, brittle materials to become as workable and as strong as steel. Gwardan is known across Exandria for its unique steamcast goods, and no one else has managed to get the style quite right, making Gwardan's decor, jewelry, and weapons coveted throughout the world. GOVERNMENT General city affairs are overseen by the Noldar, a council of four figures who represent the larger facets of Gwardan society. Though the Noldar were established in the interest of fairness, they were forced to select one of their number as their marquis when Gwardan entered into the Clovis Concord. Currently, Marquis Vasan Atrith has led the Gwardan people for just under a century, and is seen as both just and forthright. C RIME While Marquis Atrith has been willing to allow outsiders to visit and live within the city, rising crime and rumors of the Myriad's return to the Menagerie Coast have set her on edge. Thieves have tried numerous times to uncover the secret process of steamcasting, causing her to increase the number of Zhelezo patrolling the city streets. These Zhelezo were drawn from Port Damali, and their presence has given Port Damali's leaders the power to interfere in local affairs, to the Noldar's consternation. GEOGRAPHY Gwardan is a beautifully rustic yet elegantly refined city of stained wood and gold that rises from the windswept tallgrass fields, cultivated farm land, and clustered trees of the chilly northern plains. The outer ring of the city, called the Anorans Ring, is comprised of numerous domed abodes of bowed lumber and carved bark where families make their homes. The Houses of Sagacity form a prestigious region where three temples built for worship also provide a variety of advanced studies to a limited student body. These are the House of Enlightenment under Ioun, the House of Invention under Moradin, and the House of Enchantment under Corellon.

The Korrwa Ring is the inner ring of Gwardan, where business is conducted between peddlers, merchants, and craftsmen. Within that ring stands the Ornatora, a massive tower of latticed wood spiraling upward like a crafted, leafless tree. Disc-like homes and chambers protrude from the tower at varying intervals, granting the wealthy folk of the city a magnificent view. The peaks of the tower house the Noldar, as well as the central meeting chambers where local political discussion takes place. GWARDAN ADVENTURES Characters could come to Gwardan seeking steamcast goods or any of the city's strange crafting secrets. Bring 'em Back (Low Level). Talamin Raanan (chaotic neutral, female, high elf bandit captain) once worked for the tribes of Shadycreek Run as an assassin. The elf disappeared five years ago, but spies report that she resides in Gwardan under the name Valemis Tirdra. One of the Shadycreek Tribes, or a faction that wants to see Talamin pay for her crimes, hires the characters to capture the elf. When the characters find Talamin, they learn that all she desires is to leave her violent past behind and live out her days with her new family, including her two young children. HEARTHSTAR PEAKS Visible even from the ocean, the Hearthstar Peaks are a compact, dizzyingly tall cluster of mountains near Port Damali. The highest peak, known as the Hearthstar, has a giant column of ever-burning arcane fire. The Hearthstar is a beacon that warns nearby ships of the rough and unwelcome rocky coast in the region, guiding them eastward to the Edgepoint Lighthouse at the tip of the peninsula and onward to the safe harbor of Port Damali. The sheer slopes of the mountains are incredibly dangerous to climb, but some do enjoy the challenge, and there are occasional rumors of arcanists who float to the highest peaks to hide away their secrets in the topmost caverns. LUSHGUT FOREST Choking the valley floor between the Stonecage Cliffs and the entire northwest region of the Menagerie Coast, the Lushgut Forest is a monument to the fury and anger of Melora. It is said that a terrible battle between Melora and Zehir took place during the Calamity, when the Cloaked Serpent plotted an ambush by a shrine to the Wild Mother. This ambush poisoned and slaughtered an innumerable number of Melora's chosen. In her anguish and rage, Melora's scream shook the heavens and birthed a twisting, thorny woodland that crushed and consumed the serpentfolk of Zehir, sending the dark god fleeing the valley. The Lushgut Forest remains a physical manifestation of the Wild Mother's vengeful nature; her wrath is embodied in the tall, curling boughs that still ooze toxins from the poison left in Zehir's wake. The poisonous denizens of the labyrinthine wilderness of shadow and fumes are rumored to protect something that lingers near its center, and scholars still debate if these slithering sentinels are born from the will of Melora or the spite of Zehir. The deep woods of the Lush gut Forest are also home to a civilization of goblins and bugbears known as the Vinewreathed Enclave. This druidic order is led by bugbears who have used their natural magic to break the control which Bane, the Strife Emperor, holds over their westward goblin kin. They are devotees of the Wild Mother, whom they know as an-Melzidanye. LUSHGUT ADVENTURES Whether traveling from Tal'Dorei or wandering far north of the Menagerie Coast, adventuring parties can find unique challenges within these deep woods. Venomous Request (Low Level). Wandering deep into the shady heart of the forest, the characters discover a hidden society of yuan-ti who worship the Wild Mother instead of Zehir. However, they bear a cancerous curse that cuts their lives short, which they believe stems from the poisonous sunken temple they choose to guard in Melora's name, slaying the twisted creatures that spill from its corruption. The village leader asks the characters for aid in venturing deep into the deadly temple to seek the source of these terrors, and perhaps their own curse, in hopes of destroying it once and for all. NICODRANAS Population: 31,900 (68% humans, 1 3% halflings, 8% dwarves, 10% other races) Government: The city is ruled by Marquis Zhafe Uludan, who maintains his position through his family's ties with the Dwendalian Empire. Defense: A respectable army remains stationed within Nicodranas to dissuade empire foolishness. Zhelezo mingle with small squads of imperial Crownsguard. Powerful nobles and diplomats also keep hired swords and guards. Commerce: The Dwendalian Empire is Nicodranas's primary foreign trade partner, and Nicodranas is renowned as a city where foreign travelers can find respite and entertainment. Organizations: The port is home to many places of worship, though temples to the gods approved by the empire are kept to the north side of the city, separated from those of banned gods. The Dwendalian Empire has a strong presence among high society. The Myriad is very quiet but unquestionably present. The easternmost city of the Menagerie Coast, Nicodranas (meaning "gathering of colors" in Draconic) sits close to the Dwendalian Empire's southern border. The proximity to the empire has made Nicodranas as an embassy state between the two powers, and the city hosts most diplomatic relations between the Clovis Concord and the Dwendalian Empire. The second-largest city of the coast, Nicodranas is similar to its larger sister city, Port Damali. Although it lacks the bustle of the unofficial capital, Nicodranas is preferred by travelers who dislike the crowds and rapid pace of Port Damali. A lighthouse of the Wild Mother overlooks the docks of the Restless Wharf, where traders and sailors maneuver their goods in and out of the harbor. Many of the local businesses are connected with either the ruling Uludan family or the entrepreneurial mage Yussa Errenis in the Tidepeak Tower, creating an additional level of C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER

68 competition. Those with coin to spend eventually find themselves drawn to the delights of the Opal Archways, where dens of indulgence are plentiful, though they are always under the supervision of the local Zhelezo guard. THE NEAREST ESCAPE Sitting just beyond the southern borders of the empire, Nicodranas has been nicknamed "the Escape" for many who seek to enjoy the simple pleasures of the tropicsbut also because other folk come here to flee from the dreary realities of daily life in the city's plentiful gambling houses. Some successful Dwendalian merchants have even gained the Cerberus Assembly's approval to relocate to Nicodranas. GOVERNMENT Nicodranas is currently led by Marquis Zhafe Uludan, a powerful guildmaster who is related to Lord Athesias Uludan, a respected member of the Cerberus Assembly. This connection has enabled Zhafe's family line to maintain the tenuous truce between the empire and the Clovis Concord, including the controlled trade and travel between borders. The Zhelezo who guard the city intermingle with assigned Dwendalian sentries, though the overlapping jurisdiction occasionally causes conflict. CRIME The awkward intersection of Dwendalian and concord law makes Nicodranas an especially dangerous place to delve into criminal activity. Both factions are competitive in their enforcement of the laws, so the local criminals are extremely cautious to avoid attention. However, many things considered unlawful within the empire are carefully regulated but nonetheless legal here, giving Nicodranas the dubious honor of being the safest place in Wildemount to indulge in one's vices. The Myriad is quiet here but unquestionably present, manipulating the black market to maneuver their contraband throughout both the Clovis Concord and the Dwendalian Empire. GEOGRAPHY This vivid, lively port city is built below the mouth of the Wuyun Valley, where the Cyrios Mountains form the southeastern border of the Dwendalian Empire. The districts within the city vary in architecture and atmosphere, meshing colorful Menagerie pavilions with the gothic, brooding Dwendalian aesthetics as the cultures clash and mingle. Divided into four loose regions, each section is further divided by the lifestyles of the denizens based on which side of the valley they hail from. The Restless Wharf marks the eastern end of the city's shoreline, with a number of docks, warehouses, and a massive shipping bay run by the Glisteners Guild, a privately owned subsidiary of the Uludan family. Many ships are guided into port by the Mother's Lighthouse, a colossal lighthouse carved in the image of Melora. In perpetual competition with the Open Quay docks, the Restless Wharf is filled with cheap entertainment, pamphlets for services, and false promises of competitive prices. The dock yard in the wharf has managed to keep a tight hold on repair supplies coming into the city, leaving the Open Quay starved for materials. C HAPTER 3 J WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER On the western side of the city, the Open Quay is privately owned by Yussa Errenis, a wealthy merchant mage who purchased the land two centuries ago after most of it burned down. He ignored offers to sell the land to the Uludan Family, and instead built an affordable bastion of rentable business space out of spite for the monopolizing family. Considerably seedier than the Restless Wharf, the Open Quay is known for the merchants' loyalty to Yussa and the diversity of work found throughout the area. The Opal Archways, a loop of eleven stone arches placed seemingly at random, were created when Nicodranas was founded centuries ago to mark the edges of the city, before it expanded far beyond its original boundaries. Now the Archways are markers for the lively social center of the city, glowing with multicolored torches and incense at dusk when music and evening commerce fill the streets. Housing is quite expensive in this vibrant district, so only nobles, well-off merchants, and political figures can afford to call the Archways home. It's also common for foreign diplomats and moneylenders to own a part-time leisure home within the area. The Skew encompasses the residential sprawl of the city, a colorful collection of mismatched homesteads whose varying heights and sizes create a jagged skyline. The streets are safer the closer to the Archways they are, but at night the lack of well-lit walkways makes it dangerous to walk through this region alone. NICODRANAS ADVENTURES Characters looking to relax in Nicodranas might stumble into an adventure involving the Myriad, the Clovis Concord, or the Cerberus Assembly. Vine Shine (Low Level). Overnight, heavy vines grow over the lighthouse of the Wild Mother, and anyone who cuts their way through to investigate the sacred place doesn't return. The characters are hired to investigate and find an infestation of vine blights in the temple. How did the blights come to be? Are they part of a plan to corrupt the lighthouse for dark purposes, or are they a priest's experiment gone terribly wrong? Chaos Companions (High Level). While the characters visit the city, they witness a noble drop dead as a slaad tadpole bursts from her chest. More nobles die in the same way as the characters investigate. They eventually discover that the victims all visited the same brothel, an establishment run by a death slaad in disguise with several slaad bouncers. 0THE Population: 8,320 (64% humans, 16% halflings, 1 1% half-ores, 9% other races) Government: Matters of state are managed by Othe's marquis, while local industrial and religious leaders govern on a smaller scale. Defense: Zhelezo guards and volunteer citizen warriors maintain the law and protect the city. Commerce: Basic needs can be readily tended to through a trading post or inn. Some traveling merchants bring outside goods, but rarer commodities are sparse. Othe exports herbs with natural medicinal properties at high cost.

STRE ETS OF N tcooRANAs Organizations: A collection of small temples resides in the Apa-feids. Merchant guilds are small but work in conjunction with one another. Myriad agents are embedded in numerous elements of the city. Established around 410 PD by the Ki'Nau as a shamanistic site for meditation and medicinal ritual, the location expanded into the village of Othe when Marquesian explorers discovered the unique properties of the Othemoor and the flora it sustains. Othe is the smallest of the coastal Clovis Concord domains, and the local leaders are generally left to their own devices. This makes the social environment of Othe extremely insular and less hospitable to outsiders who don't go out of their way to engage with the locals. A SPIRITUAL ELITE While the bogs surrounding Othe aren't the most picturesque of settings, the city is a regional center for spiritual guidance. Within the Apa-feids of Othe lie many humble temples, where numerous holy guides welcome travelers who seek a comforting word or a moment of clarity. The spiritual traditions of the native Ki'Nau people are alive and well here, and have melded with worship of the gods to create a unique religious practice. Here, connections are forged between the modern tenets of the gods and the animistic faiths of the Ki'Nau people in search of universal truth. GOVERNMENT The Marquis Mata Laau-afu is a respected spiritual shaman who has followed in his family's tradition for generations. While he acts the part of the wise and mysterious guide to the people of the marsh, Mata is also a shrewd negotiator and clever bureaucrat when dealing with the other marquises and the politics of the Menagerie Coast. Bolstering his Zhelezo with a handful of faithful druidic guardians of the Othemoor, Mata remains vigilant in the protection of his people and their interests. C RIME As watchful as the marquis intends to be, the growing demand for Othe's unique medicinal herbs has drawn the attention of opportunists and swindlers. Myriad agents masquerading as potential investors and partners in small family businesses have tried to abscond with herbal cuttings, but haven't yet been able to break into the highly secretive society that cultivates them. Those that are caught trying to steal or counterfeit Othenian herbs are usually thrown into the Bogpit prison, and weightier crimes come with severe penalties, such as being left tethered and submerged in the most putrid swamps of the Othemoor. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 69

GEOGRAPHY Shaped like a large crescent, this settlement is built across a series of five small land masses that rise above the waterline of the Othemoor. These landmasses are all connected by bridges, and each of the city's districts is built atop one or more of these islands. First, the Rudwashes are a residential district whose houses have been built using bricks made of red clay from the marsh. The port, known as the Stark Docks, is where small boats and storage buildings are used by the laborers of the city to gather resources. The Apa-feids form the central bulk of the city, with more modern buildings and the elevated hall where the marquis resides. Here, a circle of small temples represents the prime pantheon. While the winds are often earthy and mingled with marsh air, the simpler, pastoral lifestyle of Othe is more relaxed and spiritual than other locales along the coast. 0THE ADVENTURES The characters may come to Othe to seek guidance from one of the city's many temples. Seeking Misguidance (Any Level). A ranking official of the Clovis Concord is in Othe seeking guidance on handling the Myriad. The criminal organization hires the characters to pose as holy guides and convince the official to work with the Myriad instead of against them. 0THEMOOR Thick with humid air stinking of stale water and mildewed wood, the marshland of the Othemoor is considered by most outsiders to be an unpleasant place filled H ERBS OF TH E 0TH EMOOR The rich, primal nature of the Othemoor marsh nurtures a number of rare and highly sought-after grasses and herbs. Herbalists, alchemists, and spice traders often visit Othe to bolster their stores. Below are a number of the herbal goods often found for sale within Othe: Theki Root. This thick marsh root tastes bitter but is thought to aid digestive health. When you use an action to consume a dose, you gain advantage on saving throws against the effects of poisonous or toxic substances for 8 hours. Cost: 3 gp per dose. Muroosa Balm. This paste made from the muroosa bush is known to help prevent sunburn, but it is also a fi re retardant. After spending 1 minute applying a quarter pint of muroosa balm to your skin, you gain resistance against fi re damage for l hour. Cost: 1 gp per dose for sunburn, 100 gp for a full appl ication against fire. Olisuba Leaf. These dried leaves of the Olisuba tree, when steeped to make a tea, can help a body recover from strenuous activity. If you drink a dose of Olisuba tea during a long rest, your exhaustion level is reduced by 2 instead of l at the end of that long rest. Cost: 50 gp per dose. Willowshade Oil. A dark blue oil can be extracted from the rare fruit of the wi llowshade plant. A creature can use its action to apply the oil to another creature that has been petrified for less than l min ute, causing the petrified condition on that creature to end at the start of what would be that creature's next turn. Cost: 30 gp per dose. C HAPTER 3 I WILDE MOUNT GAZETTEER with nasty creatures and sinister trees. As unwelcoming as the landscape might be, the minerals of the bog mud are known to have restorative properties, and a number of extremely rare plants and roots that only grow in the Othemoor have become popular in modern medicine, as well as meals within affluent social circles. The marsh is large and ancient, and has swallowed many secrets over the millennia, some of which have been known to rise to the top of the muck unexpectedly. 0THEMOOR ADVENTURES The muck of Othemoor is filled with bodies, treasure, and even more mysterious things. Blood Diamonds (High Level). When several diamonds are revealed by the shifting of Othemoor's muck, many adventurers, including the characters, head for the swamp, hoping to strike it rich. The diamonds were actually planted by Pillia Ravenosa, a vampire, to bring prey into the Othemoor for her vampire spawn. PALLID GROVE Hidden near the northern heart of the Cyrios Mountains, the valley known as the Pallid Grove is cut off from the rest of Wildemount by deadly peaks. Once a beautiful, untouched woodland atop a mountain plateau, the grove was home to reclusive elves who worshiped Sehanine, protected by the illusory magics of their moon priests. During the Calamity, Torog and his loathsome minions pierced the elves' obfuscating barriers and burrowed beneath the grove, causing the plateau to sink into a shadowed valley. His servants lapped at the roots of the trees from below, sucking the life and color from them, while many of the denizens of the wood were dragged beneath the earth to be tortured in the bladed halls of the Crawling King. Now, nearly a millennium later, the bleached, broken, petrified forest remains an eerie specter of the natural world, and its cursed history keeps travelers at bay. PALE SURVIVORS It was thought the elves of the wood had been annihilated during the destruction of what is now known as the Pallid Grove, but a number of them survived among the sunken roots. Living in fear of the Crawling King's cruelty and hiding from the destruction of the Calamity, these enduring elven clans kept to the shadows of the valley and persisted through the ages. The blessings of the Moon Weaver shielded them from harm, and over time, these blessings mingled with their natural adaption to the blighted forest and gave rise to a new subrace of elves known as the pallid elves. Only in recent years have these timid survivors begun to step out into Exandria, curious and confused about the new world that has developed without them. PALMA FLORA Population: 1 ,780 (68% humans, 1 3% halflings, 1 1% dwarves, 8% other races) Government: An elder manages settlement-wide issues, but most people tend to their own affairs.

Defense: An untrained militia composed mostly of shark hunters defends the settlement from pirates and sahuagin. Commerce: The settlement exports some fish, fruits, and alcohol, but makes most of its money through tourism. Organizations: Local farmers and brewers established the Palma Flora Traders to collectively barter with larger, more powerful ports. The community of Palma Flora occupies the southern tip of the Vezdali Peninsula, and is a favorite vacation destination for merchants and Zhelezo from nearby Port Damali. While this settlement is small, it's famous for its annual shark hunting tournament and a popular co*cktail that bears the settlement's name. Most tourists are familiar with Flora Isle, which is home to the port and a shimmering beach. Most vacationers stay in the Riptide Inn and Tavern, sipping on fruity drinks while watching the shark hunters practice on the southern shore. The island is separated from the rest of the peninsula by a wide channel spanned by a wooden bridge. Most residents of Palma Flora live and work in the northern half of the settlement and retire to the southern island after a hard day's work. PALMA FLORA ADVENTURES Though Palma Flora is the perfect place for a vacation, it's not without trouble. Tide of Retribution (Low Level). Palma Flora's shark-hunting tradition has earned its people the ire of a sahuagin clan living in the Sharkfeather Abyss, a nearby undersea trench. The sahuagin tend to their flock of sharks peacefully and view the shark-hunters as cruel poachers. One sahuagin has made a pact with the leviathan Uk'otoa and sworn vengeance on the people of Palma Flora. This adventure hook is expanded into a full introductory adventure in chapter 5. PLUM GROVES The Plumgroves are a luscious woodland filled with soft grass, swaying tropical trees with white bark and purple flowers, and numerous varieties of delicious, celebrated fruit. Nowhere else is there such a condensed collection of sought-after berries and fruit throughout the continent, and the people of Feolinn have based their identity and lifestyle around this abundance. Local laws limit the hunting of wild game to ensure a controlled ecosystem, and Zhelezo patrol the forest pathways to prevent poaching. The Plumgroves are both beautiful and safe, and it's not uncommon for families and children to be seen strolling through the public trails. PORT DAMALI Population: 82,110 (51% humans, 16% halflings, 15% elves, 18% other races) Government: The city is helmed by Marquis Olesya Lapidus, who works with local guildmasters and nobles, bolstered by the distant support of the other Clovis Concord members. Defense: Port Damali maintains a sizable army alongside the many Zhelezo who guard the city. Nobles and wealthy merchants keep bodyguards. Commerce: Nearly any sort of goods or services can be found here, legal and otherwise. The high volume of travelers means that there are plentiful inns, taverns, underground markets, and rare auctions. Organizations: Temples to the Prime Deities are common, and some notable shrines to the Betrayer Gods are secreted away within this large city. The numerous merchant guilds run most businesses, but the Myriad is the real power behind the guilds themselves. The jewel of the Menagerie Coast, the original Marquesian colony, and the unofficial capital of free trade outside the empire, Port Damali is a bustling city filled with music, color, and commerce. The massive port hosts ships from all around the world, creating a mishmash of cultures and trades that mingle to form the society of Port Damali. Trade routes splinter from all other sides of the city to ensure rapid transport of goods to destinations throughout Wildemount and beyond. The city's architecture is varied and inconsistent; the inner wards display their own historical roots or lavish opulence, while the outer wards attempt to combat the slum-like atmosphere with cheap, colorful banners and street buskers. The city has a roiling underbelly of crime, murder, and corruption that many say is regrettable but necessary for the city to function. GUIDED THROUGH THE DARKER WATERS The waters along the Menagerie Coast are rampant with piracy and roving ocean creatures, threatening trade and travel routes throughout the region. The concord has established a formal navy of nearly four hundred warships to maintain the sanctity of the surrounding ocean. These ships are scattered along the coast, with many stationed in Port Zoon or situated in the waters south of Nicodranas to prevent the current war from bleeding into concord territory, but a quarter of the entire navy is maintained within and around Port Damali. To THE HIGHEST BIDDER A popular destination within Port Damali for wealthy merchants, nobles, and collectors from all across Exandria is the Exalted Collection Auction House within the Gilded Esplanade. Run by the esteemed Lord Gabriel Rymmer of the influential Rymmer family, this grandiose, if gaudy, establishment has all manner of rare items, collectibles, and historical artifacts brought from around Exandria to be sold to whomever offers the most gold, with a small portion of the sale filling the family's coffers. Socialites, nobility, celebrities, and the fabulously wealthy of Exandria travel here from all over the world, forging bonds of rivalry with each purchase. When particularly powerful relics find their way to the auction house, it's rumored that beings from the Outer Planes will masquerade as merchants to snatch up such prizes. C HAPTER 3 I WILDE MOUNT GAZETTEER 7 1

72 A STEAMY SHIFT Until recently, many of the businesses in Port Damali were heated and powered by a system of steam-powered engines, which were installed beneath the city's streets. Unknown to most citizens, a marid had been shackled within the sewers to power the steam engines for decades. Recently, another marid in Nicodranas was freed from a similar situation, inspiring an anonymous adventurer to free the marid in Port Damali from its shackles, leaving the engines inert and many businesses without power. A large group of hired druids and mages are maintaining what functionality they can, but Marquis Olesya Lapidus is desperately looking for an alternative energy source or a replacement for the steam engines. PORT OF SKY AND SEA Port Damali is the central city for most seafaring business and shipping throughout the Lucidian Ocean and a popular destination for those with gold, but it is also the only city in Wildemount with a skyport. While the empire refuses to establish a skyport within Rexxentrum, in what many believe to be a symbol of their dedication to their isolation, Port Damali occasionally receives skyships from Tal'Dorei or Marquet, drawing crowds that rush to see the majestic display. SKYSHIPS Luxurious passage through the clouds themselves-it's a romantic idea cultivated to appeal to the wealthiest citizens of Exandria. As an added bonus, skyship travel avoids the in herent dangers of a jou rney by land or sea, and is more readily available than teleportation magic. These beautiful airships range in size but generally are the same size as a merchant coaster. Skyships are held aloft and guided with the help of th ree or more enchanted crystals called brumestones, which are instal led along the hull or topside of the ship. The enchantments required to produce and maintain these brumestones are closely guarded by the Alsfarin Union with in the distant city of Ank'Harel. While the Alsfarin U nion occasionally sells skyships to foreign businesses, they retain absolute control over the maintenance of skyships in operation. Skysh ips are reserved for goods and individuals who want to circumvent the slow speed or danger of an ocean voyage and can afford the exorbitant cost of air travel. No commoner can afford to charter a skyship, and the lower classes of Exandria generally see air travel as just another way for the wealthy el ite to lord their superiority over the poor. Others, however, see the majestic craft as aspirational and long to become rich enough to afford one, or skil led enough to pilot one. Port Damali is the only city in Wildemount with an open skyport. The others are in the cities of Ank'Harel, Vasselheim, Emon, and Whitestone. Few skyships in service will deviate from the dedicated shipping routes between these major cities. Skyship Purchase Cost: 1 00,000 gp Speed: 10 mph Maximum Cargo: 10 tons Crew: 6-10 Maximum Passenger Occupancy: 30 Personal Travel Cost: 2 gp per mile per passenger Shipping Cost: l gp per 1 00 pou nds per mile C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZE1TEER GOVERNMENT The laws of the Clovis Concord are enforced with varying stringency within each city. Nowhere is this more true than in Port Damali, where the law can be bought like any other commodity. Anything can be purchased here, even the ear of Marquis Olesya Lapidus, the celebrated leader of Port Damali. The Lapidus family rose to prominence over a century ago, when they shifted from employing merchants to deploying mercenaries. In time, anyone who sought safety on the waves turned to Lapidus family privateers. As the fifth in her family to lead Port Damali, Marquis Olesya steadfastly collaborates with the other leaders of the Menagerie Coast to keep the concord an independent nation, free from imperial control. However, Marquis Lapidus faces threats on all sides. When she was distracted by the rise of the Revelry, the long-dormant Myriad swooped in and conscripted many of the guilds she was supposed to oversee. Now she struggles to excise the Myriad claws embedded within the belly of her city. CRIME Port Damali has been a pivotal nexus of Myriad activity for some time, and nearly all elements of major commerce within the city are tied to the crime syndicate in some way. Many of the powerful merchants and company owners are either part of the Myriad or are indentured to it. As such, the city is the beating heart of Exandria's slave trade, with slavers passing through often to discreetly move their bounty. Those who fail the Myriad are shackled and shipped off as living contraband. Myriad operatives are plentiful within the law enforcement of Port Damali, so most illegal activity is covered up or allowed to slide, unless such crime interferes with Myriad interests. GEOGRAPHY The largest city on the western coast of Wildemount, the resplendent seaside metropolis of Port Damali is nestled against the Tyodan River where it meets the Lucidian Ocean. The city is built atop a cluster of leveled hills, and slight changes of elevation physically mark the variation between wards. Past the farmsteads, beyond the tents and ramshackle homes that mark the boundaries of the city, lies the Prism Path, a series of connecting main roads made of smooth, multicolored stones reclaimed from the ocean shores. These roads carve through the interior wards: the Tumbledowns, the Beaded Alley, the Crescents, the Gilded Esplanade, and the Larboard Light. The Tumbledowns. Within the Tumbledowns, the majority of citizens live in cramped structures of varied shape and design, from clay domes to thatched huts to warped wooden shacks. The architecture resembles a mishmash of cultures from all over Exandria, which, along with the Prism Path, creates a pleasant patchwork atmosphere even in the more run-down regions. A number of small temples are also situated in the Tumbledowns.

74 The Beaded Alley. The Beaded Alley is the center of general commerce and trade within Port Damali, named for the decorative cords that hang over each intersection bearing all manner of streamers and dangling beads. Businesses both young and old all mingle here, competing for the attention of anyone with coin. Many bards and performers bring an air of lively irreverence to the bustling atmosphere. The Crescents. The ward known as the Crescents was named in reference to the seven large, moonshaped statues that were a gift from the Alkamar family when the city was founded. This affluent area houses competing guild families and well-connected nobles who wish to live near the politics of the city or the delights of the port. The beautiful Pearl Shrine temple to Avandra and the Sunfall Sanctuary temple to Pelor reside within the Crescents. The Gilded Esplanade. The Gilded Esplanade is definitely the most extravagant locale within Port Damali. Each street is lined with the most lauded of artists and performers, with markets lush with expensive wares and high-end imports from around the world. Home to the Auction House and venues for recurring festivities, as well as the spire-like skyport, the Esplanade is known to be the sparkling locale that comes to mind whenever people mention Port Damali. The Larboard Light. The massive harbor that forms the southern edge of the city is known as the Larboard Light. This upscale dockside region is as lavish as docks come. Dozens of ships come into port every day, carrying goods and gold from all over, and many visitors coming to briefly live like a king with the many amusem*nts the city has to offer. The office of the marquis is located on the northern end of this ward. PORT DAMALI ADVENTURES Between the Clovis Concord, the Myriad, the Revelry, skyships, auctions, and more, adventure abounds within the colorful city of Port Damali. Mephit Madness (High Level). The marid who was freed beneath the city isn't pleased about its incarceration. Every day, it summons steam mephits to terrorize TH E GOLDEN C HAIN M ERCENARY CO M PANY The sheer volume of trade and travel along the Menagerie Coast creates plentiful opportun ities for sel lswords, bodyguards, and adventurers seeking to make some coi n and a name for themselves. One crew in particular established itself within Port Damali nearly sixty years ago and has become the most sought-after, expensive, and efficient mercenary band on this side of the Lucidi an Ocean. Known as the Golden Chain, it prides itself on having no affil iations, no morals, and no tolerance for fai lure. Those who can afford its services earn the temporary loyalty of the most ruthless hu nters and enforcers on the coast, no q uestions asked. The Golden Chain is organized and led by Duos Sabado, son of the famed bou nty hu nter Quan Sabado who fou nded the company. Few ever dare to cross the Golden Chain, let alone fail to pay it, for those who have challenged these mercenaries are remembered mostly for their bloody demise. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER the people of Port Damali with pranks and mischief. The characters are hired to discover the source of the mephit problem and solve it. They must face the marid in its lair, where they might learn the truth of the city's steam power. Hot Purchase (Epic Level). The characters aim to legally or illegally acquire a powerful item from the Exalted Collection Auction House. They could want this item for themselves or be hired to acquire it for the Revelry, the Myriad, or another faction. While the characters attempt to claim the item, they are confronted by a balor and a crew of demons who were charged by a demon lord to claim the same item. PORT ZOON Population: 19,120 (80% humans, 7% halflings, 1 3% other races) Government: Marquis Alamads Haddou collaborates closely with his trusted Zhelezo captains. Numerous crafting guilds guide major facets of industry and influence. Defense: A strong force of dedicated Zhelezo and paid militia keep order in and around the city. Artisans and guild heads keep bodyguards, while newly designed defense weapons are employed along watchtowers. Commerce: Common supplies and businesses are abundant, as are inns and taverns. Esoteric goods can be hard to find, as many of the rare materials imported are already spoken for by the crafting guilds. Organizations: Temples across the pantheon are present, but the crafting guilds are tied to worship of Moradin, and are second in power only to the marquis. Myriad activity is present and steadily growing. Settled between Feolinn and Nicodranas, Port Zoon is the industrial center of the Clovis Concord. Wealthy merchant guilds employ dozens of arcane and scientific experts, and the cityscape is dotted with strange towers, pillars of smoke, and exhaust from raging furnaces. Though it's less vibrant than the other coastal cities and jokingly referred to as "New Othe" by outsiders, what Port Zoon lacks in liveliness and splendor it more than makes up for in manufacturing and cutting-edge science. Entire districts dedicated to metallurgy and smithing produce some of the best anvil masters in the region, and the majority of the goods and tools created here are sold along the Gilded Roadway to support the rest of the Menagerie Coast. A gargantuan temple to Moradin looms over the city, with large cables that tether his towering statue to other high points across the city. Dangling from these cables are glowing lanterns that light the evening sky with flickering flames. A quarter of the docks here are home to the Clovis Concord's reserve fleet, while a sizable portion of the concord's soldiers remain within the northern barracks in times of peace, often taking up small trades of their own. A CITY OF TRAINING Most artisan crafts and skills can be learned in Port Zoon under various schools and halls run by the guilds of the Clovis Concord. Many consider Port Zoon to be the best place for common folk to learn a trade. Training

programs generally have moderate to high fees, depending on the promise of the student, or an agreement that a percentage of the profits from the student's future work will belong to the guild. Many students end up finding work within the guilds that trained them, increasing the appeal of apprenticeships in Port Zoon while also strengthening the stranglehold that the guilds have on production and business along the coast. GOVERNMENT Often referred to as "Ironpuss" by those not in his presence, Marquis Alamads Haddou is an older dwarf, a master of ironworking, and the head of the Silverbone Smithing Guild. Ornery but passionate about the city and its people, Alamads rules with clear intent, and swiftly punishes anyone who crosses his laws or endangers the people of Port Zoon. His Zhelezo are trained to be naturally mistrusting of idle hands. Convicted criminals are chained and forced into labor for the various guilds, doing the harshest jobs in each industry. CRIME The sheer volume of equipment and goods produced within the city draws the attention of opportunists and counterfeiters from all over. An entire industry has developed to differentiate true work from fakes, and the laws of Port Zoon are especially strict when it comes to forgeries. Unfortunately, Marquis Haddou's attention has been divided across issues of production and supply with the growing war to the northeast, diverting his attention from the growing Myriad influence over the city's businesses and political leaders. GEOGRAPHY Port Zoon is a compact metropolis of tall stone structures, metal beams and towers, layers of drifting exhaust dust, and rising plumes of industrial soot. The city is separated into three smaller "spheres," or districts, connected to the central Genesis Sphere through main thoroughfares lined by homes and warehouses. The Harbor Sphere is an oblong district where the docks, seafaring businesses, and warehouses reside, as well as naval housing and weapon storage. The Assay Sphere is home to smelters, coal refinement factories, and the most mysterious of experimental towers, called the Timuafa, where experiments in controlling the nearby weather patterns have led to varying-and sometimes undesirable-results. The eastern Sentry Sphere is divided between impoverished homes, humble temples, and the barracks of the Sentry Keep, where many Shore Wardens of the Clovis Concord's army remain until called. The central Hammer Sphere is the largest district and the nexus for the others. Crammed hovels and student housing form the outer ring, while the most industrious factories, forges, and schools cluster around the center Temple Genesis of the All-Hammer. PORT ZOON ADVENTURES The characters could come to Port Zoon seeking incredible arms and armor, then get caught up in adventures throughout the city. Criminal Uprising (Low Level). While the characters visit Port Zoon, captured bandits forced to work for the guilds break out of their bonds, overpower their captors, and free other brigands working in the city. These criminals take control of vital industries in Port Zoon, threatening to destroy industrial sites unless given their freedom. The characters are hired to quell the uprising. Who is behind this revolt? Maybe the criminals planned it themselves-or perhaps an outside organization engineered it for their own purposes. Smith Contest (Any Level). The characters get wind of a smithing contest to be held in Port Zoon. The winner gets a set of magic smith's tools and free tutelage from a master in the craft. If any characters participate, they should be wary: the Myriad wants those tools, and the competition is literally cutthroat. Q,UORASKAjUNG E ____ _ This incredibly dense tropical jungle wraps around the southernmost reaches of the Ashkeeper Peaks, engulfing a massive portion of the southeastern Menagerie Coast. The region is filled with treacherous vine-covered trails stalked by all manner of jungle monsters and venomous vermin. The mist-filled air smells of ancient earth and fresh rain, while carnivorous plant life hides among the roots and brush, waiting for a foolish meal to wander by. The regions surrounding Raska Lake contain a number of small fishing villages populated mostly by the jungle-dwelling tabaxi. Numerous secrets lurk within the ravenous rainforest, from lost clans of the Ki'Nau to smuggler den� abandoned by brigands who were unprepared to survive in the hungry jungle. Growing interest in the Quoraska Jungle stems from recently recovered writings of the lost people of Quoraska that seem to hint that they might have known of the long-lost city of Oharra and where it vanished to after the Age of Arcanum. RUINS OF SEPESCA In the centuries that followed the Calamity, the Ki'Nau people established Sepesca, meaning "Nature's End," as their holiest of burial temples, built over a lush grove where the blood of the Wild Mother is said to have spilled before the Divergence. Every Ki'Nau priest and king that passed was interred within Sepesca's massive stone structure. An ancient feud between the goblinkin of the Lushgut Forest and the Ki'Nau came to a head a few centuries ago, when the goblins stormed the region and desecrated the Wild Mother's temple. The Ki'Nau protectors fled from the worshipers of Gruumsh, and the abandoned holy site fell into ruin. Vengeful spirits and gnarled monstrosities are said to stalk its sunken halls, guarding the seeds of darkness left by the Ruiner's faithful. A few descendants of the Ki'Nau across the Menagerie Coast still seek the means to cleanse this holy location and finally bring peace to the forgotten line of kings. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 75

RUMBLECUSP The isle of Rumblecusp is a beautiful paradise of sparse trees and white sands, topped by the single mountain that gives the island its name. Only a few dozen indigenous folk call the island home. The shallow shores of the island often fall beneath the sea during high tides, and a small trail of smoke frequently rises from the volcano. Be that as it may, the waters surrounding the island make for fine fishing, and it's not uncommon for fishing vessels from Nicodranas to travel to Rumblecusp during unfavorable fishing seasons. SILTBASIN PASS A muddy forest of coastal swamp trees and mangroves that occasionally dips just below sea level, the Siltbasin Pass is a well-traveled portion of the Gilded Roadway between Gwardan and Port Damali, as well as one of the major coastal locations to harvest seaside fruit and clay. Small clusters of huts and hovels line the edges of the Siltbasin every few miles where the locals gather their yields and prepare them for travel to any of the major Clovis Concord cities. Bad weather can often make the pass extremely difficult to traverse, so some caravans have to camp for several nights while waiting for the pass to open once more. Their travels are further threatened by the many swamp creatures and night predators that also call the Siltbasin home. LOST PATHS OF THE QuORASKA J U NGLE STONECAGE CLIFFS A craggy, nigh-impassable range of coastal mountains and bluffs that wraps around the entire northeast peninsula of Wildemount, the Stonecage Cliffs have been a natural barrier between Wildemount and Tal'Dorei since before the societies of each continent first began to communicate. The cliffs enclose the dense and perilous Lushgut Forest, and this combination of deadly terrain has rendered most of the cliffs unfit for the construction of towns or cities. As such, the region has remained a monster-infested wilderness since time immemorial. The frothing waters of the Shearing Channel churn against the towering cliffs, and thousands of years of tempestuous wind and water have pockmarked them with caves that harbor terrible flying and climbing beasts. It is said that only the bravest-or stupidest-explorers attempt to seek what secrets might lie among the rock and tides of the Stonecage Cliffs. TussoA Population: 15,110 (74% humans, 10% elves, 8% halflings, 8% other races) Government: Beneath the just rule of Marquis Tusila Latu, community leaders and wealthy families helm guild business. Defense: A small force is maintained for the defense of the city alongside the protection of the Zhelezo. City leaders often keep bodyguards. Commerce: This rural city can provide most common services and products, though exotic goods might

prove difficult to obtain. Outside exporting lumber, the biggest businesses in the city are food, lodging, and entertainment. Organizations: Humble temples are found near and around the Lotoe Plaza. Family businesses work beneath the marquis and the local guild masters. Tussoa began as a Ki'Nau freshwater fishing village along the Tyodan River, but it has grown into a respectable city in the centuries following the creation of the Clovis Concord. The central district where the two main streets of the city meet has larger, more modern structures and bustling streets, but the outer regions are still dominated by humble homes of river reeds and straw. Tussoa boasts a more relaxed way of life than most of the other coastal cities. Its people try to live a simple life, unburdened by business or politics, but they still grapple with issues of cultural identity. Tussoa's most immediate problems are the threats of the natural world that menace this frontier city on a daily basis. LOGGING A PROFIT The competing Majest and Regver timber guilds are the leading suppliers of lumber to Port Damali. They work along the Copia Wildwood and send their trunks down the Tyodan to their mills at the port, usually accompanied by hired hands to protect their goods. Because the prime logging sites of the forest are hotly contested and not overseen by the Zhelezo, both guilds hire mercenaries to guard their work and clear out nearby monsters stalking the shadows of the wood. GOVERNMENT Marquis Tusila Latu currently directs the rule of law in Tussoa, taking particular pride in her Ki'Nau heritageand the Ki'Nau heritage of her people and her city. The marquis treats her Zhelezo and constituents well, eager to build loyalty in a time of creeping Myriad interests. Marquis Tusila insists on being involved in all trials where life and death are concerned and is renowned as a champion of justice, unlike her corrupt predecessor, Marquis Maros du Simmas. CRIME Try as the marquis might, the comparatively rural location and understaffed Zhelezo of Tussoa make the city a breeding ground for petty thieves, charlatans, and forgers. Independent crime rings operate in small bursts, then halt their work for weeks or months to cover their tracks. There are some thugs within the city with connections to the Myriad, but their current intention is to watch and wait until the time is right. GEOGRAPHY Laid out in the shape of a large V, this bustling fishing city of lively docks and a hard-working populace is spread out over two main roads that meet at the northeast edge, with numerous smaller roads connecting the major thoroughfares. The northern road is Pulum Road, and most of the city's shops, inns, and storage houses are kept to the road's eastern edge, interspersed with neighborhoods made up of simple shacks. The southwestern road is Vaigvasa Road, built along the edge of the Tyodan River. Here, more homes and businesses fill the inner regions, while fishing huts and river logging stations line the southern, outer side. The two roads meet at the Lotoe Plaza, home to the Olo, the repurposed temple to Uk'otoa that now acts as the court of the marquis. All holidays and celebrations are centered in the Lotoe Plaza, which is known to become crowded enough with people on such days that the streets can barely be seen. TUSSOA ADVENTURES Tussoa's bustling logging industry, minimal presence of Zhelezo, and location near the Copia Wildwood make it an excellent place for urban adventures to overlap with wilderness expeditions. Log Wars (Low Level). A business war turns physical when a camp of Regver loggers is murdered and evidence points to a nearby camp of Majest loggers as culprits. Regver responds by burning Majest vessels, and the violence continues to escalate. The marquis fears that the war might spill into Tussoa's streets, so she hires the characters to negotiate a peace. They might find that the Revelry committed the inciting murders as a way to cause chaos in the city. TWINWARD I SLES A sacred location to the native people of the coast, this pair of surprisingly tall islands are all cliffs, with no beaches. While the surrounding waters are often choppy from the waves that crash against the nearby Mother's Sigh Reef, the seaside cliffs are filled with healthy fruits and game to hunt. At the inception of the Clovis Concord, the Ki'Nau people demanded that the islands' natural resources were to always remain untouched. This agreement has been dutifully upheld over the centuries. While open to common use, the dangers of the trek still limit those who choose to make use of the land here. Tales tell of a couatl spirit bound to the inner reaches of the jungles, willing to bestow wisdom and insight to those who bring a mighty offering. URUKAYXL The island of Urukayxl was once the site of the temple of the leviathan Uk'otoa. Many centuries ago, the spiteful followers of Zehir murdered Uk'otoa's Ki'Nau adherents and used the temple as the seal preventing Uk'otoa from returning to the Material Plane. Forgotten in the years since, the fallen temple is surrounded by jungles that now harbor feuding clans of lizardfolk and yuan-ti. These yuan-ti are servants of the Cloaked Serpent and still maintain the crooked temple in the image of their banished god. Between the disease-carrying insects, the deadly jungle, and the treacherous Inkclaw Reef, many consider the region cursed and avoid it at all costs. VEZDAWEALD The Vezdaweald is a bright and sunny tropical forest composed of softwood trees that loggers from Port Damali commonly harvest for smaller crafts and goods. The beautiful woods are full of vibrant tropical flowers CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 77

and birds that fill the air with a symphony of mingling music and calls-but it's at night that the forest truly comes to life. Millions of glowing insects emerge and transform the canopy into a dancing starscape. Weddings and religious ceremonies of all faiths take place amid the stars of the forest-but the lights are not always a friendly omen. The glowing insects also summon forth the nocturnal dinosaurs, amphibious Swavain basilisks (see chapter 7), and other night beasts that call the forest home. VEZDAWEALD ADVENTURES The softwood trees and beautiful scenery of the Vezdaweald attract loggers in need of the characters' protection from the forest's denizens. Dinosaur Ivory (Mid Level). A wealthy artist in Port Damali wants to use dinosaur bones for her next sculpture, so she sponsors a contest. The adventurers that bring her the most dinosaur bones by weight will be gifted 5,000 gp and immortalized in the sculpture. VIDE CAY The isle of Vi de Cay is completely surrounded by vicious coastal rocks and choppy waters, so most ships avoid it. The island itself is a series of large, craggy hills that surround a small valley where a small society of fey live within an enchanted tropical forest. Revelry captains who try to use the island complain of a faerie witch that protects the isle, scrambling the minds of those who attempt to rob or enslave the denizens of the trees. WuYUN GORGE The dry, rocky valley that divides the southern pass between the Cyrios Mountains and the Ashkeeper Peaks is known as the Wuyun Gorge, home to the Wuyun Gate that acts as the transition point between the Dwendalian Empire and the Menagerie Coast. The road through the gorge is well-traveled, seeing carts and caravans throughout the year. Wandering creatures, violent giantkin, and hungry monsters occasionally descend from the mountains to prey on travelers. As such, it's common practice for people of means to hire mercenaries in Nicodranas or Trostenwald-the closest settlements on either side of the Wuyun Gorge. MARROW VALLEY The southern slopes between the Ashkeeper Peaks and the Cyrios Mountains are filled with the beautiful green grasslands of the Marrow Valley. This rural expanse of lush farmsteads and formative industry welcomes the majority of travel and trade from outside the empire. Fields of grains and grasses stretch into verdant forests and crystal lakes within this southern region of Western Wynandir. The central metropolis of Zadash is a major nexus for business and travel within the region, calling people from all walks of life to find work, bargain, and carouse among the many vendors and guilds that run the city. The imperial military is headquartered in Bladegarden, on the eastern edges of the Marrow Valley, where the bulk of the standing legions await orders and C HAPTER 3 f WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER train the next generation of imperial soldiers to join the conflict against Xhorhas. While the war keeps many eyes turned eastward, the Marrow Valley has its own host of unspoken threats and dark secrets hiding beneath the veneer of everyday rural life. ALFIELD Population: 3,410 (61% humans, 22% halftings, 1 1% gnomes, 6% other races) Government: Starosta Kosh Clearbarker cravenly delegates the responsibilities of governance to the local watchmaster and lawmaster. Defense: A small cadre of Crownsguard keep the peace as the empire focuses on larger settlements. Commerce: Alfield is a minor stop for traders, with little beyond basic supplies and a couple of inns. Organizations: Minor public shrines offer solace to the faithful. Businesses are small and independent, requiring no guild oversight. Alfield is a rural town nestled into a scattered patch of trees near the Amber Road. The old mines winding beneath the nearby hills yield a fair amount of tin, copper, and quartz that supplement the town's economy. Small in size compared to the surrounding townships, Alfield is regarded by most travelers as a stop on the route to more important business elsewhere. This frustrates some proud residents and local entrepreneurs, but most prefer the small-town lifestyle and are happy to see the passing traders and travelers move on. Alfield is currently recovering from a recent assault by a roving band of violent gnolls, so a number of buildings are still being repaired or rebuilt. GOVERNMENT The starosta, a middle-aged gnome named Kosh Clearbarker, leans heavily on his dutiful watchmaster, the half-elf Bryce Feelid. Bryce personally shoulders the town's burdens while the starosta continues to oversee the town from within his quarters, excusing himself from any hands-on governance. CRIME Since Alfield is both overlooked and under-protected by the Crown, charlatans and thieves often sweep through town in an attempt to relieve the townsfolk of any loose coin. The relatively small Crownsguard presence is perpetually frustrated with the lack of support from the empire; they must split the attention of their small force between policing the borders and watching for hooligans who seek to abuse the civilians within the town. GEOGRAPHY The welcoming farming community and beautiful countryside surrounding Alfield often call to those who want a simpler life in the empire. Flanked to the north and east by the Alfield Wood, the town is shaped like a small diamond in shape, only a couple of miles across on all sides. The Dustway and Harvest Path roads divide the town into four quarters, meandering lazily through the ramshackle wooden buildings until they meet at the recently rebuilt Candleglow Inn at the center of town.

MAP 3-3'. MARROW VALLEY ALFIELD ADVENTURES Between the recent gnoll attack, overburdened town leaders, and numerous criminals, the people of Alfield need the aid of adventurers. Yeenoghu's Army (High Level). While the characters are staying in Alfield, they learn the truth of the recent gnoll attack. The first battle was just a way to test the town's defenses for the real war: one fought by demons! The gnolls sacrificed the townsfolk captured during their raid to open a portal to the Abyss, letting demons loyal to Yeenoghu, the Gnoll Lord, invade the Material Plane. With so few defenses in the settlement, the characters are the only people who can truly defend Alfield from the threat. Myriad Takeover (Any Level). Overworked leadership and weak law enforcement mean that Alfield is ripe for Myriad takeover. The characters could be hired to lead the Myriad forces, bringing the town's leadership and petty criminals to heel, or they could fight against the takeover, waging battles both physical and political to keep the town out of the syndicate's grasp. AsHGUARD GARRISON Population: 5,720 (74% dark elves, 26% other races) Government: The garrison is currently helmed by the acting general of the Kryn forces holding the stronghold. Defense: The vast majority of the occupants are frontline soldiers and deadly combatants. Mobile siege engines stand at the ready. Commerce: Beyond the rations needed to survive and small-scale trade between the soldiers, little commerce is available. Organizations: The outpost is currently held by the Kryn Dynasty. Temporary shrines to the Luxon have been installed. The Ashguard Garrison is the partner fortress to the newer Rockguard Garrison, and the two strongholds flank the city of Bladegarden. On the south side of the Brokenveil Bluffs, Ashguard sits atop a steep mountain pass that slides into the Brokenveil Marsh of Xhorhas, making it near impossible to assault from the front. Although the garrison successfully repelled the dangers beyond for many years, it fell to a series of clever assaults from the Kryn-they used magic to darken the sky and cause confusion while their forces burrowed beneath the battlements. Over a thousand Dwendalian soldiers were slain, and the army was pushed back to Bladegarden. Now occupied by the forces of the Kryn Dynasty, this garrison has been refitted to defend against the very people who built it, its walls darkened by the shadows of perpetual twilight. CHAPTER 3 I WJ LDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 79

80 ASHGUARD GARRISON ADVENTURES If the characters are at Ashguard Garrison, they're likely either reclaiming the garrison for the empire or working for the Kryn Dynasty on the front lines of the war. Take Back Ashguard Garrison (Mid Level). The characters are tasked with taking back the stronghold for the empire. Since a direct assault on the stronghold would likely end in the characters' demise, they are encouraged to use magical disguises, infiltrate the outpost, and form a strategy over a period of months while they gather intelligence. During this time, the characters might learn that the Kryn Dynasty isn't the evil threat it was made out to be, prompting them to question their loyalties. ASHKEEPER PEAKS This grand mountain range extends northward from the Lucidian Ocean through the center of Wildemount, marking the boundary between the Dwendalian Empire and the wastelands of Xhorhas. The Ashkeeper Peaks reach skyward in a jagged array of steep mountaintops, like the pikes of a shadowy army looming over the Marrow Valley. The mountains house the treacherous paths to the Gehen Basin and the hidden valley of the Verstglade-secret lands that only the truly courageous or truly desperate attempt to reach. The hostile landscape of the Ashkeeper Peaks has prevented any attempts to install an imperial presence, and the peaks are teeming with all kinds of monsters and terrible beasts. Most of the cities bordering the Ashkeepers request a reinforced assignment of Crownsguard to protect their citizens from the many roving mountain predators. Beneath the surface of the mountains, huge networks of caverns and tunnels weave between subterranean civilizations and the deadly shadows of the Underdark. Unknown to the empire, a massive fire giant citadel rests at the northern heart of the mountain range. BERLEBEN Population: 3,230 (63% humans, 17% halflings, 12% gnomes, 8% other races) Government: Starosta Carliyle Vesperwind has left most of the governing to idol master Julienne Droogba and other community figures. Defense: Though a bare-bones garrison of Crownsguard guards the town, sellswords protect travelers within the Labenda Swamp. Commerce: Supplies beyond basic goods and tools are uncommon. A handful of meager inns provide limited lodging. Organizations: The idolmaster maintains the small shrines within the city. Local business is thriving, but few outsiders are willing to invest in this lopsided backwater. Near the green waters of the Ounterloch, the marsh town of Berleben is nestled deep in the Labenda Swamp. Berleben was settled early in the expansion of the Dwendalian Empire, and the town initially showed CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER promise with a booming industry in the cultivation of unique swamp plants sought after by healers and mages alike. However, the watershed from the Silberquel Mountains runs into the Labenda Swamp, and the land slowly grew unstable, causing half of the town to begin sinking into the surrounding marsh. Those who remained in the town have had to adapt over the years, as much of the settlement now sits uncomfortably under inches of swamp water. Other regions of the empire regard Berleben with distaste and ridicule, colored by exaggerated stories of rampant illness, a perpetual plague of buzzing insects, and the failing landscape it was built on. Berleben is sometimes call "the Sog Sticks," a moniker used by outsiders to ridicule the town and by its denizens with sarcastic pride. The ragged swampfolk that call this place home have remained due to familial ties, impoverished necessity, or the promise of work harvesting what natural commodities the swamp offers. The dangers of the swamp and the isolated location have bred a tight-knit and nosy community. Neighbors frequently pry in each other's business, aggressive curiosity taking hold whenever something new or out-of-the-ordinary occurs within the murky streets. GOVERNMENT Atop the Stilts region of the settlement lies the Summit House, home to Starosta Carliyle Vesperwind. Vesperwind greatly despises his assignment and quietly resents his inability to protest his appointment. He spends most of his time locked within his abode or traveling to neighboring locales to avoid responsibility. The governance of the town is mostly left in the hands of the Mossmire Temple's idolmaster, Julienne Droogba. CRIME Without an active starosta or a well-staffed Crownsguard, crime in Berleben is fairly common and rarely punished. Most folk who live within the town carry their own means of self-defense and are slow to trust outsiders. GEOGRAPHY Built over unsteady, stinking swampland, the somewhat miserable and half-sunken town is divided into thirds. The three districts correspond to different ages of construction in the empire and visually differ based on whatever construction materials the townsfolk had access to at the time. The Puddles are the oldest and poorest region of Berleben, with numerous old stone and wood buildings that now sit in several inches of marsh water. The Midway Docks are the central region of Berleben, where the workers and fishmongers do business and where a majority of locals socialize. The Stilts are, for what little it's worth, the newest and most affluent part of town, marked by sturdier houses atop heavy load-bearing stilts that raise the buildings a few feet above the swamp in hopes of outlasting the rest of the sinking settlement.

THE TRAINING GROUNDS AT B LADEGARDEN BERLEBEN ADVENTURES Berleben is an all-but-lawless settlement that needs heroes to help keep the peace. Likewise, it is a wonderful place for unscrupulous sellswords, since no one takes notice of petty crime. A New Drink (Low Level). People in Berleben are obsessed with swamp swill, a new whiskey that gets folk drunk more quickly and for longer. Some claim to have wonderful reveries while intoxicated by swamp swill, and many have become addicted to the stuff, resorting to violence to get their next drink. If the characters investigate, they find that a tribe of lizardfolk is making the swill and giving it to a merchant in Berleben to sell. The lizardfolk plan to take over Berleben once enough people are dependent on the swill, but only because trolls threaten the lizardfolk's territory. BLADEGARDEN Population: 9,910 (32% half-ores, 21 % ores, 25% humans, 22% other races) Government: General Kruth Doorav and Starosta Leman TuFinn are often at odds, but work together to manage Bladegarden. Defense: The city, which houses a large number of Crownsguard, is perpetually host to a large legion of Righteous Brand soldiers and soldiers-in-training. Commerce: There are many modest inns and taverns. Armaments and basic supplies are readily available, but more luxurious services and goods are extremely difficult to find. Organizations: The Righteous Brand maintains a strong presence within Bladegarden. Small temples dot the knotted streets. When theJulous Dominion was defeated, the expanding empire saw the nomadic Odakar ore clan, formerly under Julous rule, as an opportunity to secure their hold on the eastern border. The empire reached out to the more approachable members of the ore settlement of Bladegarden, offering them wages, resources, and access to imperial goods and services. A number of them became the cornerstone of the eastern branch of the Righteous Brand and emboldened the empire's military techniques with the prowess of the border-hardened ores. Other ore clans who rejected these ideals were forced eastward into the Brokenveil Marsh and forgotten. From this accord, the new Righteous Brand training facility in the central Marrow Valley was established. Bladegarden was the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Calamity; its name referred to the volume of weaponry scavenged by ores from the war-ravaged earth, and has since been adapted to the idea that warriors are grown within its walls. Bladegarden is both a training complex and the core of orcish society in Western Wynandir. Contests of skill and might are commonplace among the recruits and their trainers. Even the merchants come from sturdier stock and often partake. A sense of honor and pride fills the ranks here, stoked by the rivalry between Bladegarden and Grimgolir. As scuffles with the Kryn escalated and a growing number of dragonborn refugees left Talonstadt to join C HAPTER 3 I WILDE MOUNT GAZETTEER 81

the military, a certain belligerent mirth filled the warriors of Bladegarden. This oddly jovial wartime atmosphere was shaken when the Xhorhasian assault on the Ashguard Garrison proved far more swift and brutal than anyone predicted. However, now that the surviving Ashguard forces have retreated to Bladegarden and the scattered armies of the empire have moved east to join them, the city is as crowded and lively as ever-but morale is tenuous. One more defeat like the one at Ashguard could crack Bladegarden like a nut. GOVERNMENT While Bladegarden is technically a military settlement under the watch of General Kruth Doorav, the Crown also assigned a starosta, Leman TuFinn, to oversee the day-to-day minutiae of imperial governance. C RIME As the chaos of the war grows more frenzied with each passing week, the overworked Crownsguard pay little attention, and the distracted populace make easy marks for petty criminals. However, those who are caught find themselves among many well-trained soldiers who often deal out punishment themselves in times of crisis, so pursuing crime in Bladegarden is a very risky, if sometimes rewarding, endeavor. GEOGRAPHY Aside from the impressive halls of the sprawling Righteous Brand barracks that loom over the eastern edge of the city, Bladegarden is considered by many a remarkably drab place. The oval settlement is threaded by wandering dirt roads that seemingly stop and start without reason, and there is little color in the streets. Beyond the western walls, there are a number of farmsteads where local produce is gathered to aid in feeding the populace, but the majority of food is brought via cart from other sources across the Marrow Valley. BLADEGARDEN ADVENTURES Bladegarden is an excellent base of operations for characters fighting in the war on the side of the empire, or for Xhorhasian spies who wish to infiltrate their enemies' ranks. With the Crownsguard overworked, there are also plenty of adventures fighting crime within the city. Morale Pals (Any Level). The Crown sends the Morale Pals, a famous comedic halfling duo, to keep spirits up in Bladegarden. But when the curtain goes up on opening night, it reveals the decapitated bodies of the Morale Pals! The characters are hired to answer the question everyone is asking: who killed the halflings? It might be Xhorhasian spies determined to keep morale low, thieves who wanted the halflings' purses, or perhaps a rogue killer who wanted to send a message to the whole city that this is just the beginning. BROKENVEIL BLUFFS Long ago, the Brokenveil Bluffs were once a section of the Ashkeeper Peaks that linked to the nearby Dunrock Mountains. The mountain ranges were sundered in C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER the final battles of the Calamity, creating two mountain passes-the only land route that connects Eastern and Western Wynandir. The bluffs are known for their sheer cliff faces and brisk winds that loudly whistle through the network of caves and channels between the cracked rock. This region is home to many winged monstrosities, sure-footed terrors, and swamp creatures who wait at the boundaries of the Marrow Valley to swoop in and snatch the wayward traveler or soldier. The stories of the Brokenveil Bluffs are nearly as ominous as those told about the Xhorhasian landscape beyond. CRISPVALE THICKET To the east of the Silberquel Ridge, surrounding the juncture between the Glory Run Road and the Crispvale Roadway, the shady Crispvale Thicket marks the center of the eastern valley. A haven from the bustling lifestyles of the empire, the dense elms and tall underbrush shelter a handful of firbolg clans living away from the eyes of the Crown. As long as one sticks to the roads, it's normally a peaceful place to pass through, but the deeper areas of the thicket are stalked by hungry behemoths and bandits. CYRENGREEN FOREST At the southwestern end of Wynandir, the Cyrengreen Forest hugs the base of the Cyrios Mountains. The forest is the second-largest source of lumber in the empire, with logging companies from Deastok and Trostenwald working the north and south sides, respectively. Most logging is limited to the outer tree line due to dangers in the shady interior of the Cyrengreen. The lush heart of the forest is home to some wilder families who brave the dangers of the forest to live a freer life, as the tax reapers are reticent to visit too often. There are also scores of abandoned cabins scattered throughout the deep woods where it is believed folks were either forced to flee or were killed by the wild denizens of the forest. To stumble on such a site is considered terrible luck; local tales speak of hungry fey spirits and shapeshifting hunters that stalk the dark shadows of the forest in search of prey to toy with. The Cyrengreen Forest is also one of the wild sanctuaries of those cursed with lycanthropy, though the sects of those shackled with this terrible affliction are divided between those who struggle to contain their feral hunger and those who embrace their predatory instincts. The conflict between these factions builds with each passing moon cycle, threatening to spill into the nearby cities. A SUPERSTITIOUS SHADE While the dangers of the Cyrengreen include the more common threats such as subterranean ankheg nests and packs of displacer beasts, mischievous fey also call the forest home, wading through errant moonbeams on bright evenings in search of distraction. Also hidden within the forest is the obscured garrison of the Claret Order of the Lycan, where outcasts cursed with lycanthropy train to control and harness their feral burden away from the judging eyes of society.

CYRENGREEN FOREST ADVENTURES Crossing through the Cyrengreen Forest is an adventure that has travelers looking over their shoulders at every stray sound. The creatures in the shady depths of Cyrengreen love to toy with travelers. Lumberjack Madness (Low Level). Lumberjacks from Deastok and Trostenwald working in the Cyrengreen have reported strange events. They fall asleep randomly on the job, witness twinkling lights, see horrific nightmarish creatures for mere moments-and some even turn into beasts such as frogs and rabbits for short periods of time. The loggers are spooked and refuse to return to their work until the characters deal with the problem. The problem is pixies-they're upset that the loggers are tearing their forest apart! The good fey are stubborn but might cut a deal with the loggers if the characters agree to negotiate. More Perfect People (Mid Level). Reports of wolves attacking travelers on the road from Deastok, Kamordah, and Trostenwald have become more frequent. All travelers tell the same story: the beasts tear through caravans, biting as many people as possible before moving on. There is never a death toll. The reason for the strange attacks becomes obvious during the next full moon when the bite victims turn into werewolves. The characters are hired to find and stop the lycanthropes spreading the curse. The instigating werewolves live in the dark heart of the Cyrengreen. They call themselves the Brotherhood of the Moon and aim to spread their curse throughout the Dwendalian Empire. They believe their mission will make humanoids evolve into a stronger, more perfect people. DEAS TOK Population: 10,090 (60% humans, 26% dwarves, 10% halflings, 4% other races) Government: Starosta Deter McGinneas is nothing more than a puppet who answers to Prime Arbiter Truscan in Rexxentrum. Defense: Deastok enjoys the protection of the Crownsguard. The city supplements its defenses with a small army of sellswords and private bodyguards. Commerce: Basic goods and services can be found alongside comfortable lodging. Some imported, rare goods can be sought by those with black market connections. Organizations: A single temple to Bahamut is the only official religious locale. The Truscan family and their allies hold tight to their power, while Myriad influence grows in secret. Travelers in the Truscan Vale find the city of Deastok at the southwestern edge of the Dwendalian Empire. The sister city of Kamordah to the north, Deastok is a borough that appears unusually affluent for its size, largely because the Truscan family has called the city home for many generations. Fine cobblestone streets connect numerous modern buildings and charming country shops, while elegant entertainment venues and picturesque views make the city a quaint holiday location for many wealthy travelers. GOVERNMENT While Starosta McGinneas is the Crown-appointed leader of the city, it is no secret that the Truscan family is the real guiding force in Deastok. The starosta and all titled subordinates within the city were assigned at the behest of Prime Arbiter Sydnock Truscan, and it is widely assumed that anyone in power is somehow related to the Truscans by marriage or blood, or is deeply indebted to them. CRIME The clean, well-maintained streets are surprisingly free of crime for a city so socially stratified. There's a good reason that precious few petty criminals exist in Deastok: they've all been recruited by the Myriad! Under the guidance of local crime boss Corshad Dumon, this city has been a major Myriad hub for decades, with secret subterranean bases and pathways beneath the city that enable the organization to go about its business unimpeded. Those that attempt to blow the whistle on Myriad activities vanish or meet a terrible end, so most city folk turn a blind eye to organized crime. GEOGRAPHY Deastok is a tidy city bordering the Cyrengreen Forest, with a beautiful collection of quaint homes, fine goods, and affluent citizens. The central metropolitan portion of the city is divided into three areas. Most of the residential homes are located in the Garden Grounds, framed by curling parks and greenery. The Bursar Plaza marks the industrial district where shops, markets, and busking spots are carefully arranged for both commerce and atmosphere. The perimeter of the city is known as the Jeweled Gates, where the Crownsguard barracks and small military reserve are located. The soldiers guard the city and take shifts atop the Cyrios Mountain watchtower. Most of the city is built atop a large, leveled hill, surrounded by farms that continue for hundreds of acres on the western, northern, and eastern sides. At the southern end of the city, where the hills slope down toward the Cyrengreen Forest, a number of lumber mills bustling with gnomish technology harvest timber from the forest with impressive efficiency. TH E DARRINGTON BRIGADE Following his i ncredi ble journey as a member of the legendary adventuring group Vox Machina, famed artificer and writer Taryon Darrington returned to his home of Deastok and founded the Darri ngton Brigade, a nonprofit adventuring group modeled after Vox Machina. U nder Taryon and his husband Lawrence Darrington, the brigade has gained notoriety in the past twenty years, both for the deeds accomplished and the series of mostly-non-fiction books published by Taryon himself. The Darri ngton Brigade welcomes eager wanderers and adventurers with open arms, and they sponsor a number of small adventu ring parties across Western Wynandir and beyond. Even so, Taryon can often be found helming an adventure or two himself, with his trusty automaton Doty and Lawrence by his side. C HAPTER 3 I Wll.DEMOUNT GAZETTEER

DEASTOK ADVENTURES Elements of intrigue, noble finery, and the Myriad define adventures in Deastok. Characters might have adventures centered around grand parties, social gatherings, and whispered rumors. Merry Spouses of Deastok (Mid Level). A member of the nobility in Deastok is murdered, and the characters are hired to find the killer. During the investigation, more nobles and prominent members of society are slain. It seems the victims cannot be connected, and each murder employs a different grisly method. The truth is that a group of incubi and succubi married into the Truscan family over the past decade. These fiends are committing murders for the thrill of it. Kryn-Jiltration (Any Level). The Kryn Dynasty wants to infiltrate the nobility of Deastok to manipulate and steal information from wealthy Dwendalian citizens. The Kryn could hire the characters to accomplish this, or the characters could uncover the Kryn plot and try to find the spies. In either case, the Myriad's involvement in the city adds another dimension to the conflict between the Dwendalian Empire and Kryn Dynasty, making the characters wondering who-if anyone-they can trust. EGELIN QUARRY This centuries-old strip mine was the primary source of stone used in the construction of Zadash by the J ulous Dominion, but it was largely abandoned when the platinum-rich Herathis Mine was discovered to the southeast. Now this gaping chasm is only worked by a small group of miners who still collect errant stone and rocks to sell to masons. Under the watchful gaze of the gnome prospector Lason de Weeler, the self-appointed foreman of the quarry, are a number of rock-breakers who toil in the mines in hopes of discovering some hidden cache of gems or precious ore. FELD ERWIN Population: 8,180 (58% halflings, 21% humans, 6% dragonborn, 15% other races) Government: The locally elected starosta, Theanor Whisperthin, works with the Crown-appointed lawmaster to organize and distribute the harvests. Defense: A sizable regiment of Crownsguard is now bolstered by a patrolling legion of Righteous Brand soldiers, while guildmasters keep personal bodyguards. Commerce: Basic supplies and general goods are produced locally, and humble rooms and amenities are available to travelers. Organizations: Shrines to the Dawn Father bless the outer fields, while most worship takes place in homesteads within the city. The farming families and guilds aren't independent, but are operated directly by the Crown. Felderwin is the heart of halfling society in Wynandir. The settlement itself is surrounded by fertile farmlandthe sprawling Felderwin Tillage that has been cultivated by the halfl.ing community for over seven centuries. In the wake of a sudden and vicious attack from the Kryn Dynasty, the Crownsguard presence has recently CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER increased, and paranoia has gripped the citizens of Felderwin. Taverns and shops are filled with hushed whispers about the fate of the empire. A TILLING TRADITION This area was originally settled by the halfl.ing Felder clan many centuries ago, and the community has always valued the simple, grounded life of a farmer. The exceedingly fertile soil surrounding Felderwin is known throughout the empire, and the best farmers and students of agriculture in the land have settled here. As such, the agricultural skills taught in Felderwin are second to none. Some family bloodlines have tilled the earth for as long as Felderwin has existed and fiercely guard their plots against any incursion-be it from other farmers, local goblins, or invading dark elves. Nomadic goblin camps moving through the nearby Cyrios Mountains often encroach in the dark of night during harvest time. GOVERNMENT Without Felderwin, the Dwendalian Empire-and the imperial military-would surely starve. Recognizing the importance of Felderwin's fertile fields, the Crown has allowed the settlement's starosta to be selected by the local community instead of appointing a leader from Rexxentrum. When the starosta dies or is deposed, the community votes on their replacement. The current starosta, Theanor Whisperthin, has served the community for over thirty years and does his best to maintain order. However, Theanor is under pressure by his assigned overseer on the Cerberus Assembly, Marquis Jenna Iresor, to expand the settlement's contributions to the war effort-or be replaced. CRIME Felderwin is not a haven for unlawful activity, but the importance of the local crops have prompted the empire to assign a large number of Crownsguard to prevent any danger to agricultural production. The crime that does exist within Felderwin tends to involve small scale larceny, burglary, and the occasional attempt to forge official documents to avoid taxes and tithes to the Crown. GEOGRAPHY This rustic settlement is home to the beating heart of the Marrow Valley's farming community. Felderwin is built around three small hubs, each surrounding a communal gathering site called a Hall, which give the settlement a roughly triangular shape. Each section is filled with intersecting dirt roads, large barns, storehouses, lively taverns, and livestock pens that give the streets their unique, shifting smell of fresh grass, sweet pollen, and animal dung. The Green Hall calls forth trade meetings and day celebrations, while the Sunset Hall acts as a massive tavern for evening festivities and diplomatic events. The Lake Hall is built at the edge of the Scymir River and helms the small fishing community within the city.

FELDERWIN ADVENTURES Felderwin is an excellent location for new adventurers. The war has visited the settlement, and there are criminals and goblins aplenty for the characters to defeat. Short Uprising (Any Level). The characters find themselves in Felderwin when Starosta Theanor gives in to the Cerberus Assembly and raises taxes. The people of Felderwin, still trying to recoup their losses from the Kryn attack, begin to riot, demanding that the starosta step down so they can elect a replacement. Both sides pressure the characters to join them in the conflict. A Price Paid in Blood (Low Level). A series of macabre murders have shaken the denizens of Felderwin. The watchmaster has heard rumors that a blood hunter (see chapter 7) recently arrived in the city and hires the characters to hunt down the possible murderer. When they finally find the blood hunter, she tries to convince them that the murders are the fault of a rakshasa that's secretly living within the settlement as the watchmaster. The characters must either help the blood hunter take down the watchmaster or capture the blood hunter to claim their reward. FELDERWIN TILLAGE The Tillage, as it's called by locals, is the expanse of fertile farmland surrounding Felderwin, west of the Ash keeper Peaks. This sprawling network of farms cultivates most of the empire's crops and livestock used and consumed across Western Wynandir. Crops are cultivated and harvested in the Tillage, while most business and shipping is handled within Felderwin itself. Farming families frequently travel between their acreage and the settlement of Felderwin to sell their goods and distribute their tithes to the empire. While most conflicts throughout these rural homesteads involve disputes over land, the open and remote nature of the farms makes them easy targets for burglary and theft. Stories of such dangers continue to grow as financial strife in the empire pushes working folk to extremes. Increasing mistrust of outsiders and even some neighbors has led to some families becoming quite hostile. For the most party, however, there are few communities known to be as welcoming and hospitable as those of the Felderwin Tillage. A stealth unit of Kryn warriors recently sneaked into the Marrow Valley from below the earth and set fire to a number of fields before being repelled. With large plots in ashes, many farming families are trying to rebuild, while the leaders of Felderwin are seeking ways to better defend their populace. FELDERWIN TILLAGE ADVENTURES The characters could aid or stop Kryn raids on Felderwin Tillage, or defend the farms against burglars and monsters. C HAPTER 3 1 WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER

86 Kryn Spy (Low Level). The characters are hired by a farming family in the Tillage to get to the bottom of recent arsons that burned crops in Felderwin Tillage. The culprit behind the fires is difficult to find because they are a doppelganger working for the Kryn, masquerading as multiple absent members of the community. Moreover, once the characters ask too many questions, the doppelganger begins hunting them as well. A Friend in Need (Mid Level). Stumbling on a secret gathering of cultists of Tiamat preparing to sacrifice a woman to their evil goddess, the adventurers must stop the ritual and free the captive, who aids them in the battle. She introduces herself as Calianna, a half-elf sorcerer with a draconic lineage that covers half of her body in black scales. She breathlessly describes this terrible cabal, known as the Cult of the Caustic Heart (see chapter 2), and requests the characters' aid in vanquishing it once and for all. GRI MGOLIR Population: 19,090 (81% dwarves, 8% humans, 6% halflings, 5% other races) Government: Underbaron Brock Dummaroff rules the city with a council of dwarf lords and ladies. The Crown-appointed starosta is effectively just another councilor. Defense: A fair Crownsguard presence is overshadowed by the impressive force of elite dwarf soldiers known as Monoliths that protect the city. Private Monolith warriors are hired to protect merchant families. Most civilians are trained in basic combat. Commerce: A majority of services can be found, as well as raw ore, materials, gems, and goods. Taverns and inns are plentiful. Organizations: Local merchant guilds and conglomerates control the flow of business. Temples to Moradin and Bahamut are prominent, followed by the other Dwendalian gods. All answer to the Crown, but it holds less political influence here than in other cities. The dwarven stronghold of Grimgolir sits at the core of an immense network of tunnels carved throughout the southern Dunrock Mountains, perfectly situated to watch over the eastern border with Xhorhas. Though the Dwendalian Empire and the Grimgol dwarves have clashed in the past, the empire now counts the disciplined armies of Grimgolir as one of its staunchest assets in the war against the Kryn Dynasty. The predominantly dwarven society of Grimgolir prizes fine metals, finer craftsmanship, and proven skill on the battlefield, and their culture drills these virtues into every young dwarf, human, and halfting born in their city. Since days long past, the people of Grimgolir have waged eternal war on the monstrous denizens of the lightless caverns, in order to mine the precious mineral veins that suffuse the Dunrock Mountains. All soldiers from Grimgolir have stories of their first patrol along the Brokenveil Bluffs. Every new recruit's first station is atop the dizzying cliffs, as an introduction to the hostile terrain of Xhorhas and to the monstrosities that wander out of the marsh below. The Grimgolir reputation for martial excellence soon reached the ears C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER of the Dwendalian military, and the Crown made overtures to the ruling elders of the Grimgol dwarves, inviting them to peacefully become citizens of the empire. The negotiations were nearly spoiled by the Crown's simultaneous courtship of the ores of Bladegarden, but a concordance was eventually reached. The empire granted Grimgolir an extremely generous trade agreement and all the benefits of imperial citizenship, along with unprecedented autonomy for an imperial vassal state, in exchange for the ability to marshal the Grimgol warriors to fight for the empire. As part of the empire's unified eastern front against Xhorhas, Grimgolir has aided in the training of the soldiers of Bladegarden, as well as the Rockguard and Ashguard Garrisons. A SOCIETY OF SERVICE Life under the mountain has never been easy. Every bountiful cavern is home to a deadly beast, and ancient tunnels once used by the armies of the Betrayer Gods now are haunted by lingering evils. This has shaped the core value of Grimgol society: to succeed is to struggle. Worth in oneself is measurable by what one has overcome. This has built a philosophy that breeds generation after generation of dwarves seeking ways to challenge themselves and prove their capability. Everyone born within the city learns the basics of armed and unarmed combat as a child-often making outsiders, merchants, and travelers somewhat uneasy with the knowledge that any native Grimgoliran could take them in a fight. Early combat training combined with a cultural reverence for wars of ages past creates immense pressure for native-born Grimgolirans to join the city-state's military: the Monoliths. This is especially true for the Grimgol dwarves, for most can trace their family lineage back to a famous warrior or two. However, other Grimgolirans find their calling as storytellers and artisans. Those unable to make a living as a warrior or as an artisan often find themselves as laborers in the service of the Bleeding Stone Syndicate, a massive business enterprise that controls the entire pipeline of ore excavation to weapon manufacture. The Bleeding Stone maintains mining facilities beneath the Dunrock Mountains, a network of railcart lines between the mines and Grimgolir, a cutting-edge blast furnace for ore smelting, and an army of smiths hammering ingots into blades, shields, and mail. GOVERNMENT The agreement between the Crown and Grimgolir is the only treaty that has ever guaranteed a city-state autonomous rule while under the empire's banner. While Grimgolir does indeed have an appointed starosta, currently Starosta Ichabod Ashelon, the treaty between Grimgolir and the empire relegates the starosta to little more than an advisor of the ruling Underbaron of Grimgolir. As such, Underbaron Brock Dummaroff oversees the city and its goals with his own council and appointed officials. This arrangement has caused a few frustrations on both sides, and with the war against the Kryn now in full swing, these disagreements continue to grow larger and more frequent.

CRIME Culturally, denizens of Grimgolir genuinely believe that crime is a waste and a dark mark on one's life's work. If someone struggles, others lift them up until they can walk on their own. As such, it is very rare for an individual raised in Grimgol society to turn to a life of crime unless absolutely necessary. There is some criminal activity within and around the city, but most of it is helmed by foreign, outside forces. GEOGRAPHY From outside, Grimgolir is an impressive series of battlements and crenelations built into the side of the Dunrock Mountains, with granite staircases and bridges adjoining them. Within the mountain, the city is divided into two massive, cavernous wards, one sitting at an angle above the other in a gradual grade. The interior cavern of the top ward, known as the Cage Ward, resembles a giant, angled ribcage. The Cage Ward contains numerous levels of structures that house civilians, businesses, and guard posts for Monoliths to watch over the area. Farther down the sloping tunnels lies the Heart Ward, a gargantuan, spherical cavern with dozens of elevated walkways crossing at multiple heights, connecting many of the hundreds of open tunnels. The Heart Ward is the hub of all mining and gathering operations throughout the mountain, surrounded by Monolith barracks embedded in the outer edges of the ward. Many barracks adjoin wide tunnels that breach the surface at the base of the mountain, with the exit point heavily guarded and shrouded in illusory stone to prevent discovery. GRIMGOLIR ADVENTURES With monsters aplenty and war at its doorstep, Grimgolir has no shortage of adventures. Mimics in the Mine (Low Level). Monsters are killing Grimgolir's miners. The typically tough and unbeatable Grimgolir soldiers can't seem to find the creatures. Looking for a fresh perspective, they hire the characters to hunt the monsters in the abandoned mine while operations are shutdown. The monsters are mimics that turn into pickaxes, railcars, and other mining equipment. They strike at the characters with hit-and-run tactics, retreating into darkness and using their unique powers to blend in with the environment. Rise of the Worms (Epic Level). While the characters are in Grimgolir, several purple worms tunnel into the city, causing mass destruction. After the worms are killed or driven off, Kryn forces come through the tunnels created by the monstrosities, razing strategic military outposts while the city is already in disarray. The Kryn Dynasty knows how critical the city is to training Dwendalian troops, so they mobilized the worms and followed behind to deal Grimgolir a decisive blow. HERETHIS MINES Platinum is as rare as it is beautiful, so when a very bountiful vein of the precious metal was discovered east of Deastok within the bounds ofthe julous Dominion, the greedy lust for such a financial wellspring finally pushed the empire to break their agreements and conquer the dominion. Within the Crown's control, a vast mine has since expanded to extract the extremely valuable metal. However, the mine's proximity to the tenacious ankheg population that infests the Cyrengreen Forest continues to be a challenge. In addition, the Myriad has slowly infiltrated the operations of the mines over the past fifty years, regularly skimming from the platinum haul to fund its endeavors. HUPPERDOOK Population: 1 2,090 (76% gnomes, 10% dwarves, 8% humans, 6% other races) Government: Starosta Emma Zezbok, who has ruled for two centuries, works with elected officials and the major houses of industry. Defense: A small number of Crownsguard are backed by a larger civilian militia of volunteer soldiers. Many war machines and engines also defend the city. Commerce: A strong industry around metals, mining, tinkering, and entertainment makes most basic supplies and some rarer goods available. Upper Hupperdook has many taverns, inns, and places of revelry. Organizations: Industrial families are heavily invested in the city and its business. Temples to empire-approved gods, especially Moradin, are easy to find. The gnomish community of Hupperdook is built along the eastern base of the Silberquel Ridge, marked by the ever-rising columns of dark smoke and steam. Predating the empire, Hupperdook remained autonomous until the Crown absorbed the community through diplomatic agreements over two centuries ago. This smoke-stacked city is now the heart of industry in the empire, manufacturing technological marvels and large-scale weapons of war for the Dwendalian Empire. The gnomish culture within Hupperdook prizes hard work and hard play. Family trades vary from coal mining and clockwork development to practical enchantment and the brewing of zesty libations. Within the bounds of the city, a general air of upbeat anticipation frames the day-to-day activities of residents as they bound their way toward dusk. CARPE Noens For as long as the people of Hupperdook have lived on the mountain, they've been pushing to better their respective trades. The ten-hour work days are long and sometimes arduous, as sparks fly and clangs of metal ring through the city, but when dusk comes, the whistles blow and the carousing begins. Nearly every evening is a wild party celebrating the end of a productive day. Music, fireworks, dancing, and lots and lots of alcohol have given Hupperdook a reputation as one of the rowdiest locales within the empire. Such a lifestyle can be taxing on folk not used to such grueling labor and formidable C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOU NT GAZETTEER

merriment, but as the saying goes, "ya come here for an early grave worth earning." The traditional nighttime drink is called fuse, a mixture of strong liquor and an energy-boosting herbal concoction that is considered by the hardest workers as a necessity to properly embrace an evening of revelry, though some visitors complain of the rather unpleasant aftermath of imbibing the powerful substance. A jet-black coffee with the consistency (and some say, the taste) of lantern oil is customary the following morning. THE CORE OF WARFARE The Crown understands the benefit of keeping Hupperdook and its citizens happy through relative autonomy, as no other city can develop and produce weapons like the ones found here. A sizable portion of Hupperdook's industry is allocated to the production and development of defense weaponry, siege engines, and firearms. Finished implements of war are shipped across the valley to Bladegarden or Rockguard Garrison, with a few left stockpiled within the city. GOVERNMENT As per the accord enabling it to become part of the Dwendalian Empire, Hupperdook is one of the only imperial cities allowed to choose its own leadership. Starosta Emma Zezbok is a bombastic gnome who negotiated the absorption of the city into the empire and has held her seat for two centuries. Emma has sharp mind for problem solving and a love of debauchery-and cares little for politics outside the city walls or for the short-lived "Kings of Men," so long as they leave her and her people alone. Due to the independent nature of the city, the Crownsguard presence is relatively small, and the volunteers of the Citizens' Watch pick up the slack. This has led to some tension between the two law enforcement factions, but many of the Crownsguard forgive any slights when the evening drinks begin to flow. CRIME The diligent days are almost completely free of crime as every nook and cranny of the city buzzes with business, but the nights lend themselves to lackluster oversight and intoxicated Crownsguard. Lawful folk tend to travel in pairs at night, lest their drunkenness be exploited by a cutpurse. While most criminals native to Hupperdook disdain pickpocketing people on the street, burglary is seen as a noble and skilled pursuit among thieves. GEOGRAPHY Hupperdook is divided into four distinct areas across two levels built against the mountain base. Lower Hupperdook sits at ground level and is divided into two sections. The soot-stained, dusty Ironlot is where the majority of mining, metalwork, and smallscale production takes place amid residential neighborhoods peppered with a dozen ash-piping smoke stacks. The larger war machines and siege engines are constructed in the Assembly Yard, while more volatile projects are tested within the pock-marked turf known as the Craterfield. FIREWORKS OVER liUPPEROOOK

The more charming, residential region of Upper Hupperdook sits about two hundred feet above the ground atop a platform of leveled rock. This level of the city has two regions: Silver Falls Grove, where the massive Silver Falls descend from atop the mountainside and spill into a small lake surrounded by residential living towers, and the Idleworks Shelf, a recreational region of sprawling commerce, colorful markets, and social gatherings. HUPPERDOOK ADVENTURES The nearby Silberquel Ridge is a ready source of dangerous beasts and unnatural dangers, while the evening celebrations of the city conceal all sorts of shenanigans. Life Is a Drag (Any Level). The annual Iron Runway celebration is seeking entertainers to wow the nobility with show-stopping, gender-bending performances and delightfully bawdy humor. The characters can choose to participate for an impressive top prize, or be hired to guard the event, which is known to get a little rowdy. A Hungry Problem (Low Level). An illegally transported rust monster escaped from its cage in the night, nested within the Silberquel Mines, and gave birth to a small brood. The hungry creatures now threaten to consume the veins of ore needed for the empire's war effort, unless the characters manage to slay or capture them. KAMORDAH Population: 7,440 (58% humans, 23% halflings, 1 3% dwarves, 6% other races) Government: Starosta Brennan Keef oversees his network of appointees, but his true loyalty is to the Truscan family. Defense: Crownsguard and hired mercenaries protect independent business interests. Commerce: Basic supplies are available, but imported goods are more difficult to obtain. Rare plants, herbs, and wines support a profitable and well-guarded local industry. Organizations: A few small, family-run temples are open to travelers, but the local businesses are fearful of outsiders. Kamordah was built within the Bromkiln Hills by a collection of zealous followers of Desirat the Twilight Phoenix (described in chapter 2). They were eventually driven out by the ]ulous Dominion, who claimed the city and attempted to harness the intense geothermal activity in the area. When the dominion was conquered by the Dwendalian Empire, it was discovered that this phenomenon infused the local earth with minerals that support a number of rare plants, ones that normally would not survive in Wildemount. This has led to a very profitable, carefully guarded industry of farming exotic herbs and fauna, as well as local vineyards that produce exquisite wines with flavors not found elsewhere in Exandria. Unfortunately, the ground water here is undrinkable, forcing denizens of the city to survive off captured rainfall and fresh water imported from outside the city. A FIRE BELOW While the majority of Western Wynandir and the Marrow Valley is filled with rolling fields of green grasses and tall, vibrant trees, the Bromkiln Hills that surround the city of Kamordah are gray and rocky, unable to sustain the vegetation. Patches of gray, bubbling mud form between the hills, where natural vents perpetually release lazy plumes of sulfurous gases that give the region its unmistakable smell. Mineral shelves surrounding areas of intense seismic or thermal activity sometimes produce rings of vibrant colors, and many locals study these minerals for their medicinal and arcane properties. Others worry that the source of this activity is a portent of terrible things to come, whether it be an imminent eruption or some slumbering elemental power. GOVERNMENT Starosta Brennan Keef is the Crown-appointed governor of Kamordah. Though his close ties to the Truscan family grant him good standing with the Crown and local traders in the Truscan Vale, locals grouse that he puts Truscan interests before those of his own people. Coinmaster Dela Folger has a long-standing feud with Exchequer Aethia Drooze. Folger, a staunch supporter of Kamordan wineries and their local businesses, resists Drooze's attempts to squeeze every last copper out of Kamordah and into the Crown's coffers. CRIME The businesses in Kamordah carefully guard their rare goods. Crownsguard mingle with hired mercenaries to keep a watchful eye on business deals, making the few criminals within the city extremely cautious. GEOGRAPHY Kamordah is a strange settlement built from pale stone mined from nearby Mount Mentiri and petrified wood from the surrounding forest. Constructed over the prismatic mud of the Bromkiln Hills, it resembles a collection of pearls against a smear of colored paints. The settlement is loosely broken up into two regions based on industry. The Rainbow Vineyards wind along the northern end, twisting up the base of the mountain paths, while the massive central Mudfields harbor greenhouses and research facilities alongside the scattered homes that comprise the remainder of the city. WI N ES OF KAMORDAH The natural phenomenon that churns the mud and earth surrounding Kamordah has helped its people cu ltivate a valuable col lection of vineyards. Wines produced by these fami lies are some of the best in Exandria, often presented as extravagant gifts or a display of wealth. These bottles fetch a healthy sum of gold, with some of the finest listed below, though the prices vary depending on the market. Stassman's Thistle Branch Dark Blood Red Wine: 85 gp per bottle. Wagner & Waltz Emerald Embrace Green Wine: 65 gp per bottle. Stassman's Truscan Sunrise White Wine: 45 gp per bottle. Lionett Vineyard Purple Cinder Red Wine: 50 gp per bottle. Errenath Family Private Wish Red Wine: 75 gp per bottle. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 89

90 KAMORDAH ADVENTURES Adventurers in Kamordah might become embroiled in squabbles over local goods, politics, or speculation concerning the source of Kamordah's geothermal activity. Broken Earth (Low Level). While the characters are in Kamordah, an earthquake topples buildings and releases lava from beneath the earth. The broken earth also opens the way for magma mephits that cause mischief around the settlement. If the characters manage to save themselves from the chaos, there are plenty of other citizens in need of rescue. Twilight Phoenix (Epic Level). The truth of Kamordah's geothermal activity is far more sinister and fantastical than many know. The ancient and mad twilight phoenix Desirat (see chapter 1) is chained beneath Mount Mentiri. A cabal of archmages who worship Asmodeus seek to free the Lord of the Nine Hells' steed, secretly gathering components for a ritual to sunder the mountain and unleash the crazed entity to incinerate the countryside. If the characters cannot stop the ritual, they must combat the twisted, primal phoenix herself. LEBENDA SWAMP The sprawling marsh known as the Labenda Swamp encompasses the valley along the southern side of the Silberquel Ridge and is fed by frequent rainfall. Surrounding the Ounterloch, this immense swampland is humid for much of the year, making travel uncomfortable. The incessant hum of buzzing insects mingles with the musky stench of decaying plants and stagnant water, and thick fog obscures much of the muck-laden region. The marsh is home to trolls, carnivorous plants, and a host of other deadly creatures. Only the most experienced travelers dare wander too deep into the soggy reaches of the inner swamp, where it is said that rare plants and ancient ruins hide behind the mists. MOUNT MENTIRI Mount Mentiri is a sky-piercing crimson monolith and an ever-present visual landmark within the Truscan Vale. Thin wisps of steam rise from numerous vents scattered throughout the massive mountain. The nearby Bromkiln Hills and the northern lands around Pride's Call have been altered by the elemental power that radiates from the rock beneath Mentiri. The source of this subterranean heat is a mystery to the people of the empire. Scholars have proposed many theories, suggesting that Mentiri may be a young volcano-or that it sits atop a rift to the Elemental Plane of Fire. None of their theories are correct. The truth is that Desirat the Twilight Phoenix, prized steed of Asmodeus, is imprisoned deep within the curling caverns beneath the mountain, and her prison is surrounded by the fire giant city of Vuthos. The presence of Desirat has affected the people of Kamordah since the city was founded, and her messages call to the weak-minded in dreams, urging them to delve beneath the mountains to worship her as a god. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 0UNTERLOCH The mossy green waters of the Ounterloch lie brackish and foul in the center of the Labenda Swamp. Home to swamp beasts and malevolent forces drawn to the mystic secrets buried beneath the algae and stones, this lake is a source of myths for folk all across the Marrow Valley. Many speak of the temple that once sat at its northern shore before the quaking of the Calamity sent it sinking down into the dark water. Others tell tales of the Marsh Siren who calls to people in their dreams and draws them into the swamp with her song. These unfortunate souls are lost to the marsh, or they drown in her embrace beneath the waters. Most who discuss the Ounterloch, however, just speak of how miserable it is. TALONSTADT Population: 1,810 (82% dragonborn, 11 % humans, 4% halfiings, 3% other races) Government: Talonstadt's refugees are organized by community leaders who manage to work together, despite their bickering. Defense: A small but functional band of volunteer fighters keeps watch alongside a minimal Crownsguard presence. Commerce: General goods and arms are available, if somewhat scarce beyond what the populace requires. Trade is minimal, and lodging is hard to find. Organizations: There are makeshift shrines to Bahamut in public gathering places. The Scars of Scale and Tooth have representatives present to help protect the interests of ravenite refugees. The fall of Draconia at the hands of the deadly chromatic dragon sect known as the Chroma Conclave sent the region into chaos. The ravenite resistance rose up against the surviving draconbloods in a bloody rebellion, while the dangerous creatures that stalked the Dreemoth Ravine closed in when the arcane defenses of Draconia fell. While many remained to rebuild from the ruins of the fallen city, dozens of ravenite refugees and survivors fled across the dangerous lands of Xhorhas, climbing over the mountains into the Marrow Valley. The Crown wasn't eager to offer clemency to a number of foreign revolutionaries who overthrew an allied nation, but the Cerberus Assembly managed the development of a ramshackle shantytown for the dragonborn at the base of the Ashkeeper Peaks. Although it is part of the Dwendalian Empire, Talonstadt receives very little support from the Crown. Instead, the Cerberus Assembly pays meager wages to the refugees while promising that their hard work will one day allow them to earn imperial citizenship and a better quality of life for their families. With tensions between the refugees and the empire escalating, and a Crownsguard that consistently turns a blind eye to crimes within the community, very few residents believe these empty promises. Amid the chaos, a handful of Draconian sympathizers within the refugees actively undermine the ravenites' community leaders.

TALONSTADT ADVENTURES The people of Talonstadt have great need of adventurers to protect them from crime, monsters, and each other. The community can't offer much in the way of monetary rewards, but they can provide forgotten stories and describe (relatively) safe routes through Xhorhas to the characters. Chroma Council (Low Level). A secret group of Draconian sympathizers, who call themselves the Chroma Council, tempts the young adults of Talonstadt with promises of wealth and a better life if they adhere to the commandments of Tiamat. Their recruits disappear into the Ashkeeper Peaks to meet with the cult leaders, who plan to raid passing caravans for money and supplies. The characters are hired by the recruits' families to steal them back from this seditious cult. TROSTENWALD Population: 8,900 (66% humans, 1 3% halftings, 8% half-elves, 13% other races) Government: Starosta Fryda Langer works alongside resident nobles and small local guilds to maintain the affairs of the city. Defense: A respectable number of Crownsguard protect Trostenwald, occasionally bolstering their defenses with hired mercenaries. Commerce: Most basic supplies and services are available, with occasional rare goods from the Menagerie Coast. The city's brewing industry is prominent and celebrated. Organizations: Small temples and shrines to empire-approved gods are present. The brewing families compete for dominance while Myriad activity simmers in secret. The settlement of Trostenwald lies at the southern outskirts of the Dwendalian Empire, on the banks of the Ustaloch. The seeds of civilization were planted here nearly two centuries ago when the fair weather and stretching grain fields gave rise to a booming brewing economy. Three major families of brewers and alewives earned fame throughout the empire by producing some of the best and most unique ales Dwendalians had ever tasted. A FINER, SWEETER GRAIN Ordering a "trost" has become common terminology in many taverns that serve the unique, sweeter ales of the settlement's breweries. Many attribute the distinctive flavor to the waters of the nearby Ustaloch, while others attribute the flavor to an enchantment on the nearby soils hearkening back to the Age of Arcanum. Regardless, the ale has become the flagship export for the settlement, causing tension between competing families. The reigning three breweries fight for dominance over farmland and promotion of their products, while occasionally allying to squash out any upstarts who wish to encroach on the already crowded market. The known family brands that produce Trostenwald ale are Husseldorf, Bambauch, and von Brandt. GOVERNMENT The city is headed by Starosta Fryda Langer, daughter of the last starosta who fell to illness two years ago. Her family has strong ties to the Bambauch family, leading some to mutter of favoritism, though they have no power to challenge her. Starosta Langer enjoys her position, often making public shows of her power by holding small celebrations and contests in her honor. Those she did not favor before taking office are rumored to have disappeared or been driven into poverty. CRIME Crime in Trostenwald usually involves petty thefts of shipments and burglaries rather than any major conflicts. The Crownsguard have their pockets padded by the three brewing families to pay special mind to their wares. The Myriad has agents in Trostenwald, but the settlement is too sleepy to become an effective center of criminal activity. Myriad operatives do their part to push contraband smuggled in from the Clovis Concord north toward Zadash and Rexxentrum. GEOGRAPHY Trostenwald is a rural borough of simple homes, competing breweries, and fishing huts that form a kidney-shaped layout, wrapping around the western end of the Ustaloch. Travelers from the south consider Trostenwald a simple and folksy welcome to the empire. The city is broken into three main sections. The Northward borders the wind-kissed grain fields, and houses the privately owned breweries and other local industries. The Lochward forms the eastern portion of the settlement, comprised of residential neighborhoods and lakeside fishing communities. The southwest region is the Hillward, where the affluent and noble-blooded live among the guild halls, easily protected by the nearby Crownsguard barracks. TROSTENWALD ADVENTURES Characters in Trostenwald could get caught up in adventures with the three brewing families or the Myriad. They might suddenly get called to action while deep in their cups. Grain Hijackers (Low Level). The characters are hired by one of the brewing families to find out who tore into their silo and stole their grain. The characters might suspect one of the other brewing families, but that notion is quickly dashed when a second family's silo is similarly vandalized. The true culprits behind these attacks are two owlbears that meet each night and devour grain from a new silo as part of a courtship ritual. Find the Formula (Any Level). The characters are hired by an anonymous entity to uncover the secrets of Trostenwald's ale. This means investigating all the rumors, infiltrating the brewing families to find recipes, and examining all the ingredients. The brewing families keep their secrets under lock and key. The plot thickens when the characters' anonymous patron wants to make sure the recipe doesn't get out, so they attempt to kill the characters when the mission is complete. This patron could be a member of the Myriad, a family from Shadycreek Run, or a rival brewery in another settlement. C HAPTER 3 I WTLDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 9r

USTALOCH This beautiful lake is the largest body of fresh water in the southern reaches of the empire and the largest source of fish in the Marrow Valley. The city of Trostenwald rests firmly against the western banks, tending to its waters and the bounties they provide. Clear waters aid fisherman in their trade, and the purity of the lake water is thought to be a key ingredient in Trostenwald's sweet ales. Crownsguard patrol the shores of the lake at all hours to prevent anyone from tampering with the ecosystem that the locals depend on. MYTHS AND MURMURS The Ustaloch is not without dangerous creatures that stalk the deeper waters, and it has developed a number of myths, the most popular of which stems from the larger of its two islands, known as Crooked Stone. This island contains a small grove where the abandoned hovel of a feared witch still stands in disrepair. Many youth paddle out to the island to conduct rites of passage or pranks, though others warn that the witch still returns to her home for the colder seasons. USTALOCH ADVENTURES From fishing for food to hunting a witch, there are adventures aplenty for the characters to find in and around Ustaloch. Witch's Amulet (Mid Level). Something in Ustaloch is turning the fish and crabs in the lake into skeletal abominations that attack boats and people near the shore. The characters are hired to uncover the source of this curse, which happens to be an amulet from the witch's island grove that a group of children discovered and threw in the water. If the characters can find and retrieve the amulet, the witch (a night hag) might soon come looking for it. To create the skeletal creatures in this adventure, take any aquatic beast and make the following changes to it: • The creature is undead and doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. It has immunity to poison damage and exhaustion, and it can't be poisoned. It has vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. VoL'ANTIM Population: 3,890 (96% aarakocra, 4% other races) Government: Vol'antim is ruled by a council of twelve elders known as the Horizon. Defense: The settlement's perilous surroundings make it easily defensible, and trained aarakocra warriors vigilantly protect it from above and within. Commerce: General arms, simple supplies, and natural goods can be purchased or traded here. Lodging for guests is sparse. Organizations: Dual temples to both Melora and Erathis mark the cliff face and interior caverns. No major organizations make their home here. CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER The hidden cliffside settlement ofVol'antim is nestled deep within the heart of the Cyrios Mountains. Tucked beneath an unreachable mountain precipice that soars over a thousand feet in the air above jagged rocks and brush, the community is home to aarakocra who live in relative seclusion. Few ever see these aarakocra, as they keep to the Cyrios Mountains and watch intently for uninvited guests. The denizens of Vol'antim are proud of their isolationism and their adherence to the ancient ways of Melora the Wild Mother. For generations, they have carved their homes into the mountain cliffs. There are over a hundred caves adorned with colorful banners that mark the entrances to tunnels. These tunnels twist into a vast cavern, which houses the town proper. AERIAL ENEMIES The skies above the Cyrios Mountains are a battleground between the aarakocra ofVol'antim and their ancient enemies, the gorefeather harpies. Despite the birdfolk's best efforts, the gorefeather clan has only grown larger over time. Some fear that their matron has forged a pact with an evil power that has granted her people a stronger brood with each passing generation. MYTHICAL GUARDIANS While the more learned people of Wi!demount know of and understand the nature of the winged citizens of Vol'antim, the common folk often only catch occasional glimpses of them in the sky, and few people can claim to have met one. A handful of rural communities in the Truscan Vale refer to the flying creatures as their protectors and leave them small offerings before making dangerous treks in the region. The rare arrival of an aarakocra in one of these communities is a major event for the locals, and they shower the winged herald with gifts, much to the aarakocra's embarrassment. GOVERNMENT The community is led by a dozen elders called the Horizon. Each elder chooses their successor on their deathbed; if no successor is named before the elder expires, one is chosen by the remaining Horizon members. When there is disagreement within the Horizon, the eldest member makes the final decision and all others respectfully follow. The community's laws are structured around the tenets of Melora and the respect that she has for her lover, Erathis the Law Bearer. Their foremost creed is that natural life is sacred within the ways of nature and must be protected. CRIME The culture of Vol'antim eschews criminal behavior and acting outside the interests of the community. However, there are tales of past aarakocra who fell from the grace of Melara and followed a selfish path, and these figures were often punished with exile. Visiting outsiders have also been known to bring criminal activity to the city, contributing to the mistrust of those who come to the cliffs unbidden.

GEOGRAPHY Standing high above a rocky valley, the mountain spire curls at its peak, forming a protective lip over the cliff face where the numerous cave entrances to the city are visible. Only accessible via flight, each entrance bears a small shelf or lip for arrival, often bearing banners or thatched decor to signify what is found within. Beyond these caves lies a network of small tunnels that open into a shared interior cavern, in the middle of which a one-hundred-foot-tall stalagmite merges with a matching stalactite to form a great pillar riddled with caves that connect to homesteads in the cavern walls via bridges and ropes. VoL'ANTIM ADVENTURES If the characters earn the respect of the aarakocra of Vol'antim, they could be asked to help keep the Cyrios Mountains free from evil. If the characters instead earn their ire, they would do well to steer clear of the mountains. Break a Few Eggs (Low Level). The characters are asked by the aarakocra of Vol'antim to help destroy a nest of gorefeather harpies. During the quest, the characters uncover a clutch of harpy eggs, which the aarakocra believe should be destroyed, since legends say that each generation of harpies is stronger than the last. If the characters destroy the eggs, they will drive the harpies to greater acts of destruction. But they refuse, how might the aarakocra react? WUYUN GATE The southernmost boundary of the Dwendalian Empire, the Wuyun Gate rests within the Wuyun Gorge where the Ashkeeper Peaks meet the Cyrios Mountains. This imposing gate stands roughly twenty feet tall and fifteen feet wide, opening when passage is given to travelers seeking to enter or exit the empire. A wall of stone twenty-five feet tall continues from each side of the gate, stretching to meet the nearby mountains. These walls are topped by patrolling Crownsguard whose weapons are always at the ready. Originally built as a military fortification to prevent the Clovis Concord from assaulting the empire, it now acts as a waypoint on the trade route, and occasionally as a Righteous Brand outpost when dangerous creatures begin to wander too far from the nearby mountain ranges. WuYUN GATE ADVENTURES The characters could help defend the Wuyun Gate outpost when monsters attack and hold the gate until reinforcements arrive, or they could reclaim the gate for the empire after it falls. Take Back the Gate (Mid Level). As the characters travel through the region, they need to pass through the gate. When they get to the outpost, they learn that monsters from the mountains (gnolls, hobgoblins, ores, or trolls) murdered the Crownsguard and have claimed the gate as their own. From this secure position, they launch more raids into the Marrow Valley. Someone has to stop them and take back the gate. ZADASH Population: 89,210 (70% humans, 1 1% halftings, 9% dwarves, 10% other races) Government: Starosta Wyatt Fedar is the city's nominal leader, but nothing gets done without the assent of the lawmaster, other Crown-appointed officials, and the wealthy elite. Defense: An impressive host of Crownsguard is integrated throughout the city, while a sizable legion of Righteous Brand soldiers is stationed within the Signet Ramparts. Political figures and nobles also employ personal guards. Commerce: Nearly all goods and services are available in Zadash, including magic items. Illegal imports and contraband are found in underground circles. Organizations: Major temples to empire-approved gods are scattered throughout the city. The Cerberus Assembly holds great sway, as do the high nobility and the guildmasters. The Myriad, once thought banished, is still deeply entrenched in the city's businesses. Zadash was the capital of the Julous Dominion before it was conquered by the Dwendalian Empire nearly two centuries ago. Now the city is the central crossroads of the southern region of the empire and a smaller sister city to the capital of Rexxentrum. Zadash accommodates heavy traffic through its winding streets, serving noble diplomats, countless trade caravans, and rushing messengers from all across Western Wynandir and the Menagerie Coast. The city's ruling class is comprised of powerful merchant lords and ladies who oversee the guilds that control the markets throughout the city. Zadash is a bastion of law, civilization, and military might in the Marrow Valley, whose small townships often escape imperial scrutiny. The city is home to the Hall of Erudition, an extension of the Soltryce Academy and foothold of power for the Cerberus Assembly. As a common waypoint for travelers to and from Rexxentrum, the city offers many forms of entertainment and recreation. It also boasts the largest military force in the southern end of the empire. GOVERNMENT The majority of day-to-day business and politics are overseen by Starosta Wyatt Fedar, Lawmaster Orentha Stonegrasp, and High-Richter Dolan Thyme, who must work closely to manage the large, sprawling city. However, it is common knowledge that the starosta is deep in the pockets of the city's wealthiest families, and is often manipulated by those powers without the people's best interests at heart. Community leaders are rightfully furious about the starosta's corruption, but Starosta Wyatt is finding it difficult to gain support from the capital, which is focused on the war with Xhorhas. The growing hum of unrest makes him increasingly nervous. CRIME Criminal elements are part of the very fabric of the city. Independent swindlers make their way through the poorer districts, pickpocketing freely behind the backs of overworked Crownsguard. The Myriad has patsies in every industry and most political offices, too. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 93

A crime boss known in some circles as the Gentleman runs a thieves' guild based in a network of underground tunnels called the Underworks. Crime is extremely profitable in Zadash, and has been fine-tuned for generations to be efficient, hard to trace, and largely invisible to the untrained eye. GEOGRAPHY Zadash has a mix of older Julous architecture and modern Dwendalian construction, giving the picturesque, triangular city a varied and mismatched look. Zadash is broken into five major districts: the Outersteads, the Pentamarket, the Innerstead Sprawl, the Tri-Spires, and the Signet Wall. The Outersteads. Divided into the East and West Outersteads, this area is home to the poor and powerless of the city, a collection of slums and neighborhoods of hovels that cluster around and beyond the city walls. The majority of folks who live within these areas are humble crafters hoping to catch the eye of traders passing through, workers who handle the less desirable careers that keep the city functioning, or the destitute who are trying to regain control of their lives. Many sections are humble but welcoming, with family communities who work together to keep the peace when the Crownsguard are too sparse or too uncaring to watch over them. The regions beyond the walls are equal parts farming communities and tent cities. However, some areas of the Outersteads have become hotbeds for criminal activity, with locals disappearing often enough to cause discontent with the empire's indifference. PENTAMARKET OF ZADASH The Pentamarket. The Pentamarket is the bustling heart of commerce, a massive bazaar that rests at the junction of the city's five main roads. Here, all manner of guild shops and businesses provide both wares and lodging for droves of weary travelers. During many calendar holidays, this region of the city is flamboyantly decorated, and music and games fill the streets surrounding the crafters' temple, Hearth of the All-Hammer, and the massive gladiatorial arena known as the Victory Pit. The Innerstead Sprawl. A labyrinth of houses owned by the working-class people of Zadash, the Sprawl bends between the other districts, acting as the boundary between them. Except for a few of the temples, such as the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, the Platinum THE INVULNERABLE VAGRANT There are few locations in the empire where enchantments and arcane protections are readily available for sale, as the cost of such devices is prohibitive for the majority of the popu lace. Most recovered magic items find their way to black markets, are sold through auction houses, get taken by deft thieves, or wind up in the collection of some affluent fami ly. This makes the success of the I nvul nerable Vagrant, one of the few magic item retailers in Wildemount, unique. The Vagrant, established in 81 4 PD, is owned and operated by a city-bred firbolg cal led Pu mat Sol and his team of identical quadruplets-that is, his th ree arcane simu lacra. Many visit this establishment simply to marvel at the curious atmosphere and equally curious staff. Pu mat Sol was trained by Headmaster Orem id Hass of the Halls of Erudition, but he tends to keep quiet about the specifics of his ties to the Cerberus Assembly.

House, and the King's Hall, much of the architecture is simple and built for function. The Tri-Spires. The Tri-Spires are known throughout the walls of Zadash as the neighborhood of the noble elite and the wealthy. Built on the ruins of the old Pious District after the fall of the Julous Dominion, the TriSpires now stand as the center of aristocracy and higher learning within the city-and, indeed, throughout the empire, second only to Rexxentrum. The region takes its name from the three large, uniquely constructed towers that lord over the skyline: the Zauberspire, the Constellation Bridge, and the Triumph Chime. The Zauberspire is the central tower of the Halls of Erudition, a beautiful ivory campus that is an extension of the Soltryce Academy. The Constellation Bridge looms over the Gilded Willows neighborhood as an extremely tall, thin watchtower that offers an incredible view of the entire city and the Marrow Valley beyond. Once a temple to Avandra, The Triumph Chime is now a squat, seven-story belfry outfitted with sleeping chambers, bars, and a raucous gambling hall. The Signet Wall. The Signet Wall encloses the eastern end of the city and houses Zadash's reserve force of Righteous Brand soldiers. The Signet Ramparts are a collection of four simple stone and wood buildings that act as barracks and living quarters for all local Crownsguard. The clangs of training blades and blacksmiths' hammers fill the air for half the day, while drinking songs and bawdy rhymes fill the other half. Beyond those grounds lies the dark stone entrance to the impressive, eight-floor, subterranean prison known as the Umber Dungeon, where criminals from the streets of Zadash are held and punished, with the most dangerous imprisoned in the deepest cells. The Shrine of the Dawn, a temple of pale stone and stained glass dedicated to Pelor the Dawn Father, where both civilians and soldiers can worship, marks the center of the district. The eastern wall ends in the Marrow Keeps of the Righteous Brand, a massive stronghold surrounded by a half-dozen smaller fortifications that make up the southern bastion of the Crown's military power. ZADASH ADVENTURES As a large city full of travelers, criminals, and politicians, Zadash has plenty of opportunities for adventure. Send a Message (Mid Level). The characters are hired-or blackmailed-by the Myriad to convince Starosta Wyatt Fedar to let the Myriad quell unrest in the city in exchange for favors from the city leader. If the starosta accepts, the Myriad asks the characters to crack down on non-Myriad crime in the city. If the starosta refuses, the Myriad asks the characters to run amok, causing and inspiring as much chaos as possible until the starosta relents. Victory Breakout (High Level). The characters are in Zadash when several monsters are freed from their confines in the Victory Pit. These monsters-an abominable yeti, a behir, a hydra, a tyrannosaurus rex, and others, tear through the streets, leaving carnage in their wake. Did these monsters escape by themselves, or did someone else free them to distract the Crownsguard and characters while another crime took place? ZEMNI FIELDS Along the frost-dappled fields of the northern plains, the heart of the Dwendalian Empire is formed by a sprawl of dirt-packed roads, dense forests, and austere townships that fight back the dangerous creatures of the wilderness. Divided from the southern Marrow Valley by the mountains of the Silberquel Ridge, this region is known for its gray skies, fits of cold rain, and occasional snowfall, keeping the feet of the denizens muddy and their crops healthy. The Dunrock Mountains shield the people from the threats that loom beyond the boundaries of the king's rule, with the Rockguard Garrison to the east holding firm against the deadly armies of the Kryn Dynasty and the dangers that brew beyond the Ashkeeper Peaks. Home to the mighty imperial capital of Rexxentrum, these fields are the seat of power and commerce for the empire. Diplomats often find themselves traveling to and from the Zemni Fields, while traders and merchants from around the world traverse the long roads in hopes of making their fortunes in the capital city. Even so, the growing ferocity from beasts and creatures that share this region mingle with the whispers of a recovering criminal element and the escalating war with the Kryn to create a perpetual air of tension and anxiety. AMBER C RO S SROADS The Amber Road and the Havenpath Road merge with the Cloakjaunt Path and the Glory Run road to form a great crossroads, where a small makeshift marketplace has sprung up. Mercenaries flock here to find work among traveling caravans, and merchants exchange goods in the absence of imperial oversight before heading into the nearby cities to set up shop. Wandering performers bring color and life to the crossroads, while charlatans of all walks of life take advantage of the fact that the market has no Crownsguard presence. AMBER CROSSROADS ADVENTURES The conjunction of trade and travel creates a location rife with mystery, danger, and the need for adventurers. Rob from the Rich (Low Level). Arriving just in time for a semiannual bazaar known as the Carnival of Coin, the characters begin to notice a strange, trance-like state that temporarily overtakes a number of wealthy merchants, who then sell off their most expensive wares for next to nothing. These merchants hire the characters to find the source of this enchantment, which turns out to be a wandering band of charlatans who seek to redistribute wealth to the poor of the Marrow Valley. The characters must decide whether they wish to turn in these thieves for rewards from the merchants, or let them go and risk becoming hunted alongside them. War Plans (Mid Level). The characters are hired by the Myriad or the Kryn Dynasty to intercept imperial documents as they travel from Rexxentrum to Zadash. The first courier takes the documents as far as the crossroads before handling them off to a second courier. Both couriers are knights of the Crownsguard mounted on warhorses. The documents are war plans bearing magical wards and the seal of the king. CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 95

BLU MENTHAL Population: 3,850 (71% humans, 1 2% dwarves, 1 1% elves, 6% other races) Government: Starostajudus Olessia is the appointed leader of Blumenthal, but the countless directives from Rexxentrum often bypass him entirely. Defense: A respectable cadre of Crownsguard and a small body of Righteous Brand soldiers keep the farmsteads of Blumenthal safe. Commerce: While food, produce, and basic supplies are available, little else can be found since most trade heads straight to the capital. Organizations: A temple to Pelor stands vigil over the heart of the farmland. The farming guilds all work under the strict expectations of the Crown. A sprawling collection of rural farmsteads connected by administration buildings, Blumenthal is Rexxentrum's main source of produce and meat. Numerous government-owned fields and orchards harvest cold-weather crops and livestock, and families chosen to tend to the land are paid by the Crown to gather their goods and deliver them to the gates of the capital. Some who till the land are frustrated that they don't own their plots outright, but with generational incentives for those who keep to the family plot like their ancestors, others see it as investment toward eventually living in greater comfort than the typical farmer. As Rexxentrum's survival depends on Blumenthal's fields, the Crown has erected dozens of Crownsguard watchtowers at the corner farmers' plots to watch for thieves, scavengers, and monstrous predators. The people of Blumenthal can't help but feel the watchful eye of the Crown on them at all times, looming over their work and dampening their spirits. Yet even in such troubled times, StarostaJudus Olessia works directly with Argonomist June Wiston to improve the lives of the hard-working farmers who support the success of Blumenthal-and thus of the empire. BLUMENTHAL ADVENTURES Since Blumenthal's fields are critical to the survival of the people of Rexxentrum, adventurers might be hired by the empire to investigate disappearing or dying animals or crops, or to stop monster raids from the Silberquel Ridge. Adventurers who work for the Kryn Dynasty could be asked to destroy crops or poison goods headed for Rexxentrum. Bad Beef(Low Level). Tainted beef from three different cattle farms in Blumenthal has killed several people in Rexxentrum. Crownsguard investigators concluded that the meat was intentionally poisoned and hire the characters to find the culprits. Why hire outsiders? The Crownsguard in Blumenthal is on the list of suspects, since they escorted the meat to Rexxentrum. Of course, the list of suspects doesn't stop there. Did the farmers work together because they abhor living under imperial rule? Is there an agent of the Kryn within Blumenthal? Is someone using enchantment magic from afar to make farmhands poison beef? One thing is for sure: the culprits are willing to kill and won't come quietly. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER BYSAES TYL Population: 19,090 (83% elves, 7% humans, 10% other races) Government: The Ring of Three reluctantly cooperates with the appointed starosta, Uther Prent, to govern the city. Exalted elven houses also work with the Ring of Three to preserve their culture under imperial rule. Defense: Both local and assigned Crownsguard stand ready to defend the city. Commerce: Nearly any equipment, goods, or services are available, though rarer supplies are generally kept from non-elven travelers. Organizations: While smaller temples dedicated to the empire-approved gods are present, shrines to Corellon, Melara, and Sehanine hide in plain sight. The beginnings of Myriad influence are taking hold. The rustic elven city of Bysaes Tyl is tucked away in the northern region of the Pearlbow Wilderness. Built synergistically within the tangled boreal forests, this hidden settlement of tall wooden arches and warm hearths sits below a massive network of treehouses and bridges that form the canopy and upper levels of the city. The streets are made of smooth stones set in packed earth, gently enchanted to warm the pathways and melt the frequent snow. Large, bowed tutoring halls hold lectures for the masses, while cleared patches of forest facilitate the training of warriors in the defense of both the city and the empire. Bysaes Tyl was founded by elves who fled the destruction of Molaesmyr in the Savalirwood and quietly began to build a new home away from the eyes of the expanding empire. The elves ofBysaes Tyl struggled through the harsh winters for many years as they constructed their homestead, leaving the past behind to look to the future of their society. Adversity bred a hard, guarded, and tight-knit people. When the Crown discovered that an independent city-state had formed within imperial territory, an imperial envoy was dispatched to present the elves with an ultimatum: accept Dwendalian rule or prepare for the empire to claim sovereignty over Bysaes Tyl by force. The Ring of Three, the elven elders, convened and agreed not to fight. Many of their kind would die in a senseless war-and perhaps the elves would outlive their imperial rulers many years hence. They agreed to submit and follow imperial laws and pay imperial taxes, under the condition that they could maintain some level of cultural autonomy within their city. The elves guard the secrets of their culture as best they can, maintaining a tenuous relationship with the Crown that holds to this day. LEVERAGING A LEGACY Bysaes Tyl remains the only city of elven creation within the Dwendalian Empire. The denizens feel an intense need to protect and maintain their cultural legacy, and to search for clues surrounding the mysterious destruction of their ancestral home. As per the agreement between Bysaes Tyl and the empire, the Ring of Three has incorporated some elements of imperial society into their own and shared a number of arcane secrets and

MAP 3.4: ZEMNI FIELDS recovered artifacts from Molaesmyr with the empire in exchange for their city's cultural autonomy. The elves wish to preserve their unique art and music, their crafting skills and techniques, and knowledge gleaned from the ruins of Molaesmyr that might decide the future of their people. The rumors that secrets and relics within Bysaes Tyl still remain hidden from the Crown and the Cerberus Assembly heighten the tension between the starosta and the Ring of Three, in addition to the slowly increasing imperial oversight. GOVERNMENT As part of the agreement that brought the city into the fold of the Crown, the Ring of Three, comprised of the elven nobles Allusus Dawyne, Gwey Yethneiros, and Amra Balleei, still oversee most aspects of city life. They must, however, work very closely with Starosta Uther Prent and his appointed counselors when governing the infrastructure and enforcement of law and order. Uther's prejudice against elves is well-known throughout the empire, and many believe this is why he was chosen for his position. The Ring of Three continues to deftly undermine Uther's leadership while simultaneously stroking his ego, a dance that they have thus far executed with grace but which cannot continue forever. CRIME The elves of the city rarely engage in criminal activity, but escalating theft and brutality from non-elven imperial citizens living within-or passing through-Bysaes Tyl is a problem that the starosta largely ignores. Agents of the scattered Myriad have offered to help the Ring of Three manipulate the starosta and his council. The Ring of Three are weighing the benefits of letting an unlawful organization into their midst to help their oppressed people against the long-term consequences of working with such untrustworthy allies. GEOGRAPHY The city exists partially on the forest floor and partially within and around the trees, giving the settlement an air of rustic nostalgia that tempers its elven mystique. The walled surface streets are known as the Rough, or Talan, where structures weave between rocks and wide-trunked trees, giving a slanted octagonal shape to the tall, wooden exterior walls of the city. Nearly all structures here are built from pine and other taiga trees, favoring designs that resemble a bowed arch rising to an apex. Spiraling staircases known as the Shrouds, or Halya, twist around and within trees, climbing up to the elevated walkways and buildings amid the forest canopy. CHAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 97

BYSAES TYL ADVENTURES The tension between the Crown and the elves in Bysaes Tyl plays a part in any of the city's adventures. Elves trying to maintain their cultural connection with nature and their lost homeland of Molaesmyr could look to adventurers for aid, the Crown could use help keeping the peace, and the Myriad could hire the characters to infiltrate the city. Elves, Arise (Mid Level). A group of elf assassins unhappy with the Crown's leadership hatch a plot to simultaneously assassinate the Ring of Three, Starosta Uther Prent, and other important figures in Bysaes Tyl. They believe that with the Crown distracted by the war, now is a perfect time to rise up and take back their city. The characters get wind of the plot and must decide whether to ignore, stop, or support the assassins. Evil, Arise (Epic Level). A powerful artifact of the long-deceased Archmage Oleyahs has been recovered from the ruins of Molaesmyr and is secretly in transit to Bysaes Tyl. Researchers hope that this object holds a key to understanding the destruction of their ancestral home, but when the object arrives, it is revealed to instead be a deceptive casing for the archmage's demilich form. A plague of arcane terror rains on Bysaes Tyl, and the characters are tasked by the Ring of Three to destroy or banish the demilich Oleyahs from the burning city. 98 C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER DRUVENLODE Population: 12,110 (70% humans, 14% dwarves, 9% elves, 7% other races) Government: The city is run by Starosta Uvilia Whek, who oversees the mining guilds. Her rule is supported by Watchmaster Quin Theramast and her Crownsguard. Defense: A regiment of Crownsguard help protect the city, as well as the mines. Guildmasters and nobles also maintain personal guards. Commerce: Basic supplies, inns, and taverns are easy to find here. Ore and ingots are readily available, and rough, rare metals are traded on occasion. Organizations: Several temples can be found across the city. While smaller organizations exist within the city, the mining guilds are by far the most powerful and wealthy merchant groups. Established in the early years following the Calamity, Druvenlode is the primary source of precious metal in Western Wynandir. Located at the western base of the Silberquel Ridge by the mouth of the largest silver vein ever found on the continent. Dusty from wind-swept mountain dirt that turns to mud in the wetter seasons, Druvenlode is a far cry from beautiful Rexxentrum or any of the pastoral villages of the empire. Though the city is wealthy, buildings here were designed for function and storage while the talented architects focused on the noble homesteads and wards of the capital, leaving Druvenlode seemingly rough and rustic by comparison.

GOVERNMENT Starosta Uvilia Whek oversees all major mining operations, and the larger mining guilds report directly to her. Maintenance of these mines also requires constantly protecting the workers and battling the dangerous creatures of the Silberquel Ridge, creating a thriving market for mercenary work when the Crownsguard are too busy-or too cowardly. The majority of the population works directly in or adjacent to the mining industry, laboring within the mines and tunnels, categorizing and smelting recovered minerals and metals, or forging materials into useful tools for distribution across Western Wynandir. CRIME The local Crownsguard do their best to keep the peace, but with most eyes looking east to the war, the streets are ripe for criminal activity. Theft of goods and ore is increasing, and a call for additional, outside aid grows with it. GEOGRAPHY Druvenlode is divided into three main areas. Most citizens live in the ramshackle Dustbellows, where the clustered mass of simple hovels and retrofitted warehouses house those living hand-to-mouth. In these dreary streets, the need for distraction leads to a plethora of experimental music and dance at street corners and simple taverns. Silverstreet is a long thoroughfare where the talented folk of Druvenlode hawk their wares, advertise their skills, and seek legal ways to earn an income under the watch of the empire. The street is bookended by two massive gambling taverns that vie for dominance: the Sterling Satchel and the Cabin of Fortune. The Pillars is the industrial part of the city, where dark columns of smoke and exhaust belch forth from the massive smelting operations that dot the landscape. Most miners and physical laborers work in this area, and many of them live in the same soot-dusted factories where they toil. DRUVENLODE ADVENTURES Adventure can be found in Druvenlode's mines, which occasionally fill up with burrowing beasts, as well as in the city proper, where shady characters are often found indulging in gambling or petty theft. Fire in the Mines (Mid Level). A being made of fire attacked miners from the Surgoth Guild who were working a vein of silver ore. The miners survived but are too scared to go back into the mine. Instead, they gamble their savings away at the Sterling Satchel. If the characters investigate, they find a path of destruction in the mine that leads to a fire elemental under the control of Casper Windmouth (neutral evil, male, human mage). Casper is a gambler with many debts to pay, so he took a job from an anonymous source to scare the miners out. Was it a rival miner's guild? Was it the proprietors of the Sterling Satchel, looking to hang on to their customers day and night? Or was it the owner of the Cabin of Fortune, hoping to bankrupt their competitor's clients? DUNROCK MOUNTAINS The snow-dusted peaks of the Dunrock Mountains encircle the northern end of Western Wynandir, separating the Dwendalian Empire's territory from the scarred northern region of the Greying Wildlands. This majestic chain of rocky mountaintops is a snow-dappled bulwark against the corruption that torments the Savalirwood. The steep grades and icy terrain make the Dunrock Mountains perilous to traverse, and few beyond smugglers and gutsy hunters find reason to climb far into these sierras. Dappled with clusters of dense pine trees and cold streams, these beautiful mountains would be picturesque were it not for the roaming giants and wild griffons that hunt among the peaks. Beneath the surface, the Dunrock Mountains contain a vast network of tunnels and caverns carved by the dwarves of Grimgolir before the Calamity, as well as hidden, collapsible passages utilized by the Kryn Dynasty to infiltrate the empire during this time of war. DUN ROCK MOUNTAINS ADVENTURES These rocky peaks are home to many creatures and secrets beyond the empire's influence. The Crawling Caverns (Mid to High Level). Hidden deep in the heart of the Dunrocks are the forgotten depths of the Bastille of Torment, a massive, multilevel dungeon where Torog tortured the enemies of the Betrayer Gods during the Age of Arcanum. This horrifying abandoned prison is now run by a cabal of spirit nagas, who guard the many arcane secrets and treasures left by the Betrayers. ERDELOCH The Erdeloch is the largest lake in Western Wynandir, often used as a landmark for travelers making their way toward the capital. Its chilled waters are the most prolific site for freshwater fishing in the empire, and the south side of the Erdeloch sees quite a number of large and small fishing vessels moving in and out of Odessloe daily. The many rivers that intersect with the lake make it a nexus of river transport within the empire, especially for loggers. The north shores, nestled within the Pearlbow Wilderness, are known to be filled with local wildlife and indigenous monsters, so few dare make landfall near the treeline at night. lCEHAVEN Population: 5,090 (71% humans, 1 2% elves, 10% dwarves, 7% other races) Government: Though technically run by Ernath Noack, the Crown-appointed starosta, the town is mostly ruled by a committee of locals who pay little mind to the will of the Dwendalian Empire. Defense: A small company of Crownsguard keeps the peace, while a fresh group of Righteous Brand soldiers have been assigned to the docks. Commerce: Resources are limited, so mostly basic supplies and standard arms are available. Relics recovered from Eiselcross can occasionally pass through, providing strange and exotic curiosities for acquisition. C HAPTER 3 I WILDEMOUNT GAZETTEER 99

Explorer's Guide to Wildemount - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.