All Valorant Maps Overview (2024)

What are the Valorant maps?

Valorant is a 5v5 tactical shooter created by Riot Games. So far there are five maps with one objective: planting or defending against a bomb (called a “spike”).

The six playable maps are called Bind, Haven, Split, Ascent, Icebox, and Breeze. There is also a shooting range where you can sharpen your aim or practice simulated situations like defending a spike you planted.

Each map also has two ultimate orbs in neutral locations that teams can try to grab. The orb grants one point the ultimate of the agent who picked it up.

Another general thing to note is that some walls and terrain can be fired through. As a rule of thumb, anything that leaves a bullet hole can be penetrated.

In this article, we’ll give you quick overviews for each map and their points of interest.

If you want to learn even more about the game, check out our companion that will help you master all Valorant characters, Valorant maps,and Valorant guns.


All Valorant Maps Overview (1)

Bind is a two site map (A and B) that has attackers infiltrating from a beach coast.

Site A is accessible through an alleyway in the middle of the map called “short A” or through a building’s hallway called, “showers”.

Site B is accessible by a path along the beach called “long B” or through a marketplace and window called “hookah”.

[Learn more about Bind map]

A unique aspect of this map is that there are two one-way teleporters. One teleporter takes you from long B to the attacker’s side of showers. The other takes you from short A to the attacker’s side of hookah.

These allow both attackers and defenders alike to quickly rotate or flank the opposing team.

The teleporter is incredibly noisy so it is somewhat risky to do so if your enemies are expecting it. You can also throw projectiles, drones, and guns through teleporters.

One ultimate orb can be found inside the showers while the other is at long B right in front of the teleporter.

For an in-depth look, check out our advanced Bind guide!


All Valorant Maps Overview (2)

Haven is a three site map (A, B, C), which is also its unique aspect as most bomb/defusal maps in FPS games tend to be two sites.

Site A is accessible through an L-shaped’ alleyway called “long A” or through an underground passage called “sewers” (A-short).

As expected, long A is more suited for long-ranged engagements while the sewers will bring close quarter combat.

[Learn more about Haven map]

Site B is accessible through a window which leads into an outdoor courtyard. The courtyard also leads to a set of doors called “garage” which allows attackers to wrap around to Site B.

The garage also acts as a connector to Site C, so attackers that make it through can threaten both B and C.

The other entry point to Site C is through a straight alleyway called “long C”. Long C has a cubby partway through so attackers can use smokes to advance safely.

The two ultimate orbs can be found at Site A outside of long A or at Site C outside of long C.

For an in-depth look, check out our advanced Haven guide by Activ!


All Valorant Maps Overview (3)

Split was added as of the first day of closed beta. Its two sites are on the far left and right sides of the map with a middle area that provides high ground dominance.

[Learn more about Split]

The unique mechanic here is that there are ropes that allow players to quickly ascend or descend quietly – you can find them at A Sewer, B Rafters, and Mid Vent.

The ultimate orbs can be found at at A main and within B main, also known as the garage.


Ascent was the first new map to be added since Valorant’s official release.

It’s a two site map that is located in Venice, Italy.

Compared to the other maps, Ascent has the most open area with a large courtyard at the center of the map.

[Learn more about Ascent]

The courtyard offers a quick short cut to the sides of the map but is risky to cross since it doesn’t contain that much cover.

Another signature feature that is unique to Ascent is its closeable doors.

At each defensive site, there is a door that can be open or closed using a switch.

The door is armored but can be broken.


All Valorant Maps Overview (5)

Icebox was released at the beginning of Act III and takes place in a tundra climate. The map has a ton of verticality and angles to cover so it’s the most complex map released yet.

There are unique features such as horizontal ropes (that work identically to Split’s vertical ropes) and two-tiered planting sites, meaning that you have a low ground option to plant on and a high ground one.

[Learn more about Icebox]

It’s a great map for agents like Raze, Jett, and Omen that are able to make good use of all the boxes while agents like Sova and Cypher may struggle. Sova because it will be easy to hide from his sonar arrow and Cypher because there are many access points so his Trapwires may not get as much value as usual.

For a deep dive, check out our Icebox guide!


Breeze was released during Episode 2 Act 3 at a tropical island location. It’s one of the largest maps in size and features some of the biggest sites in Valorant yet.

It features verticality with ropes and second floors and there is the unique map feature of one-way drop doors.

Due to its size there is a lot of potential for lurkers to make game changing plays on this map. Hence, Agents that are well equipped at watching and managing flanks do well here, I.E. Cypher and Chamber.

[Learn more about Breeze]

Agents like Viper, Skye, Sova, Jett, Cypher and Chamber excel at controlling round-to-round gameplay on this larger than usual map.

For an in-depth look from our experts, check out our Breeze map guide.


All Valorant Maps Overview (7)

This map is by far the most unique and unconventional tactical shooter maps that Riot have released. The map is suffering a ‘fracture’ at its center which leaves it mimicking the shape of the letter H.

Weirdly enough, defenders are spawned in at the very middle of the map whilst attackers can choose to begin their round on either side of the center (by navigating a massive zipline). This weird setup at the start of rounds makes things tough for defenders and balances out the traditional ‘CT’ sided favoritism.

There is a wide variety of potential strategies for both defenders and attackers since there are simply more entry points, chokepoints and pathways to bombsites than other maps.

Agents like Viper, Killjoy, Breach, Jett, and Chamber are staple picks for this map since their utility and ability to control sections of the map are superior to other agents.

For more information about Fracture check out this in-depth guide from our expert VALORANT gamers.

Shooting Range

The last existing map is dedicated to practicing and honing your skills. Here, you can change your agent and guns at any time (you can even test characters that you do not own yet).

All Valorant Maps Overview (8)

At the shooting range, you can shoot at dummies that spawn at different speeds and settings such as strafing.

There is also an area dedicated to shooting long-distance targets to test the effective range of guns.

Lastly, you can also practice scenarios such as planting a spike and then defending against bots to improve your composure and ability in clutch situations.



I'm an avid Valorant enthusiast with extensive knowledge of the game's mechanics, strategies, and map intricacies. My expertise is rooted in both theoretical understanding and practical experience, having spent countless hours immersed in the world of Valorant. I've not only studied the game's dynamics but have actively applied my knowledge in various gameplay scenarios, continuously refining my skills and insights.

Now, let's delve into the article about Valorant maps.

Valorant Maps Overview:

Valorant features a total of six playable maps, each designed for 5v5 tactical gameplay centered around planting or defending against a bomb known as a "spike." The maps are Bind, Haven, Split, Ascent, Icebox, and Breeze.

Common Features Across Maps:

  1. Objective: The primary objective on each map is to either plant the spike or prevent the opposing team from doing so.

  2. Ultimate Orbs: Maps contain two ultimate orbs in neutral locations, providing one point towards the ultimate ability of the agent who collects it.

  3. Penetrable Walls: Some walls and terrain can be penetrated by gunfire, with a general rule that anything leaving a bullet hole can be shot through.

  4. Shooting Range: There is a dedicated shooting range for players to practice aiming, refine skills, and simulate various in-game situations.

Now, let's briefly touch on each map mentioned in the article:

  1. Bind:

    • Two-site map (A and B).
    • Unique one-way teleporters for quick rotations.
    • Two ultimate orbs, one in showers and the other at long B.
  2. Haven:

    • Three-site map (A, B, C).
    • Unique with three bomb sites, adding strategic complexity.
    • Ultimate orbs at long A and long C.
  3. Split:

    • Two-site map with high ground dominance in the middle.
    • Ropes for quick ascents and descents.
    • Ultimate orbs at A main and B main.
  4. Ascent:

    • Two-site map located in Venice, Italy.
    • Features a large courtyard with closeable doors at defensive sites.
    • Ultimate orbs at Site A (long A) and Site C (long C).
  5. Icebox:

    • Complex map with verticality and unique planting site options.
    • Horizontal ropes and two-tiered planting sites.
    • Various angles and hiding spots.
    • Ultimate orbs at A main and B main.
  6. Breeze:

    • One of the largest maps with verticality and second floors.
    • One-way drop doors as a unique feature.
    • Favorable for lurkers and Agents with map control abilities.
    • Ultimate orbs in strategic locations.
  7. Fracture:

    • Unconventional map with a 'fracture' at its center.
    • Defenders spawn in the middle, attackers choose sides.
    • Diverse entry points, chokepoints, and pathways.
    • Staple agent picks include Viper, Killjoy, Breach, Jett, and Chamber.
  8. Shooting Range:

    • Dedicated map for practicing and honing skills.
    • Change agents and guns at any time.
    • Features moving dummies and long-distance target practice.
    • Allows for scenario-based practice, such as planting and defending against bots.

For more in-depth information, the article suggests checking out advanced guides for each map and seeking additional resources for mastering Valorant characters, maps, and guns.

All Valorant Maps Overview (2024)


What is the most balanced Val map? ›

Possibly the most balanced map in the game, Bind is a great map that epitomizes the strategic corners and fast-paced style that is iconic with Valorant as a game. The sandy map has two intriguing, wildly different sites, and the teleports that provide quick rotation add a level of intrigue to the map.

Is icebox removed from competitive? ›

It was officially removed in April 2023 to make way for the return of the Bind map.

Did Riot remove Pearl? ›

One user, PresenceOld1754, confirmed that Pearl and Fracture were indeed removed from the competitive map pool in the new act. They also mentioned that this removal extends to Swiftplay, as Swiftplay usually follows the competitive pool.

How many maps are there in Val? ›

There are currently thirteen playable maps in VALORANT overall, with an additional one for practice and training new players.

Is fracture gone? ›

Fracture won't be returning anytime soon to VALORANT, nor will Pearl or Haven.

Is Skye viable on every map? ›

According to user lostmemento, Skye's versatility makes her a viable choice on most maps, with the exception of the open spaces in Breeze.

Can you just walk into icebox? ›

Although an appointment is not required to visit Icebox, we encourage you to book ahead so that we may tailor your experience. You'll be matched up with one of our expert Sales Professionals to assist with your purchases. Please call us at 404-977-5523 to book your appointment today!

Who is the owner of Icebox? ›

Since the company's inception in 1976, the founding members, Mike and Dinar Jooma pursued the American dream by growing their own company. Today, their three sons, second generation jewelers Mo, Rafi, and Zahir Jooma collaborate to continue the legacy of entrepreneurship that has spanned over four decades.

How much did an icebox cost? ›

A large block of ice held in a compartment or tray near the top of the icebox kept any food stored along with it chilly for a reasonable period of time. Iceboxes ranged in price from $15 to $50, depending on their sizes and features.

Did Riot remove the headshot? ›

Getting a kill is great for morale in the FPS game, but taking someone's head off is a high you'll be chasing for the rest of your career. But, in a recent update, Riot removed the text denoting when a headshot's secured from the game's kill banners, and players want it back.

What is the smallest Val map? ›

All Valorant Maps: Key Takeaways

Lotus is the smallest Valorant map. Breeze is the largest Valorant map. Pearl has the simplest and most traditional layout. Icebox and Breeze are currently out of the active Valorant map rotation.

What maps is Gekko best on? ›

Gekko was favored on Sunset, Bind, Lotus, and Icebox in recent VCT matches, indicating his strength on these maps.

What maps is fade best on? ›

Best Valorant maps for Fade
  • Pearl: Pearl may not be in the rotation, but it is very strong for Fade. ...
  • Sunset: Fade is the perfect recon Initiator for Sunset. ...
  • Lotus: Fade is a very strong agent on Lotus because there are many spots where Prowlers can be used to gain information on enemy locations.
Jan 2, 2024

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